February 4, 2025 Minutes

Council of Department Chairs

In attendance: Krzysztof Slowinski, Kelly Young, Jesse Dillon, Lijuan Li, Lora Stevens, Will Murray, Prashanth Jaikumar, Jim Kisiel, Babette Benken, Christina Hall, Margaret Karteron, Lindsay Aymar, Tatiana Avila, Cesar Cervantes (10:30am)

  1. Approve agenda (9:30am) - Approved
  2. Approve minutes from 12/17/24 - Approved as amended
  3. Announcements
    1. ASM
      1. No updates
    2. Operations
      1. Spring Elections
        1. RTP amendment College Council determined serving on a thesis committee (but not for your student) is more service than instructional - would like to move it there
          1. Ashley Carter to ask Academic Affairs to hold off on final constitutional approval until we vote on this
      2. Building Marshals
        1. We don't have enough coverage with hybrid schedules - Margaret Karteron to send out call soon
        2. Friday 2/21 - Campus-wide evacuation drill
    3. Communications
      1. Commencement - Grand Marshall update
        1. Brian Livingston is unable to accept - invitation sent to Bruno Pernet 2/3/25
    4. Development
      1. No updates 
    5. Dean – via Krzysztof Slowinski
      1. Budget update
        1. Planning for Fall Schedule
          1. Need to understand the costs and consequences of removing sections
          2. Still working on adding additional rooms
      2. Conflict Resolution Manager
        1. New person hired in FA to deal specifically with conflicts between faculty
      3. Lecturer -> TT reclassification
      4. FSSE - upcoming
  4. Associate Deans
    1. Academic Programs 
      1. CNSM Evaluation Standards for Lecturers - approval (to be effective Fall 2025)
        1. Document with new standards for lecturers to be sent to college council
        2. After the semester has started, changes cannot be made to this process
          1. any further comments or additions?
        3. Move to approve
          1. Approved and sending to College Council
      2. Showcase/Day at the Beach - Cesar Cervantes: Time Certain (10:30am)
        1. Saturday April 12, 9:00am-1:00pm (plan on 8:00am-3:00pm)
          1. Planning for roughly the same idea as last year
          2. The key element of the event is recruiting
        2. Who is going to be attending?
          1. Will have a much better idea in March (faculty/participants - we need numbers for tabling/chairs/tablecloths/etc.)
        3. Flyers - Do we need to re-print
          1. Consider making flyers a template where departments can add their own pictures/personalization
        4. Make sure your faculty know volunteer call coming out in March
          1. Faculty gets paid/peer mentors/hourly staff get paid
        5. Currently scheduling lab tours with Golden West College - anyone who wants to participate contact Cesar
    2. Research
      1. Should we bring PIs of federally funded grants together for a meeting?
    3. Graduate Programs
      1. Graduate Equity Fellowship now called the Graduate Fellowship – nothing else about has changed – deadline to the college is February 24 (to Roxana Chavez)
        1. Specific info has already been sent to all grad advisors and chairs (and also Margaret sending to all faculty in CNSM)
      2. We can only nominate up to 2 people to the University's Grad office
      3. Not linked to the Richard D. Green fellowships anymore; those have a specific department rotation and are for recruitment (newly admitted students)
  5. Immigration information - Curt via Krzysztof Slowinski
    1. Designees are listed on Guidance for Faculty & Staff - Enforcement Actions on Campus
    2. Classrooms with class taking place are not considered public areas (for definition of public spaces please consult Time, Place, and Manner
  6. RTP policies concerns - Kelly
    1. Funding in the new environment
      1. Things are changing day-to-day
      2. Should we write in some wiggle room into the RTP policy for the next few years?
    2. Alignment of Searches with RTP guidelines
      1. Need to be thoughtful about what we're enriching for 
      2. Rubrics need to be aligned with what the candidate would realistically experience in CNSM
      3. We may need to revisit as searches get approved for next year
  7. Tenure Track Hiring Requests
  8. Open Discussion
  9. Adjournment - 10:58am

Upcoming Dates

  • February 21: Evacuation drill (10:30am)
  • March 31-April 6: Spring Recess
  • March 31: Cesar Chavez day (campus closed)
  • April 8(?): Library deadline for thesis
  • April 12: CNSM Showcase 9:00am-1:00pm (plan for 8:00am-3:00pm)
  • May 9: (Friday) Last Day of Classes
  • May 12-17: Final Examinations
  • May 20-23: (Tuesday-Friday) Commencement (Angel Stadium)

Meeting minutes were APPROVED Tuesday, February 18, 2024.

Note: The minutes above reflect discussion on the date of the CDC meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.