February 4, 2025 Minutes
Council of Department Chairs
In attendance: Krzysztof Slowinski, Kelly Young, Jesse Dillon, Lijuan Li, Lora Stevens, Will Murray, Prashanth Jaikumar, Jim Kisiel, Babette Benken, Christina Hall, Margaret Karteron, Lindsay Aymar, Tatiana Avila, Cesar Cervantes (10:30am)
- Approve agenda (9:30am) - Approved
- Approve minutes from 12/17/24 - Approved as amended
- Announcements
- No updates
- Operations
- Spring Elections
- RTP amendment College Council determined serving on a thesis committee (but not for your student) is more service than instructional - would like to move it there
- Ashley Carter to ask Academic Affairs to hold off on final constitutional approval until we vote on this
- RTP amendment College Council determined serving on a thesis committee (but not for your student) is more service than instructional - would like to move it there
- Building Marshals
- We don't have enough coverage with hybrid schedules - Margaret Karteron to send out call soon
- Friday 2/21 - Campus-wide evacuation drill
- Spring Elections
- Communications
- Commencement - Grand Marshall update
- Brian Livingston is unable to accept - invitation sent to Bruno Pernet 2/3/25
- Commencement - Grand Marshall update
- Development
- No updates
- Dean – via Krzysztof Slowinski
- Budget update
- Planning for Fall Schedule
- Need to understand the costs and consequences of removing sections
- Still working on adding additional rooms
- Planning for Fall Schedule
- Conflict Resolution Manager
- New person hired in FA to deal specifically with conflicts between faculty
- Lecturer -> TT reclassification
- FSSE - upcoming
- Budget update
- Associate Deans
- Academic Programs
- CNSM Evaluation Standards for Lecturers - approval (to be effective Fall 2025)
- Document with new standards for lecturers to be sent to college council
- After the semester has started, changes cannot be made to this process
- any further comments or additions?
- Move to approve
- Approved and sending to College Council
- Showcase/Day at the Beach - Cesar Cervantes: Time Certain (10:30am)
- Saturday April 12, 9:00am-1:00pm (plan on 8:00am-3:00pm)
- Planning for roughly the same idea as last year
- The key element of the event is recruiting
- Who is going to be attending?
- Will have a much better idea in March (faculty/participants - we need numbers for tabling/chairs/tablecloths/etc.)
- Flyers - Do we need to re-print
- Consider making flyers a template where departments can add their own pictures/personalization
- Make sure your faculty know volunteer call coming out in March
- Faculty gets paid/peer mentors/hourly staff get paid
- Currently scheduling lab tours with Golden West College - anyone who wants to participate contact Cesar
- Saturday April 12, 9:00am-1:00pm (plan on 8:00am-3:00pm)
- CNSM Evaluation Standards for Lecturers - approval (to be effective Fall 2025)
- Research
- Should we bring PIs of federally funded grants together for a meeting?
- Graduate Programs
- Graduate Equity Fellowship now called the Graduate Fellowship – nothing else about has changed – deadline to the college is February 24 (to Roxana Chavez)
- Specific info has already been sent to all grad advisors and chairs (and also Margaret sending to all faculty in CNSM)
- We can only nominate up to 2 people to the University's Grad office
- Not linked to the Richard D. Green fellowships anymore; those have a specific department rotation and are for recruitment (newly admitted students)
- Graduate Equity Fellowship now called the Graduate Fellowship – nothing else about has changed – deadline to the college is February 24 (to Roxana Chavez)
- Academic Programs
- Immigration information - Curt via Krzysztof Slowinski
- Designees are listed on Guidance for Faculty & Staff - Enforcement Actions on Campus
- Classrooms with class taking place are not considered public areas (for definition of public spaces please consult Time, Place, and Manner
- RTP policies concerns - Kelly
- Funding in the new environment
- Things are changing day-to-day
- Should we write in some wiggle room into the RTP policy for the next few years?
- Alignment of Searches with RTP guidelines
- Need to be thoughtful about what we're enriching for
- Rubrics need to be aligned with what the candidate would realistically experience in CNSM
- We may need to revisit as searches get approved for next year
- Funding in the new environment
- Tenure Track Hiring Requests
- Open Discussion
- Adjournment - 10:58am
Upcoming Dates
- February 21: Evacuation drill (10:30am)
- March 31-April 6: Spring Recess
- March 31: Cesar Chavez day (campus closed)
- April 8(?): Library deadline for thesis
- April 12: CNSM Showcase 9:00am-1:00pm (plan for 8:00am-3:00pm)
- May 9: (Friday) Last Day of Classes
- May 12-17: Final Examinations
- May 20-23: (Tuesday-Friday) Commencement (Angel Stadium)
Meeting minutes were APPROVED Tuesday, February 18, 2024.
Note: The minutes above reflect discussion on the date of the CDC meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.