March 16, 2021 Minutes

Council of Department Chairs

In attendance: Curtis Bennett, Barbara Taylor, Margaret Karteron, Chris Brazier, Andreas Bill, Babette Benken, Christine Whitcraft, Lisa Martin, Dessie Underwood, Rick Behl, Kris Slowinski, Will Murray, Allie Puz, Maryanne Horton, Vanessa Hernandez, Lane Olsen-Cooper.  




  1. Approve agenda (10:00)
  2. Approve minutes from April 2; approved as amended.
  3. Announcements
    1. ASM
      1. Covid Pre-Screen Survey
        1. Reminder that students who come in to work as a TA/GA/SA that they should fill out the employee pre-screen; otherwise they should fill out the student form.
      2. Independent Contractors and Honoraria
        1. It is state law that we cannot pay honoraria to individuals on state payroll (CSU and state agencies in particular).
          1. Contact Henry if you have a state employee that you’re planning to send honoraria or pay for independent contract work.
      3. SEF Process
        1. Proposals due April 15, 2021
          1. Department proposals due to the college by April 2, 2021.
          2. Discussion of proposals on April 6, 2021.
          3. Send one paragraph description of how you spent support/tutoring funds to Kris.
    2. Operations Update
      1. Commencement (Time Certain 10:10, Margaret Karteron and Lane Olsen-Cooper)
        1. Situation is continually evolving.
        2. We can now have 4 university and college representatives on the platform.
        3. Graduates can go through the car parade in departmental order.
        4. We cannot line the route along the way; no one can be on foot outside of the cars.
    3. Academic Senate Report
      1. Awards policy passed.
        1. Systemic set of awards that are consistent with our current practice.
      2. Ethnic Studies requirement is on the agenda for the next few meetings.
    4. Dean’s Report
      1. CRRSSA Funds Suggestions
        1. University is looking for proposals and ideas for use of these funds that can have long-term benefits.
          1. Example: Tape laboratory courses for students who become sick and cannot attend class.
          2. Should have something to do with COVID, but doesn’t have to address AMI specifically.
        2. Work with ATS to figure out technology and equipment requirements.
      2. Repopulation
        1. Staff repopulation.
          1. If you have specific thoughts about staff repopulation, inform the Dean.
  4. Associate Deans
    1. Academic Programs
      1. Fall 2021 Schedule Update (Time Certain 10:40, Vanessa Hernandez)
        1. We are moving forward with the Fall schedule as we have planned it.
          1. This week is the last opportunity to plan more possible in-person classes.
            1. Are there any courses that are currently AMI that can be moved in-person (keep in mind that it may not be possible due to the fluidity of the situation)?
            2. Send these courses to Kris by Wednesday.
      2. Reserved Seats for Fall 2021 Courses
        1. We need to make decisions on reserved seats for courses within the next few weeks.
      3. Showcase Follow-Up
        1. Kris needs faculty and student names from each department who will participate in the CNSM-wide panels.
          1. Refer to Showcase Event Outline for availability and panel specifics.
      4. GI 2025 Short Reports
    2. Research
      1. Red-Tier Research Update
        1. Moving to 18 people per wing; 18 people per floor in Micro.
        2. Moving to 4 people plus P.I. in labs.
        3. We must remain diligent in our disinfecting practices.
        4. Weekend access is still not allowed.
        5. We do not yet know how vaccination levels will affect research practices.
      2. Graduate students are not permitted to come to campus to study and Zoom; they must use the approved process and rooms.
    3. Graduate
      1. IRB for Research
        1. A number of students put in for IRB in other colleges but have experienced delays.
        2. No reports of extraordinary IRB delays in CNSM; please report to Babette if you hear of any.
  5. CEPC GE Policy Revision and CHHS Response
    1. First reading in Academic Senate this week; debate next week.
    2. Prefer to move forward with options that do not add units to graduation.
      1. CNSM generally supports increased flexibility but not increasing units whenever possible.
  6. Non-Resident Tuition Waivers for Graduate Students
    1. Only 25% of our non-resident graduate students are officially supposed to be receiving tuition waivers; so the university will be reducing the number of waivers over the next couple of years.
    2. The university and college will explore other funding options to increase access.
  7. Update on TT Requests
    1. Waiting to hear from the Provost.
  8. New Business
    1. N/A

Upcoming Dates:
Mar. 19 – 9am-1pm ORSP Virtual Student Research Competition – they would like faculty to attend.
Apr. 5-9 – CSULB Week of RSCA
Apr. 12-15 – CNSM Showcase
Apr. 15 – Nobel Prize Lecture
May 7 – Fellows Colloquium: Michael Peterson
May 21 – Hybrid drive-thru commencement

Meeting Minutes were APPROVED on Tuesday, March 23, 2021

*Note: This reflects discussion on the date of the CDC meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.