Scholarships and Funded Support

Opportunities for Fall 2025

Here is a summary of upcoming opportunities and deadlines.


Application deadline: March 11.

Apply for Fall 2025 scholarship opportunities via BeachScholarships, the centralized database of scholarships at California State University, Long Beach. Learn more about scholarships at CSULB.

Summer Research Assistantships

Application deadline: March 11 at 11:59pm.

Summer Research Assistantships are awarded to students seeking opportunities to pursue paid mentored research opportunities with faculty in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Learn more about CNSM summer research assistantships.

The following opportunities exist for students in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (CNSM) to receive scholarships and other funded support.

On this page:


As a continuing CNSM student, you may be eligible for a number of scholarship opportunities. These scholarships are applied to through the BeachScholarships system, the centralized database of scholarship opportunities at California State University, Long Beach.

BeachScholarships deadline is March 11, 2025.

After submitting the general application, you will automatically be considered for dozens of scholarships! Consideration is based on eligibility criteria noted in the scholarship description.

A small number of scholarships also require supplemental information or documentation in addition to the general application. If you meet the criteria for these scholarships, you will be asked to provide additional documentation when you complete the general application.

TIP: Use the "Show Filters" button at the top right of BeachScholarships and select "College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics" or your department in the "Scopes" field to see relevant scholarship opportunities.

Please contact CNSM for any questions about these scholarships.

Departmental Scholarships

Departmental scholarships are available at the department links listed below. These scholarships are more specific to the majors that fall under the department.

Financial Aid and Scholarships Office

The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office is the official hub for scholarship information at CSULB. The office collects, organizes, and distributes information on hundreds of external scholarships as well as administers university scholarships for the campus. Explore CSULB Scholarships.

Summer Research Assistantships

Summer Research Assistantships are awarded to students seeking opportunities to pursue paid mentored research opportunities with faculty in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Application Deadline: March 11, 2025, at 11:59pm.

Apply to Assistantships

Eligibility Criteria

  • Demonstrated merit and strong potential to carry out research in one of the following departments:
    • Biological Sciences
    • Chemistry & Biochemistry
    • Physics & Astronomy
  • Continuing graduate or undergraduate student with planned enrollment for Fall 2025 semester.
  • Research plan approved and signed by faculty research mentor.

Note: summer research assistantships are paid employment and subject to state and federal taxes. Opportunities for employment are competitive and will be awarded following committee review.

The application includes the following assistantships, by department:

  • Biological Sciences
    • Richard Thomas Dunlop Parker Summer Research Assistantship - Undergraduate
    • Alan and Della Wells Endowed Summer Research Assistantship - Graduate
  • Chemistry & Biochemistry
    • Dr. Leslie K. Wynston Summer Research Assistantship
    • John H. Stern Summer Research Assistantship
    • Dr. Roger A. Acey Endowed Summer Research Assistantship
  • Physics & Astronomy
    • Margaret Heeb Summer Research Assistantship in honor of Wilma Jordan
    • Google Summer Research Assistantship
    • Department of Physics and Astronomy Summer Research Assistantship
    • Gisela and Wilfried Eckhardt Summer Research Assistantships
    • Keung Lai Luke Undergraduate Summer Research Assistantships
    • Keung Lai Luke Graduate Summer Research Assistantships

Funded Research Programs

The following student research programs may offer stipends, provide tuition support, cover the costs of travel and attendance to conferences, or offer other funded support for CSULB students. Many programs have a joint application with other similar programs. Please see the individual programs for more details.

  • Bridges to the Doctorate (BTD) partners with UC Irvine to produce a seamless and supportive bridge to the Ph.D. for underrepresented and underserved CSULB graduate students interested in biomedical research careers. Funded by NIH.
  • Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) offers intensive, hands-on research and training opportunities for undergraduate students designed to prepare them to excel in doctoral programs, as well as health-related research careers. Funded by NIH.
  • Doctoral Diversity Initiative (DDI) partners with UCSD to increase diversity of students successfully completing Ph.D. programs and entering leadership positions in academia in the field of materials science. Available to CSULB undergraduate students. Funded by the UC Chancellor's Office.
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is part of a statewide effort to enhance the math and science skills of undergraduate students who have faced or face social, educational, or economic barriers, and are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM). Funded by NSF.
  • Undergraduate Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (U-RISE) is designed to support motivated undergraduate students interested in developing careers as professional research scientists in biomedical and behavioral science fields. Funded by NIH.

On-Campus Funding

The Graduate Center maintains a list of on-campus funding opportunities. Most of the opportunities are aimed at graduate students, but a few are also available to undergraduate students.