March 2, 2021 Minutes

Council of Department Chairs

In attendance: Curtis Bennett, Barbara Taylor, Margaret Karteron, Chris Brazier, Andreas Bill, Babette Benken, Christine Whitcraft, Lisa Martin, Dessie Underwood, Rick Behl, Kris Slowinski, Will Murray, Allie Puz, Maryanne Horton, Vanessa Hernandez, Chris Frost, John de la Cuesta. 


  1. Approve agenda (10:00)
  2. Approve minutes from Feb. 16
  3. Announcements
    1. ASM
      1. SEF/HVDI Update
        1. SEF/HVDI/Lottery proposal requests will be sent out in the next few days.
          1. Due April 16, 2021.
      2. Next CARES
        1. CRRSAA – Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act
          1. Still waiting on instructions as to what this money can be spent on, but think large scale spending.
      3. All active TA/GA/ISA will be invited for vaccination as part of next round.
        1. We have no control over this process.
    2. Operations Update
      1. Picture a Scientist screening window: From March 3 at 2:00 p.m. to March 6 at 6:00 p.m.
        1. The link will be distributed on March 3 just before the viewing window begins.
          1. Please do not post the link on any public channels.
        2. If you share the link with anyone privately, please report those email addresses to Margaret.
          1. Keep in mind when sharing or viewing that the material covered in this film can be sensitive to some groups.
        3. On Friday, March 5 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. the college will be hosting a reception to discuss the film and otherwise socialize.
      2. March 5, 2021 is the deadline for Beach Scholarship applications.
      3. March 11, 2021 is the deadline for Graduate Research and Green Dean scholarships.
    3. Dean’s report
      1. RSCA Update
        1. Should have sufficient RSCA money.
      2. Graduate Dean’s List/Outstanding Master’s Student
        1. Every department received one and of those student awards, and the college will choose the 4 students for the Dean’s List from those students.
  4. Associate Deans
    1. Academic Programs
      1. General Reminders and Updates
      2. Fall Scheduling & Safety (Time Certain 10:05: Chris Frost, John de la Cuesta, Vanessa Hernandez)
        1. Only 28 sections LEC/ACT not yet compliant; these sections should be moved to different rooms or scheduled online.
          1. Schedule goes to the university on Friday, 3/5/21.
          2. Make sure the mode of instruction is correct for each course.
        2. CNSM Lab Rooms Capacity Analysis by Safety Office.
          1. Adjust lab capacities, change patterns, change rooms (as appropriate) to meet lab safety guidelines.
          2. If your planned room does not meet the current safety capacity parameters, please contact the Safety Office for evaluation.
        3. Teaching Lab Oversight Guidelines from Safety Office.
          1. Different levels of hazard for courses will require different levels of oversight.
          2. Safety Office developed teaching laboratory oversight guidelines- and strongly recommends taking the precautions that they have outlined.
          3. Plan for additional personnel needed to run labs.
      3. Field Trips
        1. Now require two levels of approval: college level and campus level.
          1. No field trips for classes that are fully online in Fall 2021; unless you have received prior approval.
      4. CNSM Showcase
        1. Send list of links to Kris ASAP.
        2. Preliminary schedule has been outlined.
          1. Please review and send Kris any feedback by 3/4.
      5. Use of Non-University Platforms
        1. Increasing number of situations where students are cheating on outside platforms. Departments are encouraged to discuss and to communicate to students clear rules on what constitutes cheating in this new environment. University policies on cheating should be followed strictly.
      6. Cheating
        1. Speak with faculty and have some level of departmental understanding as to what parameters are being followed when it comes to cheating.
    2. Research
      1. Faculty Office Requests
        1. Small number of initial requests that can be handled easily.
        2. Will revisit process if the number of requests increases.
      2. New(ish) Faculty Grad Student Summer Support
        1. Discussion will be conducted via email.
  5. Tenure-Track Requests Discussion
    1. Department Chairs share their position descriptions and departmental needs for CDC’s consideration.


Upcoming Dates:
Mar. 3-6 – Picture a Scientist Screening
Mar. 5 – Last day for Scholarship Applications
Mar. 5 – Picture a Scientist Reception
Mar. 8 – Tenure-Track Search Requests due to Provost
Mar. 11 – Graduate Research Fellowship Deadline
Mar. 19 – 9am-1pm ORSP Virtual Student Research Competition – they would like faculty to attend
Apr. 5-9 – CSULB Week of RSCA
Apr. 13-15 – CNSM Showcase

Meeting Minutes were APPROVED on Tuesday, March 16, 2021

*Note: This reflects discussion on the date of the CDC meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.