As part of the Waste Not program implementation, Zero Waste stations have been installed inside and outside all campus buildings to help properly divert waste from going into the landfill.  

While it is important to prioritize rethinking, reducing, and reusing resources according to the Zero Waste Hierarchy, when you do need to dispose of an item it's critical to follow the steps below to ensure waste is sorted properly!   

How to Properly Sort Your Waste 


This graphic can be used as a quick waste-sorting reference. Refer to the following sections for more detailed information.  

Waste sorting guide

Click to download a PDF of this guide


Food waste and select food packaging items can be composted in designated collection bins in the University Student Union (USU), the Nugget Grill & Pub and the Outpost Grill. Food waste is also composted in the “back of the house” at dining facilities operated by Beach Shops.  See the map for compost bin locations. 

For more information, go to our Composting 101 page and learn about the benefits of composting and how to do it correctly! 

Acceptable food items
  • Bread, rice, pasta, baked goods
  • All types of beverages 
  • Coffee grounds and tea bags
  • Flowers and herbs
  • Fruits and vegetables (cooked and raw)
  • Cheese and dairy*
  • Meat, bones, poultry, seafood* 

*Unlike home composting, animal products such as meat and dairy are acceptable in the campus compost bins. This is because the material is processed differently than it would be in a home compost system.

Acceptable compostable packaging and service-ware items
  • Plates, bowls, and cups made from paper, bamboo, wood, sugar cane, or bagasse
  • Utensils, chopsticks, and toothpicks made from bamboo or wood 
  • Soiled cardboard and paper including napkins, paper towels, coffee filters
UNACCEPTABLE packaging and service-ware items
  • Plastic, glass, or metal containers of any kind
  • Bio-plastics and plant-based plastics (PLA) are not compostable or recyclable, and should go in the Landfill bin. 
  • Paper plates and cups that have a plastic, bioplastic, or wax lining should also go in the Landfill bins 
  • Candy and chip wrappers
  • Any other items not made entirely from organic or fiber-based materials


Interior Recycle Bins 

Inside buildings, the blue recycle bins are for "mixed recycling," which includes: 

  • EMPTY glass, plastic, and aluminum beverage containers  
  • All types of paper (clean and dry) 
  • Flattened cardboard 
  • Other types of glass bottles and jars (clean and empty) 
  • Metals, including clean foil, aluminum trays, soup cans (clean and empty) 
  • Plastic containers labeled #1 PETE, #2 HDPE, and #5 PP  

Do NOT throw any liquids, food, wet paper, wet/oily cardboard (such as pizza boxes), or items with food residue or liquids into the recycling bins.   

Deskside Recycle Bins

The small, blue deskside recycling bins are also for "mixed recycling" and can accept all the same items listed above. However, since these bins are serviced only once a week by campus Custodial Services, it is best to use deskside bins primarily for clean, dry paper and cardboard. Other materials that contain even small amounts of food remnants or residue from sweet beverages could attract pests into your office space. It is best to dispose of these items in a centrally located mixed recycle bin. 

Outdoor Recycle Bins 

The dual stream bins (half trash/half recycling) and blue pyramid-top bins located outside on campus grounds are for empty beverage containers only 

These include: 

  • EMPTY glass, plastic, and aluminum bottles 
  • EMPTY aluminum cans 
  • Any other empty drink container that has a "CA Redemption Value" label 

Bottles and cans may also be placed into interior mixed recycling bins.  

Please do not deposit plastic or paper cups into the bins!  

If the material you are trying to recycle doesn’t fit into these categories such as batteries and electronics, look at our webpage about recycling centers that take those special items. 

Cardboard must be clean and flattened!

  • Put flattened cardboard boxes inside of or next to interior mixed recycling bins 
  • Large quantities of boxes should be flattened and taken to the cardboard collection stations outside buildings, typically next to the building’s trash dumpsters 
  • Contact Beach Building Services Customer Service at 5-4357 to request a cardboard pick-up  

Acceptable Mixed Paper

You may deposit the following types of paper into desk side and larger blue office bins.

  • Office printer paper
  • Junk mail
  • Catalogs
  • Magazines
  • Newspaper

Office Clean Out

Faculty and staff may also request a temporary mixed paper bin for larger volumes of mixed paper generated during an office cleanout. To request an extra bin for mixed paper contact Customer Service at extension 5-4357  

Document Shredding   

Campus policy requires that all documents containing confidential information about students, staff, and faculty must be properly destroyed (shredded) before they can be discarded.  Departments can shred documents themselves or have them destroyed by the university’s designated service provider (at their own cost). 


If items cannot be recycled or composted (or if you are not sure), they should be disposed of in the landfill bin to avoid potentially contaminating the recycling and compost waste diversion streams.

  • Snack bags & candy wrappers
  • Condiment wrappers
  • Coffee and tea lids
  • Chip bags
  • Juice pouches
  • Coffee pods and K-cups
  • Paper cups (lined with plastic, bioplastic, or wax)
  • Plastic straws
  • Plastic utensils  
  • Broken glass/Porcelain
  • Gift wrap with plastic or metal
  • Laminated or plastic-coated paper
  • Photographs
  • Hardback book covers
  • Stickers
  • Diapers and pet waste
  • Face masks and surgical gloves
  • Cardboard or paper with adhesives, or glossy paper (e.g., flyers).
  • All other items that cannot be composted or recycled

Desk side office trash bins have been replaced with mini bins that are not lined. 

It is important to use your mini-landfill bin properly! 


  • Discard dry/clean trash items into mini bin
  • Clean your mini bin if it gets dirty with a disinfectant wipe
  • Empty bin if it gets full between weekly pick-ups 


  • Discard liquids, foods, or gum in your mini bin (take to a central landfill bin or compost bin, if available)  
  • Throw recyclables inside a mini bin
  • Overfill the mini bin 


Looking for information about how to responsibly dispose of special items such as batteries, electronic equipment, or furniture? Visit our Specialty Waste & Reuse page.

Long Beach Recycles YouTube Channel

This YouTube channel has several informative and helpful videos about recycling rules and procedures in Long Beach as well as more generally about the recycling industry and markets. 

Long Beach Office of Climate Action & Sustainability

The City of Long Beach often hosts composting workshops, as well as recycling and household hazardous waste drop-off events.

EDCO Disposal

EDCO is the campus' contracted waste hauler and a partner in our zero waste efforts. Their website offers additional information about their services, facilities, and which items are accepted in each waste stream.

Long Beach Community Compost 

Long Beach Community Compost is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization that accepts food scrap drop-offs from the community as well as finished compost pick ups.