Syllabus Support
The syllabus serves as a contract between students and instructors. The syllabus, in addition to giving a guide to the course's material and tasks, is the place to identify difficulties that may occur during the term and to give students with information about resources that might contribute to their success. Discussing these processes and resources with your students before the start of the semester, as well as having them on the syllabus, are both preventative measures for resolving difficulties and supporting your students from the start.
Please consider including this information on your course syllabi.
Sample Statement #1
As an educator, I strive to make courses accessible to all students regardless of immigration status. If your or your family's immigration status presents obstacles to engaging in specific activities or fulfilling specific criteria, you may request confidential accommodations. You may consult with the Office of Equity and Compliance ( or the Dream Success Center ( for examples of possible accommodations. Such arrangements will not jeopardize your student status, your financial aid, or any other part of your educational experience. Please advise me if and when you feel comfortable during the semester so that I may make appropriate alterations as needed.
Sample Statement #2
Undocumented students are welcome in this class. If you are undocumented and need assistance with successfully completing courses or a degree at CSULB, the staff of the Dream Success Center can help you with advising, campus services, legal immigration support, and other university resources. Visit the Dream Success Center in the Student Success Center, room 290, contact them at (562) 985-5869 or via email at For more information, please visit
Note: For all students addressing undocumented immigration as a category of analysis in class, do not use the word "illegal(s)" in a discussion. The term "illegal(s)" promotes a culture of intolerance and violence toward foreign nationals and undocumented immigrants. A more accurate and non-offensive term is "undocumented immigrant(s)." The use of this language signifies respect to the population addressed and reflects our campus's most basic values of diversity and civility in academic discourse.
All students, regardless of sex, race, color, national origin, or any other protected identity, who are interested in the program’s mission and focus, are welcome and eligible to participate in all Dream Success Center (DSC) events and programs.