Registration Procedure

Thank you for your interest in our services! Clients are accepted by application only.

To register for our services:

  1. Call or come in to complete a screening form

    Community Clinic, ED2-155
    1250 Bellflower Blvd, 
    Long Beach CA, 90840

    (562) 985-4991

  2. Once received, Clinic staff will inform you of your scheduled intake consultation appointment.
  3. Clinic faculty will assess the information you provided to determine whether the criteria for the services offered are met.
  4. If you are confirmed for our services or placed on the wait-list, our Clinic staff will remain in contact with you to answer any of your questions and to provide you with parking, receive payment, and further instructions.

Please note:

  • If you need any assistance, please feel free to call the Clinic office at (562) 985-4991.
  • Admittance is based on a first-come, first-served basis and on the level of need.
  • Depending on the services requested and the date your screening form was completed, there may be a waiting period.
  • The primary purpose of the Clinic is to provide a training site for graduate students enrolled in various practicum courses. Although we would like to assist everyone who requests our services, we are not always able to do so.
  • In the case of a minor, only a parent or legal guardian of the child may submit an application for services.
  • If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please see our fee reduction guidelines:

***Fee Reduction Guidelines***