Careers in Education

Your program has prepared you well for your next step-finding a job! Best to you in your new career. Go Beach! Go Teach! Go Lead!

You are encouraged to visit the University Career Development Center (Link) website and sign up for CareerLINK (Link). This is a great resource for our students and you should visit it often as they may have postings not listed on this page.

Are you an Employer?  Please contact and the University Career Development Center Employer CareerLINK (Link) to have an opening posted.

Career Resources Provided by the Career Development Center (Link)

RSVP or APPLY to Career Development Center Events and/or Job Postings via CareerLink

  1. Sign in to Single Sign-On (SSO)
  2. Click on CareerLINK
  3. For events and Workshops, see Events Menu and RSVP
  4. For Jobs and On-Campus Interviews, see Jobs & Internships Menu and Apply