Explore Faculty Resources and Support

The College and University provide a wide range of resources and support for faculty as they navigate their careers at CSULB.

Get started with the Faculty Affairs Faculty Handbook and CSULB Lecturer Resources. The College also hosts a one-stop shop for lecturer faculty and a curated collection of resources on navigating the academic career.

CSULB's Faculty Center provides a wealth of teaching resources. In addition, the College has compiled a collection of research-based Teaching Best Practices, a set of Web-based Teaching and Learning Resources organized by topical area, and a listing of teaching and learning symposia

The University provides a wide range of resources for supporting the academic and personal success of our students. The Division of Student Affairs curates a collection of these resources.

During the Fall and Spring semesters, Director of Research and Grants Esa Syeed offers regular opportunities for support with writing. Research consultations are available to faculty, staff and students and may cover qualitative research projects and theses, revises and resubmits, instrument design and data analysis, and more. Request a writing or research consultation.

“I have found the services of value both in the editing and accountability processes. It has been a godsend to realize that a qualitative eye can peruse my completed research and offer constructive feedback before submitting for publication.” -Assistant Professor

The College also provides a liaison to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for general consultations regarding the IRB process and review of applications prior to submission. The IRB Liaison is available for graduate students, faculty, and staff. 

The University and College provide a number of competitive award opportunities to support faculty research and scholarly activities. Several of these awards represent collaborative efforts between the college and university. More information on awards is available.

The College and University collaborate to provide resources for faculty to develop, submit, and manage external grants and contracts. The Research and Grants pages provide more details.

The Academic Senate provides a variety of Policy Statements and Resolutions that guide important aspects of faculty work at the University.

Faculty Affairs provides guidelines for evaluation of lecturers, tenure-track, and tenured faculty. The College has a Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) policy and forms that are used in reviews. More information.

In order to foster connections within the college and allow greater flexibility in how faculty receive research support, CED is piloting peer-led Faculty Writing Communities this semester. As part of this program, faculty can jointly propose a peer-led writing group and may be selected to receive funding to support their collective goals. Apply with a group of faculty by Oct. 13, 2023, and build your Faculty Writing Community!