ADA Title II update

In April 2024, the Department of Justice released a new ADA regulation. By April 24, 2026, CSU Long Beach must ensure all web and mobile services meet WCAG 2.1 level AA standards, unless it falls under an exception. 

If you prefer a video presentation, the US Department of Justice made a video available: Webinar: Americans with Disabilities Act Title II Web & Mobile Application Accessibility Rule


  1. Archived Web Content: Content kept for reference, research, or record-keeping and properly marked as archival. This content must be in a section of the website clearly designated as archival and cannot be updated after archiving. 
  2. Conventional Electronic Documents: PDFs and other files archived for reference, research or record-keeping that are no longer relevant to accessing programs, services or activities of the campus. This is defined broadly; if this provides information to engage in any educational or shared governance, student or public focused service, or otherwise supports an active program, service or activity, it must be accessible. This is primarily to reduce the burden of remediating outdated documents like previous year annual reports, schedules, and event flyers.
  3. Third-Party Content: Content posted by third parties with no contract with the university, like public comment forms and bulletin boards.
  4. Password-Protected Documents: Bills, transcripts, or files for individuals.
  5. Old Social Media Posts: Posts made before April 24, 2026, do not need to be updated.

Upon request, we are required to provide remediated versions of these excepted documents within a reasonable amount of time. For most archival content, 3 business days is a reasonable response time.  We must provide an effective method of communication which is provided by the accessibility statement for our Drupal environment. 

If your content is not on our public Drupal environment, you must provide an equivalent monitored service. Some methods for effective communication may be:

  • Contact form
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Accessible chat interface

ADA Deadline Preparation Tips

  • Follow best practices for creating new content.
  • Use HTML pages instead of downloadable documents like PDFs whenever possible.
  • Review and resolve accessibility issues in accessibility reports sent to content owners. Reports for your content, whether associated with Drupal or not, is available. Please contact ATI Compliance for assistance.
  • Remove any content, especially downloadable documents that are no longer needed. Old downloadable files can be hot linked which may be found even if deprecated. 
  • Move any videos used to a department managed YouTube account or Kaltura to simplify captioning. (We are reviewing options for captioning services and will notify the campus if it becomes available.)
  • Any software used by students or the public must go through the PCR process, even if there is no cost.