Policy Statements - Academic - Numerical Index

This is a numerical index of all active non-degree related policies. To download a copy of these policies, go to Academic Senate Policy Statement Alphabetical or Numerical Index. Copies can be downloaded in pdf. or Word formats.

Policy Statement and Documents
NumberTitlePDF                                                                           DOCPolicy Statement Date
25-07General Education Area-Specific Student Learning Outcomes (GESLOs)PS 25-07 [PDF]PS 25-07 [DOC]02/20/2025
25-06Department of Global StudiesPS 25-06 [PDF]PS 25-06 [DOC]02/20/2025
24-21Policy on Academic Internships (Non-Clinical/Non-Licensure)PS 24-21 [PDF]PS 24-21 [DOC]10/24/2024
24-20Policy on General Education (This policy supersedes Policy Statement 21-09) EFFECTIVE Fall 2025PS 24-20 [PDF]PS 24-20 [DOC]10/22/2024
24-17Policy on Certificates and Micro-credentialsPS 24-17 [PDF]PS 24-17 [DOC]07/01/2021
24-16CSULB Blended – Beach EDGE ProgramsPS 24-16 [PDF]PS 24-16 [DOC]06/20/2024
24-11Advisory Council on Strategic Enrollment Management (ACSEM) ChargePS 24-11 [PDF]PS 24-11 [DOC]05/08/2024
24-08Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,  Access, Culture and Climate Committee (DEIA-CCC)PS-24-08 [PDF]PS 24-08 [DOC]04/16/2024
24-07Committee on Athletics ChargePS 24-07 [PDF]PS 24-07 [DOC]03/26/2024
23-26Department of Health Care ManagementPS 23-26 [PDF]PS 23-26 [DOC]12/13/2023
23-24University RTP PolicyPS 23-24 [PDF]PS 23-24 [DOC]12/05/2023
23-21 Department of Cinematic ArtsPS 23-21 [PDF]PS 23-21 [DOC]10/27/2023
23-12Policy on College Credit for Prior Learning and Instruction in Non Collegiate SettingsPS 23-12 (PDF)PS 23-12 (DOC)04-17-2023
23-11CEPC ChargePS 23-11 (PDF)PS 23-11 (DOC)03-30-2023
22-28Voluntary Reassignment of Tenured / Tenure-Track Faculty Members (Supersedes PS 96-09)PS 22-28 (PDF) PS 22-28 (DOC)12/01/2022
22-27Department of Earth SciencePS 22-27 (PDF)PS 22-27 (DOC)11/14/2022
22-25Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology (FACT) ChargePS 22-25 (PDF)PS 22-25 (DOC)10/26/2022
22-24College of Professional & Continuing Education (CPaCE) Advisory Committee Mission StatementPS 22-24 (PDF)PS 22-24 (DOC)10/14/2022
22-23Export Control PolicyPS 22-23 (PDF)PS 22-23 -(DOC)10/25/2022
22-22 General Education Governing Committee (GEGC) Charge PS 22-22 (PDF)PS 22-22 (DOC)10/11/2022
22-20Institutional and Program Assessment Council (IPAC) ChargePS 22-20 (PDF)PS 22-20 (DOC)10/03/2022
22-19Policy on Institutional Assessment and Program ReviewPS 22-19 (PDF)PS 22-19 (DOC)10/03/2022
22-14Academic Warning and DisqualificationPDFDOC05/25/2022
22-13Academic Administrators, Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment and Review of (Supersedes PS 17-08)PDFDOC05/25/2022
22-11University Honors ProgramPDFDOC04/25/2022
22-10Honors for Undergraduate StudentsPDFDOC04/25/2022
22-08College Title Change: College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPaCE)PDFDOC04/11/2022
22-07General Education Evaluation Committee (GEEC) chargePDFDOC04/05/2022
22-06LGBTQIA+ Campus Climate Committee (LGBTQIA+ CCC) Revised chargePDFDOC03/04/2022
22-05Accessibility and Faculty Responsibility for the Selection of Instructional Materials- (Supercedes PS 08-11)PDFDOC03/04/2022
22-02Final Course Grades, Grading Procedures, and Final Assessments, Policy on PDFDOC01/03/2022
22-01Withdrawals, Policy onPDFDOC01/03/2022
21-12Educational Leave, Policy onPDFDOC06/02/2021
21-11American Studies  Designated as an Independent ProgramPDFDOC05/24/2021
21-09Policy on General EducationPDFDOC05/13/2021
21-05Faculty Awards, Policy onPS 21-05 (PDF)PS 21-05 (DOC)04/07/2021
21-04 Departmentalization of the International Studies ProgramPDFDOC03/16/2021
21-03Employment of Graduate Students as Student Assistants, Instructional Student Assistants, Graduate Assistants and Teaching Associates, Policy onPDFDOC01/27/2021
21-02General Education Area-Specific Student Learning Outcomes (GESLOs)PDFDOC01/27/2021
21-01Academic Integrity Regarding Cheating and Plagiarism, Policy onPDFDOC01/27/2021

Policy on Online and Hybrid Instruction

19-13Service Learning, Policy onPDFDOC11/05/2019
19-09Financial Conflict of Interest and Nepotism, Policy onPDFDOC06/04/2019
19-07Selection & Term of Office for CSULB ACIP Representatives, Policy on PDFDOC05/16/2019
19-06Range Elevation for Lecturer Faculty,Policy on PDFDOC05/16/2019
19-03Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity, Policy onPDFDOC02/13/2019
18-03Graduate Studies 700, Policy onPDFDOC03/13/2018
18-02Reassigned time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students, Policy onPDFDOC03/13/2018
17-19Emeritus Faculty: Rights and PrivilegesPDFDOC12/17/2017
17-17Attendance Policy (Supersedes 01-01)PDFDOC10/17/2017
17-07Class Scheduling (Supersedes PS 99-24)PDFDOC07/24/2017
17-05Student Evaluation of Teaching  /
PS 17-05 Interpretation Memo 12-13-19
PDFPS 17-05 (DOC)07/13/2017
16-04Unmanned Aircraft SystemsPDFDOC06/14/2016
16-01Misconduct in Research & Creative ActivityPDFDOC02/18/2016
14-15Faculty Office HoursPDFDOC04/13/2015
14-12Education Abroad and Exchange ProgramsPDFDOC01/15/2015
14-11BA Degree Unit LimitsPDFDOC12/01/2014
14-09Academic MinorsPDFDOC08/08/2014
14-05Consensual, Amorous and/or Sexual Relationships Between Employees and StudentsPDFDOC07/15/2014
14-04Academic Centers and Institutes (ACI Policy)PDFDOC04/14/2014
14-03Honors For Graduate StudentsPDFDOC03/27/2014
14-02Student Load, Maximum and FullPDFDOC03/27/2014
14-01Master's Degrees, Requirements forPDFDOC03/27/2014
13-02GPA Requirements, UndergraduatePDFDOC02/15/2013
12-12Graduation Writing Assesment Requirement (GWAR)PDFDOC12/20/2012
12-06Faculty Awards, Policy onPDFDOC05/14/2012
12-05Multisection and Sequential Courses, Coordination ofPDFDOC05/10/2012
11-10Academic Progress RulesPDFDOC12/15/2011
11-09Grade Appeals ProcedurePDFDOC11/02/2011
11-07Syllabi and Standard Course Outline, Course (Superseded PS 04-05)PDFDOC10/10/2011
11-06Department Chairs, Policies and Procedures for the Appointment and Review of
Policy Interpretation Memo (PDF)
11-05Discontinuance of Academic ProgramsPDFDOC05/19/2011
11-02Credit earned as a Senior, Graduate or other Post-BaccalaureatePDFDOC01/05/2011
11-01Additional Baccalaureate Degree (Supersedes PS 71-07)PDFDOC01/05/2011
10-10External Evaluation of Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities (Supersedes 86-07)PDFDOC05/19/2010
10-08Undergraduate Academic AdvisingPDFDOC03/24/2010
10-06Timely Graduation for UndergraduatesPDFDOC06/14/2010
09-08Academic Renewal (Supersedes PS 75-07)PDFDOC09/16/2009
09-05Repetition of Courses (Supersedes PS-91-08 and 99-17)PDFDOC06/12/2009
08-16Guidelines For The Creation And Operation Of Cross-Border Existing Degree Or International Credit Certificate ProgramsPDFDOC06/13/2008
08-08Independent Studies Courses (Supersedes APL 76-26 and PS 83-05 and 94-06.)PDFDOC03/03/2008
07-09Principles of Shared CommunityPDFDOC06/02/2006
07-05Intellectual Property: Inventions and discoveries, Policy onPDFDOC03/19/2007
07-03[Discrimination] Policy Promoting Access and Opportunity and Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and RetaliationPDFDOC06/02/2006
07-01Student Grievance Procedures (Superseded PS 95-21)PDFDOC01/26/2007
06-04Declaration of a Major (Supersedes PS 97-09 and 02-08)PDFDOC06/02/2006
02-11Summer Term With Year Round Operation, Policy on Scheduling and StaffingPDFDOC06/11/2002
01-08Strategic Planning, Policy onPDFDOC05/21/2001
00-07Faculty Professional Responsibility, Policy OnPDFDOC02/28/2000
00-06Shared Community, Endorsement of CSULB Principles ofPDFDOC02/28/2000
00-03Protection of Human SubjectsPDFDOC01/28/2000
98-08International Baccalaureate, Policy onPDFDOC07/15/1998
97-10Sabbatical and Difference-In-Pay LeavePDFDOC08/01/1997
97-04Honorary Degrees, Policies and Procedures for the Award ofPDFDOC01/13/1997
97-01Name Change for Academic Units (Supersedes PS 87-03 and PS 91-04)PDFDOC01/06/1997
96-19Summer and Winter Session GuidelinesPDFDOC08/06/1996
96-18Computing Resources, Access to and Use of CSULBPDFDOC08/06/1996
96-04Native American Burial Remains, Associated and Unassociated Funerary Objects, Sacred Objects, and Other Cultural PatrimonyPDFDOC02/28/1996
95-19Departmentalization ProceduresPDFDOC12/07/1995
95-18Double Majors, Policy onPDFDOC12/06/1995
95-07Theses and Projects,Definition and Regulations for GraduatePDFDOC06/05/1995
95-02NCAA Faculty Representative, Selection and Term of Office ofPDFDOC04/25/1995
94-13Freshmen Enrollment in Upper Division ClassesPDFDOC12/21/1994
94-11Joint Appointments for Faculty Personnel Policy & ProceduresPDFDOC12/21/1994
94-06Independent Studies Courses, Policy on Content ofPDFDOC06/09/1994
94-04Endowments at CSULB, Policy for Certain NamedPDFDOC05/16/1994
92-11Personal Property on Campus, Care & Protection ofPDFDOC12/18/1992
92-09Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit, Senior Enrollment inPDFDOC10/21/1992
92-07Faculty Teaching Doctoral-Level Courses, Serving on Doctoral Committees or Supervising Doctoral DissertationsPDFDOC11/21/1992
91-10Drug Free Schools & Communities Act Amendment 1989, Implementation of FederalPDFDOC10/25/1991
91-05Name Change of Schools to Colleges, Policy onPDFDOC05/13/1991
90-00Mission Statement for CSU, Long BeachPDFDOC06/01/1990
87-04Credit by Examination and Substitution or Waiver of Course RequirementPDFDOC06/05/1987
86-03Safety Instruction Verification & Agreement, Policy & Procedures for
85-15Upper-Division Courses in the Baccalaureate Major, Ten-Year Rule:PDFDOC10/03/1985
85-12Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) & in Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time Based Program (PRTB), Proposed Guidelines & Policies for Participants inPDFDOC05/22/1985
85-05 Rev.Adding Classes, Deadline forPDFDOC07/07/1992
81-08Thesis Signature PagePDFDOC03/09/1981
81-07Continuing Education Unit, Implementation and Awarding of thePDFDOC03/09/1981
80-11Duplication of Courses and/or Programs, Procedures to Avoid UnnecessaryPDFDOC09/20/1980
80-05Credential Program, Minimum Admissions Criteria for (See current catalog)PDFDOC03/25/1980
79-27Summer Sessions SchedulingPDFDOC11/21/1979
79-15 Rev.(University 100) Instruction in Mission, History, and Structure of American Universities as a Condition for GraduationPDFDOC10/17/1989
79-06TOEFL Score Requirements for AdmissionPDFDOC03/22/1979
78-40Personal Privacy, Resolution onPDFDOC11/30/1978
78-19Strike Policy for Student TeachersPDFDOC03/27/1978
78-08Speech Proficiency Assessment (Credential Candidates)PDFDOC01/24/1978
78-07Direct Student Applications (Single Subject Credential) to the Commission Teacher Preparation and LicensingPDFDOC01/24/1978
78-05Foreign Students Visas (International Programs Committee)PDFDOC01/24/1978
77-18Scheduling of Classroom Facilities, Priorities forPDFDOC04/28/1977
77-13Independent Studies Abroad, Policies & Procedures RegardingPDFDOC03/24/1977
75-15[Thesis] Individual Student AuthorshipPDFDOC08/04/1975
75-12Graduate Degree and Admission, Implementation of Trustee-Approved (Revised)PDFDOC04/04/1975
75-05Miscellaneous Fees Not Exceeding Ten Dollars ($10), Delegation of Authority - Establish, Increase, Decrease, or AbolishPDFDOC01/31/1975
74-22Archaeological and Art Objects, Rules for the Acquisition ofPDFDOC09/27/1974
74-12International Programs Committee, Recommendations of thePDFDOC07/01/1974
73-26Speakers in Classrooms, Guidelines for OutsidePDFDOC05/18/1973
73-20CR/NC Ruling on English 300 and/or 317, Revision ofPDFDOC04/27/1973
73-18Foreign Study ProgramsPDFDOC04/06/1973
73-14Cross-listed Interdisciplinary Courses, Transferability of Credit forPDFDOC03/04/1974
73-04Summer Session, Calendar of InstructionPDFDOC03/04/1974
73-03Continuing Education, Concurrent Enrollment inPDFDOC03/04/1974
72-11Offering Courses Prior to Listing in the General College Bulletin, Policy onPDFDOC12/10/1971
72-09Interdisciplinary ProgramsPDFDOC12/10/1971
72-05Supervisory Courses, Unit Limits for Baccalaureate Degree onPDFDOC09/24/1971
72-02Graduate Level Courses without Advanced DegreePDFDOC09/24/1971
71-17Experimental CoursesPDFDOC03/26/1971
71-06Option and/or Major on DiplomaPDFDOC01/15/1971
71-05Grade Points (Determination of)PDFDOC01/15/1971
71-01Student Department Association, Establishment ofPDFDOC01/15/1971
70-18Extension Programs - Policies for CSULBPDFDOC05/15/1970
70-07Ethnic Studies Groups, Exceptions to Curricular Procedures forPDFDOC02/27/1970

Advisory Council on Strategic Enrollment Management, Policy Statement for