World Languages: LOTE
Welcome to the Single Subject Credential Program
World Languages, Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
All incoming credential students must first meet with their advisor
to go over program requirements and plan a schedule
Email Professor Leathers for an appointment:
Please join us on Zoom to learn more about the Single Subject Credential Program:
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
Mar 25, 2025 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.
Please email me for an appointment.
Advising is by Zoom, Tuesdays & Wednesdays
1:00-4:00 p.m.
If you prefer to meet in person,
I am in the office some Wednesdays
The World Languages: LOTE single subject credential enables you to teach elementary, middle school, and high school world language classes in California public schools. The credential has two major parts - subject matter (the language other than English of your choice) and pedagogy (teacher preparation courses). In order to demonstrate subject matter competency you must either complete a CTC-approved program or pass the appropriate CSET examinations.
At CSULB, there are five CTC-approved subject-matter programs in Languages Other Than English: French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish, but we support a total of twelve languages including Arabic, ASL, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Khmer. New CTC policies have expanded options for meeting SMC, so all candidates should plan to discuss this important requirement with Cynthia Leathers to fully understand their options. Some candidates will need to take the CSET exams to meet SMC, but many others may be able to use their degree or coursework in the language.
The professional preparation program will help you learn how to teach in a pluralistic society. In these ten courses, you will learn about teaching methodology, curriculum design, culturally responsive pedagogy, assessment, evaluation of student progress, and classroom management. You will also learn about today's schools and how you can most effectively impact the diversity of students you will find there. We have three subject-specific courses--EDSS 300F, EDSS 450F, EDSS 473F--and our World Languages LOTE instructors will prepare you to teach with strategies informed by second language acquisition theory and other research-based practices. Our program emphasizes acquisition-driven instruction and teaches practices that focus on helping students communicate in the target language.
Besides completing the subject matter requirements and the professional preparation program, all credential candidates must complete a Bachelor's Degree and meet the US Constitution requirement.
Prior to enrolling, all candidates should visit the World Languages LOTE Credential Coordinator at the earliest possible date to create a program plan. Subject Matter Proficiency (SMC) must be met before applying to student teach. In your advisory appointment, these state requirements will be explained in detail.
For more information about the Single Subject Credential Program (overview, courses, credential requirements), please visit our SS website: SSCP
BASIC SKILLS REQUIREMENT (BSR): NEW! As of July 1, 2024, all students with a BA will not have to pass BSR. Foreign degrees will also waive the BSR as long as they are evaluated by an approved US agency.
For information about enrollment and tuition, please visit these CSULB websites: TUITION ENROLLMENT
For tips in making the enrollment process easier, follow these four STEPS.
**GPA: You can be admitted to the University with a 2.5 GPA, but you will not be admitted to the Single Subject Credential Program with less than a 2.67 GPA
**Due to ongoing issues related to COVID-19 and the teacher shortage, the CTC has changed some policies. Some of the changes have been only temporary. Please check with your advisor rather than relying on hearsay as we are constantly receiving updates regarding these important requirements.
In order to participate in the Single Subject Credential program you must possess a Social Security number. Please consult with an advisor for International Students for details that will help you plan for our program. ISS
All students must have an advisement appointment prior to beginning coursework. Please contact me to set up an appointment to plan your path toward a single subject credential.
Most appointments can be handled via a Zoom meeting, so do not delay.
Email: Cynthia Leathers @
Cynthia Leathers
Single Subject Credential Advisor/Coordinator
World Languages: LOTE
For more information about the individual language programs ....
- Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
- ASL Linguistics and Deaf Cultures
- Department of Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures
- Comparative World Literature & Classics
Questions about the World Languages Credential Program?
A full-time student can complete the entire program including student teaching in three semesters. Many students choose a slower path, and four semesters is often the best choice for students who have work and family commitments. We will work with you to create a course plan that fits with your schedule. Keep in mind that many of our courses include Clinical Practice fieldwork hours.
No! New legislation passed in the summer of 2024 allows you to waive the CBEST (BSR) if you have a bachelors degree.
During student teaching you will be in charge of three classes (usually at a high school) under the supervision of one or two cooperating (master) teachers. You will plan and deliver lessons, assess progress, assign grades, meet with parents and counselors and perform most of the duties of the regular teacher.
A university mentor will visit and coach you during the semester and you will attend one class, EDSS 473F, a student teacher seminar. You will also complete two TPAs during your student teaching.
Teaching Performance Assessments are state-mandated projects you must complete to earn your credential. You will learn more about these in your program experiences. There are two cycles of TPAs and both are completed during the student teaching semester. Currently, student teachers pay a registration fee of $150 for each cycle.
We offer monthly meetings. The schedule is available here: SSAC. World Languages has its own Information Meeting once a semester. Email Cynthia Leathers for more information.
See TUITION link above. You can also learn more about costs and financial aid at the monthly information meetings offered through SSAC.
The application process is fairly simple. First, apply to CSULB. When you are enrolled in the EDSS 300F class, you will begin compiling a portfolio for application to the SSCP. Your 300F instructor will guide you through this.
To enroll in Fall semester, you must be enrolled by June 1. For spring the deadline is November 1. See the ENROLLMENT link above to confirm deadlines for the desired semester and obtain more information.
Note that our program is a two-step process. With Univeristy enrollment, you may begin taking courses. Credential program admission is gained by successfully completing EDSS 300F and the additional credential admission process. Your EDSS 300F instructor and advisor will guide you through that.
If you miss the University enrollment deadline, it may be possible to take one or two courses via Open University. Discuss this option with your LOTE advisor.
No. Unfortunately, there is no compensation for student teaching. Students need to prepare financially and academically for this demanding semester.
It is easy to add a language if you have a credential in another language (French credential, add Spanish for instance). You need only prove subject matter proficiency via the CSET exam or coursework.
You may also add a world language to an existing multiple or single subject credential. You need to show subject matter proficiency and then take EDSS 450F. Please contact me if you would like to set this up.
New in 2024! We are now offering a Methodology class specifically for credentialed teachers wishing to add a World Language to their existing credential. For more information, visit this page.
Since the passage of legislation in 2021, it is now possible to get a partial SMC waiver. See your World Languages Credential advisor about this process.
Yes, you will need this as part of your background check to receive your security clearance from the CTC.
No. The University does not allow this. You need to choose the program you want to finish first. Student Teaching is the benchmark semester for our program and requires a full commitment.
The Single Subject Credential Program is a F2F program, but we do offer some online options for a few classes. Most students are able to arrange their classes so that they drive to campus 2-3 times per week.
Please note that student teaching placements are made within a 20-mile radius of campus.