Adding a Multiple Subject Credential to an Existing Valid Single Subject Credential

According to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, candidates who hold a valid CA Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential and are seeking a Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential must satisfy the following requirements beginning January 1, 2014:

  1. Verify elementary subject-matter competence by passing all parts of the CSET: Multiple Subjects, through a bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies, through completion of an Elementary Subject Matter Preparation Program, through completion of coursework in the Elementary subject matter domains or through a combination of coursework and examination.
  2. Complete a three-semester-unit or four-quarter-unit course in methodology directly related to teaching in a self-contained classroom, excluding the methods of  teaching reading (chose one of the following: EDEL 442, EDEL 462, EDEL 472 or SCED 475)
  3. Complete course work in developing English language skills for beginning readers (EDEL 452)
  4. Pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA)
  5. Submit a completed application packet and processing fee to CTC.

In order to enroll in an elementary methods course at CSULB, candidates must first submit the following to the Student Success and Advising Center in EED-18:

Contact the Student Success and Advising Center at or 562-985-1105 for more questions.