Academic Advising
Liberal Studies Academic Advisors are available in various different ways or modalities, for best accessibility for current and/or prospective students who want to reach out with questions or inquiries. Parents/Family/Friends of Students: Please keep in mind that any overtly personal or confidential information cannot be disclosed in order to ensure student privacy and FERPA regulation, unless special permissions are granted. See below for provided services.
Individual Advising with an Advisor
Currently matriculated students may meet and/or speak one-on-one with a Liberal Studies Academic Advisor in a scheduled academic advising appointment via Zoom, Phone, or In-Person. Matriculated students seeking academic advising with an academic advisor may use Beach Connect. These appointments are suitable for students who have questions or problems requiring more in-depth discussion (longer than 20 minutes), or who would just prefer to meet individually with an advisor at a scheduled time frame. This service is available to current CSULB students only.
The Department of Liberal Studies recommends students to contact and/or meet with an academic advisor at least once per year.
- Length of Appointment: 30 minutes.
- Modality of Appointment: Zoom, Phone, or In-Person.
- Scheduling an Appointment: Advising appointments are scheduled online through Single-Sign-On under 'Beach Connect' during Fall and Spring terms.
- Confirmation: A follow-up confirmation email will be sent to the student's CSULB email address prior to the appointment.
For directions on how to schedule an online 30-minute advising appointment through Beach Connect, refer to the Scheduling Appointments Guide (PDF).
All students are welcome to utilize Drop-in Advising Services for immediate, brief academic advising with a Liberal Studies Advisor in the Teacher Preparation Advising Center. These appointments are suitable for students who have questions or concerns requiring less in-depth discussion (less than 15 minutes), or who have immediate academic concerns to address.
Please note that all of the Academic Advisors rotate for drop-in advising hours. Students can't generally request a specific advisor they wish to meet with due to pre-determined scheduling and workloads. We appreciate our students' understanding. For specific advisor requests, try email and/or scheduling an appointment with the preferred advisor. The Advisors operate out of the Teacher Preparation Advising Center.
In-Person Drop-in Advising Hours
March 24- March 28
Phone (562) 985-1105
Monday 3/24- 9AM - 12PM & 1PM - 5PM
Tuesday 3/25- 11AM-12PM & 3PM - 5PM
Wednesday 3/26- 9AM - 11AM & 1PM - 5PM
Thursday 3/27- 9AM - 12PM & 1PM - 4PM
Friday 3/28- 9AM - 12PM & 1PM - 5PM
Academic Advisors can assist students by email. This service is available to all students, current or prospective.
- Liberal Studies Advisors can be reached at
- Email replies can take up to 2-3 business days.
Group Advising with an Advisor
First-Time/First-Year Students are required to attend Mandatory Advising in their first and second semester at CSULB. Enrollment Services places a registration hold on all first-year freshmen and sends email notifications of this requirement. To have this hold removed, students must complete their college advising requirement.
Focus Points of First-Year Advising, include:
- Program Overview for Liberal Studies & Declaring a Major (MSDR)
- Campus Resources & Navigation
- Academic Online Resources (E-Advising Tools)
- University Policies and Procedures
- Class Recommendations for Upcoming Terms
Upcoming Workshops can be found on the Liberal Studies Events Calendar. These are scheduled during Fall and Spring terms only.
Questions? Email
First-Semester transfers are required to attend "Transfer Advising" in their first semester at CSULB. Enrollment Services places a registration hold on all first-semester Liberal Studies Transfers and sends email notifications of this requirement. To have this hold removed, students must complete their college advising requirement.
Focus Points of First-Semester Advising Workshops include:
- Program Overview for Liberal Studies & Graduation Pathways
- Details on Credential Programs
- Academic Online Resources (E-Advising Tools)
- Campus Resources & Navigation
- University Policies and Procedures
- Class Recommendations
Upcoming Workshops can be found on the Liberal Studies Events Calendar. These are scheduled during Fall and Spring terms only.
Questions? Email
Helpful Advising Videos
Please watch the video below for a helpful guide on how to submit your Multiple Subjects Application using MyCED. Note: for students applying for ITEP UDCP or ITEP Special Education, you can use the video as a reference as the applications are similar.
Note: This video was recorded before SB 153 was signed into law. SB 153 allows for a qualifying bachelor's degree or higher in any subject to be all that is needed for an individual to demonstrate basic skills required for admissions to teaching credential programs. Current Liberal Studies undergraduate students do not need to provide additional documentation to meet the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR). Your current in-progress degree is all you need to have met Basic Skills/CBEST.
The video below explains the differences between our Bachelor's only pathway and our ITEP pathways. Current students who are deciding on which pathway to pursue should watch the video below before making their decision. You can also schedule an individual advising appointment to speak with an advisor about your options.
For assistance with how to schedule your classes and plan your future semesters please watch the information video below.
We recommend students watch this video so that they can understand their online tolls such as Degree Planner, Academic Requirements Report, and our Liberal Studies Core handout.