Program Description

The Master of Arts in Education with an option in Dual Language Development (DLD) provides advanced preparation in curriculum, instruction, and assessment, emphasizing theory, research, and classroom practices related to dual language development. The Master's program is comprised of a total of 30-33 units. Two pathways are currently offered to meet individual needs:

  • Pathway 1 is a fully online program designed for credentialed classroom teachers who completed an accredited post-baccalaureate credential program. These students complete 6 core classes and would potentially use 12 post-baccalaureate semester units to reach the 30 unit minimum required for the degree. Students may finish the program in three semesters.  
  • Pathway 2 is designed for non-credential individuals who wish to improve their knowledge about culturally and linguistically diverse student populations at an advanced preparation level for seeking employment in the private, public, or non-profit sectors. These students also complete 6 core classes as well as an additional 4 classes (12 units) that support their educational interests to reach the 30 unit minimum required for the degree. Students may finish the program in three or four semesters and the additional 4 classes are offered in a combination of online, hybrid and in-person instruction.

A program planner will be provided to each student upon admission. Each Fall and Spring semester, Pathway 1 students typically enroll in 2 courses, while Pathway 2 students may enroll in 2-3 courses. Dual Language Development program core courses are fully online and are typically offered weeknights from 4:00-6:45PM or from 7:00-9:45PM, subject to change. A limited number of courses for Pathway 2 students is available for optional summer enrollment.

There are no course prerequisites for the program.  Please review the Eligibility Requirements website  for GPA and application information.

Please see the University Catalog for course descriptions.

A minimum of 30 units of upper division and graduate courses are required. Pathway 2 students must have a minimum of 21 units at the 500/600-level taken at CSULB.

Degree requirements include the following courses:

Core Courses (15 units):

  • EDRG 551B - Assessment of Literacy with Bilingual Students (3 units)
  • EDCI 532 -Socialization of Literacy in More Than One Language (3 units)
  • EDCI 533 - Action Research Methods:  Teachers as Inquirers (3 units)
  • LING 650 - Seminar in Bilingualism (3 units)
  • EDCI 541 - Designing Curriculum and Instruction in Primary and Second Language Settings (3 units)

Pathway 1 or Pathway 2 (12 units):

Pathway 1 students will use 12 semester units of approved, accredited, post-baccalaureate teaching credential coursework, with advisor approval.

Pathway 2 students will take 12 additional units at CSULB, approved by the faculty advisor. For example:

  • Linguistics 500 graduate level courses
  • Curriculum and Instruction graduate level courses (EDCI)
  • Educational Technology and Media Leadership (ETEC) courses
  • Equity, Education and Social Justice (EESJ) courses

Capstone (3-6 units):

Students select one of the following in consultation with faculty advisor:

Comprehensive Exam: EDCI 695 Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction (3 units) and Written Comprehensive Examination


Thesis: EDCI 698 Thesis (6 units, completed over 2 semesters)

*Please note: Pathway 1 is for students who have 12 semester units of approved, accredited, post-baccalaureate teaching credential coursework

Year 1 - Fall

  • EDCI 532
  • EDRG 551B

Year 1 - Spring

  • EDCI 533
  • LING 650

Year 2 - Fall

  • EDCI 541
  • EDCI 695 and comprehensive exam

Year 1 - Fall

  • EDCI 532
  • EDRG 551B

Year 1 - Spring

  • EDCI 533
  • LING 650
  • Pathway 2 Course Elective #1

Year 2 - Fall

  • EDCI 541
  • EDCI 695S and comprehensive exam, or first semester of EDCI 698 (if Thesis)

Year 2 - Spring

  • Pathway 2 Course Elective #2 or EDCI 698 (if Thesis)
  • Pathway 2 Course Elective #3
  • Pathway 2 Course Elective #4


Are you seeking a teaching credential? This program is for practicing teachers or other educational professionals and offers a master’s degree only. If you’re interested in obtaining a teaching credential, please visit the Teacher Preparation Advising Center. Students who are pursuing a teaching credential complete that program first, and then apply to the master’s program.