Instructions for SCED 475

Elementary Science Methods Assignments and Resources

The following information is for students taking Elementary Science Methods (SCED 475).

Community and Technology Resources Assignments

Students who complete this Assignment will:

  • Engage in a variety of science learning opportunities (field trips, workshops, speakers, conferences, etc.) available beyond the classroom walls and throughout the community.
  • Gain experiences with technology-based learning and teaching tools that can enhance classroom instruction and student engagement as well as meet technology goals for the California Multiple Subject credential.
  • Broaden perceptions of science learning that include broad variety of spaces and experiences where youth can learn science.
  • Develop professional perspectives and knowledge regarding community and technological resources that support classroom practice.

You must select and complete three (3) assignments total, two from Category I and one from Category II.

Category I: Science Education Outside of the Classroom

To complete this part of the assignment, you will select and attend TWO of the community science events/activities. A list of events for the current semester can be found below.

View Events List - Spring 2025
This list is only a preview and may change as the semester progresses.

Please be sure to note the details of the activity, including time and location as well as possible fees (parking, admission, etc.) and whether you can bring additional guests (e.g., several events welcome family participation).

Activity Registration

Each student MUST register on the signup form below to attend the activity. This lets your instructor know which events have you attended, and helps us ensure that activities are not over-crowded. Failure to register will likely prohibit you from participating in the event.

Spring 2025 Event Signup

Use the link above to sign up for events. Events marked with (&) require additional registration with the community organization, noted in the Additional Information column. You must sign up with both the community organization and with the signup form above to attend these types of events. Failure to complete registration with the community organization may lead to you being turned away at the event!

Please also note that some events require an extra fee, as noted in the Additional Information column.

Once you have decided on the activities, complete your registration using the link above. This will take you to your SSO sign-in, and then to the selection page. You will receive a summary of your intended activities once you complete the registration, and will also receive an email confirmation.

Be sure to RSVP early; many of the sessions will fill up. Please DON’T WAIT to address this assignment at the very end of the semester, as you may find that those sessions are filled!

Should you find that you are unable to attend an event you signed up for, PLEASE CONTACT at least 48 hours before the start time so we can open the seat to another student.

Please note that if you do not see an activity on the registration form, it has reached maximum capacity and is no longer available.

Activity Assignment

After attending the event, you are expected complete a reflection assignment for each. Please check with your instructor regarding the submission of these assignments and be sure to choose the correct reflection assignment, as indicated on the list of activities. Instructions for each assignment are provided here.

View Assignments for Community Activities

Category II: Technology Resources and Experiences

Please complete one of the following assignments and submit your completed work according as directed by your instructor.

Additional Expectations

Please see the following for additional expectations of students in SCED 475.

Students in science methods classes are expected to complete 10 hours of field work. SCED 475 students will do their field work in elementary classrooms while science instruction takes place. However, when classroom access is limited (e.g., in response to COVID), your instructor may provide alternatives to work in elementary classrooms. Students who are student teaching will be asked to teach science lessons at their student teaching placement in lieu of doing additional science observations.

Your instructor may have placed selected articles on reserve for you to access during the class. These articles are accessed via the library's Reserves Services.

The state has legislation which requires teacher candidates to demonstrate their teaching performance proficiency before being eligible to earn a credential. There are four tasks, called Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs) which must be satisfactorily completed by each teacher candidate. These four tasks have been embedded into your credential program. The TPAs are linked to Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs) in much the same way state tests are tied to state standards.

The College of Education's CalTPA Guide provides additional information and support related to the TPAs.