Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), Assessment Metrics/Timeline, and Relevant Standards

The Department of Speech-Language Pathology seeks excellence in the academic preparation of students in our undergraduate program. The Department aspires to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to advance their learning and pursue their desired careers. Faculty have established a set of undergraduate program learning outcomes (PLOs) that are consistent with the department’s mission and goals as well as CSULB institutional learning outcomes (ILOs). PLOs are formally evaluated by the faculty on a rotating basis using suggested assessment metrics and other relevant data. This ensures that the program maintains excellence in supporting student success, teaching quality, and professional development

Students demonstrate knowledge of basic human communication and swallowing processes, including the appropriate biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases.

  • ILO Alignment
    • Integrate foundational knowledge with disciplinary or professional competency to successfully lead personal, civic, and professional lives they consider meaningful
  • Assessment Timeline:​
    • Every semester in SLP 261, 271. Annually in SLP 329, 330, 373, 481A, 489
  • Assessment Metrics: ​
    • Quizzes, written assignments, and oral presentations
  • Relevant Standards:
    • CFCC Standards: IV-B

Students demonstrate entry level of knowledge about communication and swallowing disorders and differences, including the anatomical/physiological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases.

  • ILO Alignment
    • Integrate foundational knowledge with disciplinary or professional competency to successfully lead personal, civic, and professional lives they consider meaningful
  • Assessment Timeline:​
    • Annually in SLP 477, 440, 476, 481A, 456, 466, 472, 483, 481B, 485  
  • Assessment Metrics: ​
    • Quizzes, written assignments, oral presentations
  • Relevant Standards:
    • CFCC Standards: IV-C

Students can implement appropriate listening and professional oral communication skills with individuals with different backgrounds and needs, including clients and families, clinical supervisors, interpreters, and applicable interdisciplinary team members.

  • ILO Alignment: 
    • Demonstrate a strong liberal education foundation in oral and written communication, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and information literacy skills to become civically engaged human beings
    • Value equity, diversity, social justice, and global citizenship and promote the public good in local, national, and global communities;
  • Assessment Timeline: ​
    • Every two years (e.g., 2025, 2027, 2029) in SLP 460, 462, 464, 476, 481A, 481B, 483  
  • Assessment Metrics: ​
    • Presentation assignments
  • Relevant Standards:
    • CFCC Standards: IV-H

Students can write professional, clear, and well-structured clinical reports and documentation based on clinical evidence and data.

  • ILO Alignment
    • Demonstrate a strong liberal education foundation in oral and written communication, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and information literacy skills to become civically engaged human beings
    • Integrate and engage in evidence-based decision making, life-long learning, curiosity, collaboration, innovation, critical thinking and research and creative activities in understanding and analyzing the world
  • Assessment Timeline:​
    • Every two years (e.g., 2024, 2026, 2028) in SLP 462, 481A, 483, 489
  • Assessment Metrics: ​ 
    • Written assignments (a minimum of 1500 words accumulatively across assignments within a semester)
  • Relevant Standards: 
    • CFCC Standards: IV-F, IV-H

Students will be effective team members with all relevant stakeholders, collaborating, respecting, and valuing the roles of individuals with different backgrounds and duties, while demonstrating the professional standards of accountability, integrity, privacy, and the client’s best interests.

  • ILO Alignment
    • Promote and participate respectfully with our diverse community.  Actively engage in self-reflection and critical analysis of one’s own perspectives and biases and value other’s perspectives
  • Assessment Timeline:
    • Every two years (e.g., 2025, 2027, 2029) in SLP 456, 460, 462, 464, 472, 485, 483
  • Assessment Metrics: ​ 
    • Role play and case studies
  • Relevant Standards: 
    • CFCC Standards: IV-H