Bilingual Authorization - Program Review Launchpad
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Bilingual Authorization Transition Plan
View the Transition Plan and Pathway to Completion for transition to the new BILA program standards.
View the CTC Bilingual Authorization Transition Plan Feedback here: Program Response to Feedback (September 2023)
CTC Site Visit
View addendum documents for this program here: Program Response to Feedback
Jump to 1.1.1
1.1 Bilingual Authorization Program Summary

Program Summary
The BILA authorization pathway in the CSULB Multiple Subject and Single Subject Credential Programs allows students to obtain an additional Bilingual Authorization (BILA) to teach in Dual Language classrooms. This pathway is for teacher candidates who wish to teach in classrooms where the language of focus is appropriate for instruction and in situations where teachers use the target language in interaction with families.
The BILA pathway is available for candidates in any of the Post-Bac Pathways as well as the ITEP Undergraduate Pathway. At CSULB, Bilingual Authorization are offered in the following language areas:
- Korean
- Mandarin
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
Program Design
The preliminary bilingual teacher preparation program provides an explicit guiding statement of its philosophy, purpose, and rationale relating to bilingual education as a modality for teaching and learning, advancing the educational success of bilingual learners, and facilitating the effective participation of bilingual citizens within healthy schools and communities. Consistent with the program’s guiding statement, coursework and fieldwork/clinical practice experiences are designed to ensure candidates demonstrate: (a) a value for the assets students bring to the content and practice of bilingual education; (b) advocacy for the policies, practices, and activities consistent with the ideals of racial and social justice; and (c) support equity, inclusion, and anti-racist practices in all aspects of the program.
The program’s design is cohesive and effective in coordinating broader activities, services, and interactions between the program and its sponsoring institution. The program’s design includes providing consistent, ongoing, and timely communications to candidates, including feedback on progress in meeting credential requirements. Design of coursework and fieldwork/clinical practices provide candidates with a clear theoretical and practical understanding of instructional design and implementation addressing the socioemotional, sociolinguistic, sociopolitical, and instructional needs of bilingual learners in a variety of bilingual instructional settings in California public schools.
Appropriate school placements are a high priority for the program and provide appropriate resources, support, and a demonstrated commitment to bilingual teacher preparation and bilingual education for students in California’s public schools. Roles of the program’s leadership team are clearly delineated, and program leadership is provided by highly qualified faculty with prior experience in bilingual classroom settings in California and/or possession of a BCLAD/BCC/BILA (or the equivalent), or an advanced degree in bilingual/multicultural education or related field. The program engages in ongoing, dynamic collaboration with local LEAs that serve as sites for fieldwork/practicum/student teaching placements. The program assures that candidates are placed in bilingual settings within local LEAs. Candidates develop strong academic language ability in both English and the target language to provide effective content instruction and literacy instruction to students in bilingual settings. The program also ensures that candidates are knowledgeable about the types of bilingual programs offered to K-12 students within the LEAs, as applicable (e.g., immersion, dual immersion, two-way bilingual, etc.) to promote effective field placements. Additionally, the BILA program guides candidates in making make connections between general education teaching performance expectations and bilingual teaching performance expectations (BTPEs) so that candidates understand how these two sets of related competencies are reflected in both preparation and instructional practice with bilingual K-12 students in California public schools.
The BILA program curriculum is designed to ensure candidates are offered multiple opportunities to learn, practice, and be assessed on the bilingual TPEs, as well as understand the complex theoretical and practical theories of the bilingual field (e.g., language acquisition theory and practice, bilingual and multilingual instructional approaches and methodologies, cultural products and respect for cultural traditions, content instruction and assessment using more than one language as the medium of communication and assessment, etc.). Candidates have the option of completing the BILA program concurrent with the MSCP or as a post-credential.
For the BILA in Asian languages, when specific target language courses are unavailable due to low enrollment, CSULB participates in a special consortium to ensure candidates can take those required courses at another California State University that is a consortium member. These courses then count as course equivalencies.
The program is offered in various modalities (e.g., distance, hybrid, and face to-face) and is responsive to local needs and current contextual conditions. The BILA program facilitates candidates’ transition to induction, as appropriate, and provides opportunities for ongoing professional development in the field of bilingual education.
Course of Study (Curriculum and Field Experience)
- Admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP)
- Pass a Language Proficiency Exam
- Pass the CSET LOTE Subtest III-Language and Communication (must pass prior to applying to student teach)
- Take the appropriate Culture course for the target language or CSET LOTE V
- EDEL 455K: Korean*
- EDEL 455C: Mandarin*
- ASAM 333: Vietnamese*
- CHLS 340 - Latinos in Education*
- Take the appropriate Language Methods courses for your target language or CSET LOTE IV
- EDEL 453K: Korean*
- EDEL 453M: Mandarin*
- EDEL 453V: Vietnamese*
- EDEL 453S: Spanish
Note that UTEACH Candidates interested in a BILA credential must take required courses prior to taking MSCP Methods and Student Teaching.
*Course can be taken prior to admission to the MSCP. The courses listed above are not offered every semester. Students may take the CSET LOTE IV or CSET LOTE V in the target language if courses are not available.
Field Experience
Candidates pursuing a BILA Authorization must complete 8 out of the 16 student teaching units in a bilingual setting. Every attempt is made to place candidates in appropriate and challenging settings where they can be supervised by strong mentor teachers and develop their abilities to provide culturally relevant instruction to K-12 English learners (ELs).
Assessment of Candidates
Students enrolled in the Asian BILA programs (e.g., Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese) are assessed for program competencies in assigned language and culture courses and through student teaching observations. Language proficiency is assessed by passing the CSET LOTE III exam and by observing language abilities in class and during student teaching. Students in the Spanish BILA program are assessed during the Methods Course, EDEL 453S, Instruction in Spanish and English, and by passing the CSET Subtest III Spanish.
As an ongoing part of program advisement, students are informed that their language proficiency levels will be assessed through a series of course assignments including oral and written class presentations, observations of student teaching in bilingual settings, and by passing CSET Subtest III in the target language.
1.1.1 Table Depicting Location, Delivery Models, and Pathways
Location |
Delivery Model |
Pathway |
Main CSULB Campus |
In-Person or Hybrid |
Traditional MSCP-BILA Credential Pathway |
Main CSULB Campus |
In-Person or Hybrid |
BILA Add-on Authorization for Post-Bac Initial Credential Programs (ESCP, SSCP) |
College of Professional and International Education (CPIE) – Open University or Continuing Ed |
In-Person or Online |
BILA Add-on Authorization for Credentialed Teachers |
3.1 Faculty Distribution Table
Full-Time |
Part-Time |
Vacancies |
0 |
4 |
0 |
3.2 Annotated List of Faculty
Name & Degree | Credential Courses Taught (Number & Title) |
EDEL 453S - Methodology of Bilingual Education |
3.3 Published Adjunct Experience and Qualifications Requirements
Adjunct positions typically require an MA/MS degree, with a doctoral degree preferred, and relevant professional experience in this field. Specific adjunct qualifications currently are not published for this program.
3.4 Faculty Recruitment Documents
This program has not recruited full-time faculty in recent years.
Jump to 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.6.1
6.1 Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Overview Table
BILA Clinical Practice Fieldwork Hours - Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese
Program |
Total Hours |
Bilingual Authorization (BILA) Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese |
10 |
Course Number/Title | Hours | Fieldwork and Associated Assignment Requirements |
EDEL 453 M/K/V (Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese) Bilingual Methods |
5 |
Language Literacy Lesson Analysis: Students will observe a Mandarin/Korean/Vietnamese literacy lesson. In small groups, students will analyze the pedagogical practices demonstrated in the lesson, identifying key characteristics such as use of prior knowledge, planning purposeful literacy activities, using standards-based instruction, providing explicit instruction in key skills, etc. |
EDEL 453 M/K/V (Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese) Bilingual Methods |
5 |
Case Study: Teachers examine and evaluate procedures, strategies, and materials effective in designing appropriate reading and writing instruction in Mandarin/Korean/ Vietnamese with an emphasis on language development. The first case study is completed with a beginning reader at the elementary level. |
EDEL 453 S |
5 |
Assignment VIII: Fieldwork observations and reflections on English Language Development & Sheltered Instruction. Write a 500-word reflection on your observations and what you learned about teaching English Language Learners or Emergent Bilinguals. What is sheltered instruction and what is the value of the SIOP (form). What are examples of different sheltered English instructional strategies? |
EDEL 453 S |
5 |
Language Literacy Lesson Analysis: Students will observe a Spanish literacy lesson. In small groups, students will analyze the pedagogical practices demonstrated in the lesson, identifying key characteristics such as use of prior knowledge, planning purposeful literacy activities, using standards-based instruction, providing explicit instruction in key skills, etc. Write a 2-page reflection that reveals the insight you gained about planning curriculum and lesson-preparation for emergent bilinguals. What do you know about teaching in dual language classrooms that you didn’t understand prior to this assignment? |
BILA Clinical Practice Fieldwork Hours - Spanish
Program | Total Hours |
Bilingual Authorization- BILA Spanish |
10 |
Course Number/Title | Hours | Fieldwork and Associated Assignment Requirements |
EDEL 453 S |
3-4 |
Fieldwork Read Aloud (Conduct): Students will conduct three read aloud lessons. They will implement read aloud strategies demonstrated in the sessions with dual language teachers, identifying key characteristics of story from different genres with Spanish/Bilingual Texts such as use of prior knowledge, planning purposeful literacy activities, using standards-based instruction, providing explicit instruction in key skills, etc. |
EDEL 453 S |
7 |
Reflection on Classroom Observation: Field Based Report - Log Required (1000 Word Count) Observe a dual language teacher for a minimum of 7 hours and volunteer to help the teacher when possible.Describe observations/delivery of Spanish content in dual language classroom. Identify the school, grade level, dual language (DL) teacher and the content area observed. Cite the challenges met by the DL teacher and how these were resolved. Make explicit observations about the teaching strategies and materials used to teach Spanish. Long Beach Unified School District must comply with VIPS/Fingerprinting requirements. |
6.2 Affiliation Agreements and MOUs for Field Placement
CED Approved Fieldwork Districts and Community Partners
CED Affiliation Agreement Template (PDF)
CED Intern MOU Template (PDF)
6.3 Veteran Practitioners Training Materials
BILA Master Teacher University Supervisor Handbook (PDF)
BILA Observation Tool Calibration Training (PDF)
6.4 Documentation of Candidate Placement
BILA MSCP Candidate Placements (PDF)
6.5 Clinical Practice Manual
MSCP BILA Instructional Planning Handbook (PDF)
MSCP BILA Student Teaching Handbook (PDF)
6.6 Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Syllabi
BILA EDEL 482B Syllabus (PDF)
6.6.1 Clinical Practice Assessment Instruments
BILA Clinical Practice Assessment Instrument (PDF)
BILA Clinical Practice Observation Rubric (PDF)
Jump to 7.1.2
7.1 Description of Credential Recommendation Process
Candidates admitted into the Bilingual Added Authorization Program receive initial and ongoing advising from their Bilingual Program Coordinator, in addition to advisors from the Teacher Preparation Advising Center. Candidates in the Spanish Bilingual Authorization pathway also receive an advising sheet, from their coordinator, to track their requirements. Candidates establish a file in the CSU, Long Beach Credential Center and submit all supporting documentation. Candidates receive a credential evaluation (program status report), completed by a credential analyst, which lists the requirements that have been met and those that are outstanding.
At the completion of the candidate’s final semester a credential analyst will complete a final evaluation and confirm that all program and state requirements have been met prior to credential recommendation. The Credential Center ensures that only candidates that have successfully completed all requirements for the authorization are recommended for the Bilingual Added Authorization.
7.1.1 Candidate Progress Monitoring Documents
BILA Traditional Credential Program Evaluations
Multiple Subject Asian BILA Credential Evaluation (PDF)
Multiple Subject Spanish BILA Credential Evaluation (PDF)
Post Credential BILA Credential Evaluations
Post Credential Asian BILA Credential Evaluation (PDF)
Post Credential Spanish BILA Credential Evaluation (PDF)
Post Credential Spanish BILA Advising Form (PDF)
7.1.2 Individual Development Plan (IDP) Form
Multiple Subject IDP Transition Plan (Traditional Program) (PDF)