Supporting Future Educators: CED's Credential Center Staff

Published August 14, 2020
Leah Sosnowski
Leah Sosnowski

The Credential Center in the College of Education serves to support the College’s learning and teaching community and its affiliated programs, while providing licensing and professional assistance to our students. In addition to many other functions, the Credential Center serves as liaison between teacher-credential students and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Led by Assistant Director, Kit Van Wyk, who joined in 2000, the team is comprised of Credential Analysts Meredith Broadhurst (not pictured) and Leah Sosnowski, along with Credential Analyst II Dora Apodaca (not pictured), and Office Manager Evelyn Martinez.                                                                                                                                

Evelyn Martinez
Evelyn Martinez

With the end of the spring semester wrapped up and summer coming to a close, the Center has been busy. Apodaca, Broadhurst, Sosnowski, and Van Wyk have been working to recommend successful credential student candidates to the State of California and gearing up to prepare the incoming credential students for the fall semester, in addition to a myriad of other duties. Sosnowski shares that she, “is also assisting candidates and returning alumni who are interested in adding an authorization to their credential.” 

As Assistant Director, Van Wyk works across different areas to ensure programs, faculty, staff, and students are kept apprised of credential requirements. Additionally, she advises current and former credential candidates at CSULB, and those outside California and the U.S.

The office is supported in many ways by Martinez who manages the Center’s budget, timekeeping, fiscal matters, and serves as front-line administrator.

Kit Van Wyk
Kit Van Wyk


Passion for helping and supporting students become teachers fuels this work. When asked about their favorite aspect of their jobs, the responses were wide-ranging, but all shared the common joy of serving students. For Broadhurst, who recently celebrated her 15th year as CSULB staff, it’s simple, “I enjoy the happiness students have when they finish their program and are granted their credential.” Martinez shared, “I love helping students. ... Many times, people who come into the office just want to be heard. I like being that ear and try to provide that non-judgmental, supportive space.” Apodaca, who also serves as the Chief Union Steward for 278 Unit 4 Staff Members in the Academic Professionals of California union on the Long Beach campus, explains, “The best part of being in my position is when a student has completed the program and I recommend their credential, knowing that they are on their way to be a quality educator.” Van Wyk offered, “I love coming to The Beach every day. I consider it a privilege and do not take it for granted. I have always appreciated the opportunity and interactions I have had with current and former students, and the community members who come to Long Beach for credential advising.”