Go Virtual Symposium
In collaboration with the Academic Continuity Resource Center, Academic Technology Services (ATS) is offering this opportunity for faculty professional development.
During this extensive online conference, participants have special access to leading experts and practiced faculty who inspire and inform us on wide range of topics related to alternative modes of instruction.
Faculty may participate in this program as part of their summer professional development stipend package or as an optional, unpaid enhancement if their stipend limit has been met.
- Stipend Program. All applicants who have not reached their stipend limit and who sign up by June 18 will be accepted into the program. A $1000 stipend will be awarded after all course requirements are completed. Please check with your college ASM for compensation timelines. Depending on your level of experience with technology and course design, completing the requirements will take approximately 25.5 hours.
- Non-Stipend Enhancement. Those who wish to attend as an unpaid enhancement to their professional development program may join any sessions they desire and register up to June 30.
Please submit your completed application by June 18:
ATS will contact candidates by email with confirmed dates and details.
Submit the following deliverables to complete the program:
- Use the Alternative Modes of Instruction Checklist [DOC] and apply each standard to your course.
(For the most benefit, partner with a peer reviewer for course design conversations.) - Use the Course Alignment Blueprint [DOC] to input 3 weeks that are aligned.
- Build 3 weeks of course modules in your Fall BeachBoard course demonstrating course alignment (please note: for your convenience, the Online Course Template is available for use.)
Participate in the following activities to support the completion of the deliverables:
- Visit the Go Virtual Symposium course on BeachBoard and read the content material.
- Attend five days of expert, keynote and lab sessions.
- Facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration with department and college Faculty Champions, Leaders, and Peers.
To join the Go Virtual Symposium and complete the required activities, participants should have access to the following technology:
- PC or Mac (less than 3 years old)
- Windows 7 or Mac OS X (minimum)
- Cable or DSL Internet
- Access to Zoom Video Conferencing
- Latest Firefox Browser
- Latest Google Chrome Browser
- PDF Reader
- Word Processing Software (i.e., Word, Pages)
- Slide Presentation Software (i.e., PowerPoint)
- Enable Cookies
- Enable JavaScript
- Webcam USB Headset (speakers and mic)
Symposium Schedule
- 8:45am: Check In and Greetings
- 9am: Welcome Address:

Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts
- 9:15am: Overview of Symposium & Resources: Course Templates, Chatbot
- 10am: Keynote Session: Creating an Effective Virtual Learning Experience (video recording)
When "going virtual" the primary concern of every faculty is doing so in a way that will maintain rigor and quality comparable to the face-to-face class. This session will explore the many aspects involved in creating a quality virtual learning experience.

Digital Learning Consultant
Award-winning Author
Dr. Conrad's Recommended Reading List [PDF]
- 11:30 Zoom Pro Group Activity
- 12pm: Lunch in Groups / Zoom Breakout Group Activity
- 1pm: Faculty Panel: Rethinking the Classroom: Examples & Models of Virtual Learning:
Preview the panelists' profiles and case studies related to this topic: Faculty Panel [PDF]

Director, Instructional Technology Support Services
Academic Technology Services, CSULB

Online Instructional Technologies Coordinator
UC Irvine

Assistant Professor, Exercise Physiology

Professor, Biology
Handouts/Resources: Virtual Labs for Biology [PPTX] | Biology Virtual Labs Comparison [PDF] | Virtual labs for Biostatistics | PhET Labs | Labster | Smart Science | SimBio

Assistant Professor, Computer Sci & Engineering

Associate Professor, Nutrition & Dietetics
These optional labs are synchronous virtual meetings that include a presentation followed by a live Q&A with instructional design facilitators.
10am-11am: Lab/Workshop: Preparing for the Road Ahead (video recording)
An overview of how to convert an in-person course to an entirely online format. We present ways to use BeachBoard-integrated tools and provide recommendations for designing the course homepage. Suggested activities to employ in the first week of instruction are also be covered.
2-3pm: Lab/Workshop: Choosing Video Tools
We'll demonstrate the multimedia tools available to create course content videos, how to access these tools, and best-use cases.
For one-on-one consultation, visit our Virtual Support Zoom room from 10am-3pm or email beachboard@csulb.edu.
- 8:45am: Check In and Greetings
- 9am: Keynote Session: Deeper Learning through Transparent, Equitable Assessment: (video recording)
Dr. Baker explores current conversations on the importance of culturally responsive assessment of student learning, pulling from various initiatives and institutional examples that highlight the relationship of equity and assessment, as CSULB continues the shift of institution-focused to learner-centered.

Assistant Director, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)
University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign
- 10:45am: Assessment Activity: Designing (Authentic) Assessments
Dr. Quam-Wickham will introduce principles of course alignment, "backwards" design for improving assessmnts/assignments, and transparency to promote more equitable student learning.

Professor, History
- 12pm: Lunch in Groups / Zoom Breakout Group Activity
- 1pm: Course ReDesign Studio: The ATS Course Alignment Blueprint:
This session will take you through the process of planning an online or hybrid course. It will introduce the concept of alignment and explain how it can be achieved in a course. Faculty will be exposed to the Backward Design method and see how it is used along with a course blueprint.

Instructional Designer, ATS

Instructional Designer, ATS
This optional lab includes a presentation followed by live Q&A with instructional design facilitators.

Presented by: Adam Mitchell, Instructional Designer, ATS
Just as in any course, getting off to a good start in an online course is essential. This video focuses on strategies related to getting your course up and running especially during the first two weeks of instruction. Topics covered include developing a cognitive and social sense of online presence, establishing a trusting online community, and facilitating active learning opportunities with your students.
For one-on-one consultation, visit our Virtual Support Zoom room from 10am-3pm or email beachboard@csulb.edu.
All Speakers' Profiles and Presentation Abstracts [PDF]
- 8:45am: Check In and Greetings
- 9am: Guest Speaker: Hyflex Design:

Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs Operations
San Francisco State University (SFSU)
Free e-book: Hybrid Flexible Course Design
- 10am: Guest Speaker: Online Discourse & Communities of Practice:

Professor, Educational Psychology & Learning Systems
Florida State University
- 11am: Guest Speaker: Adaptive/Active Learning | Presention [PDF]

Director of Adaptive and Personalized Learning
Arizona State University
- 12pm: Lunch in Groups / Zoom Breakout Group Activity
- 1pm: CSULB Panel: Affordable Learning Solutions:

Director of Unviersity Writing Center

Special Assistant, Division of Academic Affairs
Co-Chair, CSULB Affordable Learning Solutions

Executive Director, MERLOT & Skillsoft Commons
Professor, Psychology

Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER)

Course Materials Manager
49er Shops, CSULB University Bookstore

Manager, Digital and Rentals
Co-Chair, CSULB Affordable Learning Solutions
49er Shops, CSULB University Bookstore
These optional labs include a presentation followed by live Q&A with instructional design facilitators.
10am-11am: Lab/Workshop: Onward with Teaching and Wrapping Up
This webinar will discuss best practices for facilitating an online course, strategies to try as you convert the course to online, and best practices for wrapping up an online course.
2-3pm: Lab/Workshop: Course Alignment
This session will introduce the concept of alignment and explain how it can be achieved in an online course. Faculty will be exposed to the Backward Design method along with a course blueprint.
For one-on-one consultation, visit our Virtual Support Zoom room from 10am-3pm or email beachboard@csulb.edu.
- 8:45am: Check In and Greetings
- 9am: Student Panel: Rethinking the Classroom

Dr. Patience Bryant: Panel Moderator
Director, Student Conduct and Ethical Development

Business Management | Operations & Supply Chain Management

Liberal Studies/Child Development

Emergency Services Administration

Business Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Psychology | Biology

Graduate Student, Computer Science

Psychology, Sociology & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- 10:45am: Guest Panel: Creating a Culture of Inclusion

Lead Instructional Designer, Academic Technology Services

Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC)

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator
Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC)

Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Center

Accessibility Strategist
BlackBoard Ally

Accessibility Consultant

Lead Software Trainer, ITS
- 12pm: Lunch in Groups / Zoom Breakout Group Activity
- 1pm: Keynote Speaker: Engaging Online Students:
Bio Profile and Keynote Presentation Abstract [PDF] | Brain Expander Handout [DOC] | TEC-Variety Framework Handout [PDF]

Professor, School of Informatics
Indiana University
This optional lab includes a presentation followed by live Q&A with instructional design facilitators.

Presented by: Jennifer Lares, Instructional Designer, ATS
This webinar demonstrates how to start building a course in BeachBoard using the basic tools and functions.
- 8:45am: Check In and Greetings
- 9am: Lightning Talk: Humanized Teaching in a Virtual World:
We'll explore examples of humanized teaching that support the non-cognitive components of learning to create connection and empathy that fuel engagement and rigor. We will look at a few examples of humanized strategies and technologies, and curate a list of ideas for connecting with our virtual learners.

Education Developer/Designer
Humbolt State University (CSUH)
- 10am: Lightning Talks: Questions, Issues, Reflections.
Join this open forum to present your own tips and tools for teaching in a virtual classroom. SIGN UP.

Instructional Designer, ATS

Instructional Designer, ATS
- 11:30am: Closing Remarks

Associate Vice President
Academic Technology Services