Teaching in Canvas

Instructor Guides, A-Z Index of Help Topics
Get step-by-step instructions to master your skills.
- Canvas Commons: teaching resources contributed by educators nationwide.

Get Started: Course Building Tips and Guides
Get your Canvas course up and running quickly. See also:
- Course Types: Development & Org courses
- Canvas Course Layouts (templates)

Course Services Requests
Request these services from ATS:
Course Merges, Guest Accounts, Organization Courses, Development Courses, Tools Integrations, and Archived BeachBoard Course Data.

CSULB Canvas Integrated Tools and Publishers
Learn about tools integrated into Canvas such as MS Teams, Poll Everywhere, Respondus, Zoom, and various publishers with digital access.

Workshops and Programs
Get the latest schedule of upcoming live Canvas workshops or watch recordings of past offerings developed for CSULB faculty. See also:
- Canvas Community Pros: peer meetups to share tips and discuss common issues.