Balance & Prevention of Falls

The Balance and Prevention of Falls laboratory provides evaluation and treatment of balance-related and gait problems. Current research in the lab focuses on optimizing multidimensional fall prevention programs in community-dwelling older adults to improve mobility and decrease the risk for falls. 


Olfat Mohamed, PhD, PT

Olfat Mohamed, PhD, PT

Effects of cognitive and motor multitask training on balance and fall risk in community- dwelling older adults.

Principal Investigator: Olfat Mohamed, PhD, PT

Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk: The Relationship between Gait, Executive Function, and Vision during Dual-Tasking.

Principal Investigator: Olfat Mohamed, PhD, PT

Prevent Falls @ the Beach

Evidence-based multifactorial group exercise program offered to OLLI members every spring semester.


The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including the Balance Master, the Physiologic Profile Assessment (PPA), GaitRite and the electronic Zenowalkway.