CIO'S MESSAGE - August 2, 2017
Changes to MyCSULB
In partnership with Enrollment Services and Staff Human Resources, and in an effort to streamline our online services, we will add new "chiclets" (clickable icons) within the campus single sign-on (SSO) application for directly accessing the two MyCSULB service centers – Faculty Center and Employee Center. As a result, the current MyCSULB SSO chiclet will become redundant and therefore will be removed. Additionally, these SSO service improvements help us prepare for meeting the technical requirements for upcoming CSU system-wide administrative application projects through 2019 and beyond.

Faculty Center

Employee Center
The access to the MyCSULB service centers within SSO will be available on August 9. Once the access to MyCSULB service centers is added in SSO, the current MyCSULB login page will be retired. Subsequently, any current MyCSULB links and bookmarks will be rerouted to the campus SSO login.
For more information, please visit the following CSULB Knowledge Base article showing the SSO login and the new Faculty and Employee Service Center chiclets: MyCSULB Service Centers.
For any questions about these upcoming changes, please contact If you are concerned about the validity of this message, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (562) 985-4959.
Min Yao, Ph.D.
Vice President and Chief Information Officer