December 13, 2024 Minutes
CNSM College Council
Attendance: Klotz, Carter, Ricketts, Karteron, Bhandari, Hernandez Pacheco, Pair, Wang, Hagedorn, Bennett
- Approval / Additions to Agenda
- Approved with re-ordering.
- Approval of Minutes from 11/15/2024
- Approved with minor corrections.
- Announcements
- Celebrating 75 Years of Impact: Special Anniversary Grants for Events
- $500 from LBS for anniversary events, Applications by February. Has to be used by May.
- Dean's Office Scholarship Committee - Call for Volunteers.
- 10-15 volunteers for Dean’s office review. Open to staff and faculty.
- Celebrating 75 Years of Impact: Special Anniversary Grants for Events
- PDGP & PDGLP - Seven Nominations received. Awards will be presented Spring 2025.
- PDGP - Fangyuan Tian, Olga Korosteleva, Tangan Gao, Prashanth Jaikumar
- PDGLP - Andrea Chen, Mahtab Gahfoori, Surya Manandhar
- Proposal to each read over files over the break and rank them and re-convene.
- This may violate Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.
- RTP Ballot Results Report
- Policy approved with 53/62 ballots (85%). 116 eligible voters. Passes.
- Motion to have Carter and Bennett certify the results. Passes.
- First Year Experience
- Due 12/18/2024
- Discussion & Vote. For reference: First Year Experience Task Force report & Senate Call for Faculty Council feedback
- Discuss Raisa's amendments to Ashley’s draft. Approve amendment.
- Addition of clause about preferring 1 unit over 3. Approved.
- Motion for document approval is put forward, discussion about benefits vs costs and staffing issues.
- Approved with one abstention from Amy Ricketts (requested to be mentioned in minutes)
- Dean's Report
- Big thanks to everyone especially Kelly Young.
- Financially we look as good as we can and are reasonably good for 24-25. 25-26 may have complications.
- Stairs to Coffee Bean will be shut down some time in April. Hopefully restored by Fall.
- Next Meeting - Spring 2025
- Most likely Friday, 1/31/2025 at 2:00pm.
- Meeting Adjourned
- 3:01pm
Please note that these minutes reflects discussion on the date of the CNSM College Council meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.