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Department of Economics
Why Major in Economics?
Economics is a social science focused on the systematic study of resource production, conservation, and allocation in conditions of scarcity. In our program, students apply economic theory to organizational frameworks and discuss statistical analyses of economic phenomena and problems to prepare for careers or graduate study in business, government, law, and education. Discover Careers in Economics!
Three Majors, Two Minors, One Graduate Program
Our department offers three areas of emphasis: Economics, Business Economics, Mathematical Economics, and Economic Theory. We offer two minors in International Economics and Economics and one master's program in Economics.
All Juniors can participate in the Beach EDGE (Expedited Degrees in Graduate Education) program and complete a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in just five years. See our blended program options under Academic Programs - Beach EDGE Economics in the side menu.
Mission & Values
Mission Statement: Through teaching excellence, exceptional research, and meaningful service, we engage with students every day, striving to equip them with tools to imagine and achieve their own vision of a better future and society.
- Community Value: We aim to foster a community that creates equal opportunity and embraces diversity.
- Teaching Excellence Value: We strive to promote intellectual curiosity, diversity of perspectives, and critical thinking.
- Growth Value: We nurture students by encouraging self-discipline, perseverance, and the ambition to learn and improve our community and ourselves.
Our program encourages students to develop:
- Intellectual Growth
- Develop the ability to explain core economic terms, concepts, and theories.
- Demonstrate the ability to employ the “economic way of thinking.”
- Demonstrate awareness of global, historical, and institutional forces.
- Apply economic theories and concepts to contemporary social issues, as well as policy formulation and analysis.
- Recognize the role of ethical values in economic decisions
- Skills
- Apply both oral and written communication skills within the discipline.
- Demonstrate quantitative reasoning skills.
- Demonstrate the ability to collect, process, and interpret data, including statistical inference.
- Demonstrate computer proficiency in economics.
- Be able to use critical thinking skills within the discipline of economics about economic matters.
- Professional Development
- Develop an awareness of career choices for undergraduate economics majors, and the options for graduate study.
Join the Economics Student Association! Or get involved and create positive experiences and relationships at The Beach by participating in any of the following:
- Attend fun and interesting events with your peers by joining the Economics Student Association (ESA),
- Learn about the latest research from current P.h.D. candidates and other speakers with our Economic Seminar Series,
- Network with faculty and off-campus speakers with the Long Beach Economics Forum,
- Apply to our Student Employee positions: Instructional Student Assistants (ISA), Teaching Assistants (TA), or Graduate Assistants (GA),
- Run for a leadership position and learn valuable communication and team leadership skills.