New Grants and Contracts

Principal Investigator Project TitleFunding Agency
Angela LocksGEAR UP- AnaheimCSU Fullerton ASC
Angela LocksGEAR UP - IICSU Fullerton ASC/U.S. Dept of Education
Bita GhafooriThe Long Beach Trauma Recovery CenterSt. Mary Medical Center Foundation
Bita GhafooriThe Long Beach Trauma Recovery CenterCA Victim Compensation & Government Claims Board
Hiromi Masunaga100Kin 10: A Professional Learning Community in Mathematics Teaching DevelopmentCSU Chancellor's Office/ University of Chicago
Jared StallonesTeacher Preparation through a Linked Learning Lens: A Collaborative Approach to Depening and Expanding the Linked Learning Lens in CA's Single Subject Credential ProgramsSan Diego State University Research Foundation/The James Irvine Foundation
Jared StallonesLinked Learning: Education Preparation and Pathways to the Bachelor's Degree in High-Demand FieldsCSU Office of the Chancellor / James Irvine Foundation 
Jessica PandyaMultimodal Digital Composition with English Language LearnersFoundation for Child Development
Kristin PowersPreparing School Psychologists to Provide Multi-Tiered Services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse SchoolsU.S. Department of Education
Laura PortnoiCollaborative Research: GSE/RES: Contextualizing Computing Education: The Role of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Models in Undergraduate Women's Educational & Vocational TrajectoriesNational Science Foundation
Leslie ReeseAcademia Cesar Chavez Evaluation 2014Academia Cesar Chavez
Linda SymcoxRaising the Bar for STEM - Education 2014S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation
Linda Tiggs-TaylorCalifornia Academic Partnership ProgramBellflower Unified School District
Marquita Grenot-ScheyerTeacher to Teacher: NorthridgeLos Angeles Unified School District
Shireen PavriSpecial Educaton Credential Program - LBUSD (WIA)Pacific Gateway WIN/ City of Long Beach
Shireen Pavri/Co-PI(s) Tim Keirn & Jose MorenoHSI Caminos ProjectU.S. Department of Education