Paul Ratanasiripong
Paul Ratanasiripong, Ph.D. (Dr. Paul)
- Professor
- Licensed Psychologist
- Student Development in Higher Education (SDHE) Program Coordinator
- COUN 191: Career and Personal Explorations
- COUN 507: Career Counseling
- COUN 513: Introduction to Clinical Interviewing & DSM-5
- COUN 555: Cross-Cultural Counseling (Study Abroad: Thailand)
- COUN 681: Spirituality and Counseling
- EDAD 697: Directed Research
- EDLD 732A: Inferential Data Analysis in Education
- EDLD 737B: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
- EDLD 796: Pre-Dissertation Study
- EDLD 798: Doctoral Dissertation
- SDHE 523: Career Counseling in Higher Education
- SDHE 698: SDHE Master's Thesis
- Ratanasiripong, P. (2024). Navigating mental health challenges: Influences and paths to wellness. Journal of Health Research, 38(5), 455-458. (click here for full article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Siri, S., Hanklang, S., Chumchai, P., & Galvan, F. (2024). Factors related to mental health and quality of life among college and university teaching professionals in Thailand. Thai Journal of Public Health, 54(1), 828-845. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Hanklang, S., Nungdanjark, W., Thongthammarat, Y. & Ramon, E. (2024). Predictors of mental health among secondary school students in Thailand: The roles of grit, self-esteem, and smartphone addiction. Thai Journal of Public Health, 54(2), 903-917. (click here for full article)
- West, J., Ratanasiripong, P., Glass, S., & Lund, C. (2024). An ouroboros of oppression: The self-perpetuating, inequitable high school outcomes of middle school tracking. Middle School Journal, 55(5), 27-38.
- Aloteibi, S., Ratanasiripong, P., & Priede, A. (2024). Teachers’ perspectives toward smartphone usage by students and resulting classroom policies. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 9(2), 66-75. (click here for full article)
- Hanklang, S., Singkhum, P., Ratanasiripong, N, & Ratanasiripong, P. (2024). Effect of smartphone addiction, self-esteem, and mental health on grit among nursing students: A cross-sectional study. Thai Journal of Public Health, 54(3), 1012-1027. (click here for full article)
- Jaengpromma, P., Pimalram, P., Sukhabot, K., Khamsean, S., Phiset, P., Tulwattanakul, P., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2024). The knowledge and practice of a traditional healer using acupuncture for disease treatment among ethnic minority communities: A case study from Pong District in Thailand. Thai Journal of Public Health, 54(3), 1012-1027. (click here for full article)
- Spiratos, K., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2023). Problematic smartphone use among high school students. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 8(2), 76-86. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, N., Cahill, S., Crane, C., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2023). The outcomes of an e-wellness program for lupus patients in Thailand: A participatory action research approach. Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, 56, 154-163. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Ratanasiripong, N., Nungdanjark, W., Thongthammarat, Y., & Toyama, S. (2022). Mental health and burnout among teachers in Thailand. Journal of Health Research, 36, 404-416. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Wang, C. D., Ratanasiripong, N., Hanklang, S., Kathalae, D., & Chumchai, P. (2022). Impact of psychosocial factors on academic performance of nursing students in Thailand. Journal of Health Research, 36, 598-606. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Ratanasiripong, N., Khamwong, M., Jingmark, S., Thaniwattananon, P., Pisaipan, P., Sanseeha, L., Rungnoei, N., Songprkun, W., Tonkuriman, A., & Bunyapakorn, S. (2022). The impact of resiliency on mental health and quality of life among older adults in Thailand. Journal of Health Research, 36, 908-918. (click here for Full Article)
- Susilowati, I. H., Phuong, T. N., Hasiholan, B. P., Kaewboonchoo, O., Low, W. Y., Isahak, M., Ratanasiripong, P., & Tulaeka, A. R. (2022). Risk factors of sociodemographic and work environment that related to musculoskeletal symptoms among SME workers in Vietnam. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6 (S2), 1823–1841. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., China, T., Ratanasiripong, N., & Toyama, S. (2021). Resiliency and mental health of school teachers in Okinawa. Journal of Health Research, 35 (6), 470-481. (click here for Full Article)
- China, T., Ratanasiripong, P., Toyama, S., & Nann, N. (2020). The first-year experience: Mental health of university students in Okinawa, Germany, and Thailand. Nanto Bunka - Bulletin of the Institute of Ryukyuan Culture, 42, 63-81 (click here for Full Article)
- Rodriguez, A., Ratanasiripong, P., Hardaway, K., Barron, L., & Toyama, S. (2020). Latinx college students: How schemas and attachments impact depression and relationship satisfaction. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 42 (2), 248-263. (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Tsai, S. (2020). Impact of Christian meditation and biofeedback on the mental health of graduate students in seminary: A pilot study. Insights on the Depression and Anxiety, 4, 019-024. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, N., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2020). Predictive factors of quality of life among systemic lupus erythematosus patients in Thailand: A web-based cross-sectional study. Quality of Life Research, 29, 2415-2423. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, N., Warawitsaranggoon, R., Junda, T., Sangchan, H., Goo, P. A., Siripaitoon, B., Ratanasiripong, P., & Panyathorn, K. (2020). Mental health status and health-related quality of life among Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) patients in Thailand: A multi-site study. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 103 (11), 1-9. (click here for Abstract and to download Full Article)
- Seangpraw, K., Ratanasiripong, N., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2019). Predictors of quality of life of the rural older adults in Northern Thailand. Journal of Health Research, 33 (6), 450-459. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., China, T., & Toyama, S. (2018). Mental health and well-being of university students in Okinawa. Education Research International, 2018, Article ID 4231836. (click here for Full Article)
- Hanklang, S., Ratanasiripong, P., & Suleegorn, S. (2018). Effectiveness of the intervention program for dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention among rural communities in Thailand: A quasi-experimental study. Journal of Health Research, 32 (5), 352-363. (click here for Full Article)
- Hanklang, S., Ratanasiripong, P., Naksranoi, S., Sathira-Anant, S., & Patanasri, K. (2018). Quality of life and mental health among Thai older workers in community enterprises. Journal of Health Research, 32 (3), 237-250. (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, N., Sri-Umporn, S., Kathalae, D., Hanklang, S., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2018). Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and factors related to intention to obtain the vaccine among young college women in Thailand. Journal of Health Research, 32 (2), 142-151. (click here for Full Article)
- Dutch, M. S., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2017). Marriage and family therapist's attitude toward evidence based treatments and readiness for change. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 27 (4), 540-547. (Click here for Abstract)
- Low, W.Y., Isahak, M., Tong, W.T., Ratanasiripong, P., & Kaewboonchoo, O. (2017). Conducting a multinational research on the quality of life and occupational health and safety of small and medium enterprise workers in developing countries in Asia. SAGE Research Methods Cases. doi: 10.4135/9781526424891 (click here for Abstract)
- Susilowati, I., Fitria, L., Low, W.Y., Kaewboonchoo, O., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2017). Factors predictive of quality of life among Indonesian SME workers. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (3), 116-125. doi: 10.3923/ajaps.2017 (click here for Full Article)
- Isahak, M., Loh, M.Y., Susilowati, I., Kaewboonchoo, O., Harncharoen, K., Amin, N. M., Nguyen, T., Low, W.Y., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2017). The association of workplace exposure on quality of life in Small and Medium Enterprises workers: A cross-sectional study in four ASEAN countries. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 29 (4), 315-327. doi: 10.1177/1010539517699060 (click here for full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Kaewboonchoo, O., Bell, E., Haigh, C., Susilowati, I., Isahak, M., Harncharoen, K., Nguyen, T., & Low, W.Y. (2016). Depression, anxiety and stress among small and medium enterprise workers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. International Journal of Occupational Health and Public Health Nursing, 3, 13-29. (click here for Full Article)
- Kaewboonchoo, O, Isahak, M., Susilowati, I., Phuong, T. N., Morioka, I., Harncharoen, K., Low, W.Y., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2016). Work ability and its related factors among workers in small and medium enterprises: Comparison among four ASEAN countries. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 28, 438-449. doi: 10.1177/1010539516651957 (click here for Abstract)
- Kaewboonchoo, O., Boey, V.W.F., Low, W.Y., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2016). Occupational health and safety among small and medium enterprise workers in four ASEAN countries: Protocol of a comparison study. Asia Journal of Public Health, 7 (2), 50-56.
- Harncharoen, K., Isahak, M., Kaewboonchoo, O., Low, W.Y., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2016). Workplace environment and quality of life of SME workers: A systematic review. Asia Journal of Public Health, 7 (2), 64-81.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Park J. F., Ratanasiripong, N., & Kathalae, D. (2015). Stress and anxiety management in nursing students: Biofeedback and mindfulness meditation. Journal of Nursing Education, 54, 520-524. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20150814-07 (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Wang, C. D., Ratanasiripong, N., Hayes, J. A., Kaewboonchoo, O., & Kathalae, D. (2015). Development and cross-cultural validation of the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms – Thai version. The Counseling Psychologist, 43, 248-271. doi: 10.1177/0011000014566991 (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Kaewboonchoo, O., Ratanasiripong, N., Hanklang, S. & Chumchai, P. (2015). Biofeedback intervention for stress, anxiety, and depression among graduate students in public health nursing. Nursing Research and Practice, 2015, Article ID 160746. doi: 10.1155/2015/160746 (click here for Full Article)
- Kaewboonchoo, O., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Thai version of the Work Ability Index. Journal of Occupational Health, 57, 371-377. doi: 10.1539/joh.14-0173-OA (click here for Full Article)
- Rodriguez, A., Ratanasiripong, P., Hayashino, D., & Locks A. (2014). The effects of attachment and acculturation on Latino college students’ relationship satisfaction with a close friend. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 13, 323-333. doi: 10.1177/1538192714540532 (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Sverduk, K., Prince, J., & Hayashino, D. (2012). Biofeedback and counseling for stress and anxiety among college students. Journal of College Student Development, 53, 742-749. (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Ratanasiripong, N., & Kathalae, D. (2012). Biofeedback intervention for stress and anxiety among nursing students: A randomized controlled trial. International Scholarly Research Network - Nursing, 2012, Article ID 827972. doi: 10.5402/2012/827972 (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P. (2012). Mental health of Muslim nursing students in Thailand. International Scholarly Research Network - Nursing, 2012, Article ID 463471. doi: 10.5402/2012/463471 (click here for Full Article)
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Rodriguez, A. (2011). Promoting wellness for Thai college students. Journal of College Student Development, 52, 217-223. (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Wang, C.D. (2011). Psychological well-being of Thai nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 31, 412-416. (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P. & Burkey, H. (2011). Body mass index and body size perception: A normalizing of overweight and obesity among diverse college students. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 9 (1), 18-24. (click here for Full Article)
- Wang, C. D., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2010). Adult attachment, cultural orientation, and psychosocial functioning of Chinese Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16, 101-109. (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., Sverduk, K, Hayashino, D., & Prince, J. (2010). Setting up the next generation biofeedback program for stress and anxiety management for college students: A simple and cost-effective approach. College Student Journal, 44, 97-100.
- Ghafoori, B., Ratanasiripong, P., & Holladay, C. (2010). Cognitive behavioral group therapy for mood management in individuals with intellectual disabilities: A pilot study. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 3, 1-15. (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Ghafoori, B. (2009). Setting up the on-site marriage and family therapy clinical training course. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 36, 347-351.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Burkey, H., & Ratanasiripong, N. (2009). Stress and substance use among Asian American and Latino college students. College Student Journal, 43, 1253-1259.
- Ramos-Sanchez, L., Esnil, E., Goodwin, A., Riggs, S., Touster, L., Wright, L., Ratanasiripong, P., & Rodolfa, E. (2002). Negative supervisory events: Effects on supervision satisfaction and supervisory alliance. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 33, 197-202. (click here for Abstract)
- Ratanasiripong, P. (2023, September). Improving the Mental Health and Well-Being among Students and Teaching Professionals in K-12 and University Settings in Thailand. Presentation at the International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Galvan, F., Ratanasiripong, P., & Hanklang, S. (2023, September). Mental Health and Quality of Life among College and University Teaching Professionals in Thailand. Presentation at the International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ramon, E., Ratanasiripong, P., Nungdanjark, W., Thongthammarat, Y., & Hanklang, S. (2023, September). Secondary School Students' Mental Health, Grit, Self-Esteem, and Smartphone Addiction. Presentation at the International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Nguyen, T., Ratanasiripong, P., & Hanklang, S. (2023, September). University Students' Smartphone Addiction and Mental Health. Presentation at the International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Koizumi, M., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2023, September). Discrimination Reduction through Intergroup Dialogue in Education. Presentation at the International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Jimenez Castillo, S., Ratanasiripong, P., & Seangpraw, K. (2023, September). Factors Impacting the Mental Health of Senior University Students in Northern Thailand. Presentation at the International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Hanklang, S., Ratanasiripong, N., Singhum, P., Sathira-Anant, S., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2023, September). Effect of Smartphone Addiction, Self-Esteem and Mental Health on Grit among Nursing Students. Presentation at the International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Ratanasiripong, N., Thongthammarat, Y., & Nungdanjark, W. (2020, December). Mental Health and Wellness among Teachers in Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Ratanasiripong, N., Tonkuriman, A., Songprakun, W., Rungnoei, N., Sanseeha, L., Pisaipan, P., Thaniwattananon, P., Jingmark, S., Khamwong, M., & Bunyapakron, S. (2020, December). Resiliency and Mental Health of Older Adults in Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ratanasiripong, N., Ratanasiripong, P., Nungdanjark, W., Thongthammarat, Y., Bunyapakorn, S., & Bunyapakorn, J. (2020, December). Quality of Life among the Older Adults in Rural Northeastern Villages of Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ratanasiripong, P., & China, T. (2019, November). Mental Health of School Teachers in Okinawa. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ratanasiripong, N., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2019, November). Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life among Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Patients in Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ratanasiripong, N., Warawitsaranggoon, R., Junda, T. & Ratanasiripong, P. (2019, November). Mental Health Needs and Quality of Life among Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Patients in Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Rodriguez, A., Ratanasiripong, P., Hardaway, K., Barron, L., & Toyama, S. (2019, August). Latinx College Students: How Schemas and Attachments Impact Depression and Relationship Satisfaction. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago.
- Nann, N., Toyama, S., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2018, November). The Freshmen Experience: Mental Health of First Year University Students in Japan, Thailand, and Germany. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Toyama, S., Seangpraw, K., Auttama, N., & Tonchoy, P. (2018, September). Mental Health of College Students in Northern Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
- Ratanasiripong, P., China, T., & Toyama, S. (2018, September). Mental Health and Well-Being of University Students in Okinawa. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
- Ratanasiripong, N., Seangpraw, K., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2018, September). Quality of Life of the rural Older Adults in Northern Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
- Nann, N., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2018, August). Mental Health and Well-Being of University Students in Germany. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Hanklang, S., Kathalae, D., Chumchai, P., China, T., & Williams, S. (2017, August). Mental Health of College and University Faculty in Thailand. Oral presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Incheon, South Korea.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Sawatzky, M., Ratanasiripong, N., Hanklang, S., Kathalae, D., Chumchai, P., & Nann, N. (2017, August). Mental Health and Well-Being of Nursing Students in Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Incheon, South Korea.
- Hanklang, S., Sathira-Anant, S., Naksranoi, S., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2017, August). Influence of Internet Use and Depression on Self-Esteem among Nursing Students. Oral presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health, Incheon, South Korea.
- Ratanasiripong, N., Kathalae, D., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2017, August). Attitude toward Pre-Marital Sex and Risky Sexual Behavior that May Cause Unwanted Pregnancy among Thai Nursing Students. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health, Incheon, South Korea.
- Hanklang, S., Sathira-anant, S., Naksranoi, S., Ratanasiripong, P., Patanasri, K., & Panarat, W. (2017, August). Factors Associated with the Quality of Life among Older Workers in Small and Medium Enterprises in Thailand. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health, Incheon, South Korea.
- Kaewboonchoo, O., Harncharoen, K., Low, W. Y., Ratanasiripong, P., & Miyai, N. (2016, September). Path Analysis on Ergonomic, Musculoskeletal Disorder, Mental Health, Quality of Life and Work Ability among Small and Medium Enterprise Workers. Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ratanasiripong, N., Kathalae, D, Sri-Umporn, S., Hanklang, D., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2016, September). Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Rate and Factors Related to Intention to Obtain the Vaccine among Young Women in Thailand. Presentation at Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Bell, E., Haigh, C., Kaewboonchoo, O., Susilowati, I., Isahak, M., & Nguyen, T. (2015, October). Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in ASEAN Small and Medium Enterprise Workers. Presentation at the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Ratanasiripong, P. (2014, October). Stress and Anxiety Management through Biofeedback Intervention. Presentation at the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Wang, C.D., Ratanasiripong, N., Hayes, J.A., Kaewboonchoo, O., & Kathalae, D. (2014, March). Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS) Thai version: Translation and cross-cultural validation. Presentation at the Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta.
- Snow, E., Ratanasiripong, P., To, S., & Dutch, M. (2014, March). Attachment, friendship satisfaction, and well-being in older adult women. Presentation at the Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta.
- Nguyen, H. T., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2013, October). Biofeedback intervention to reduce stress and anxiety among secondary candidates in a Teacher Education program. Presentation at the Fall 2013 Conference of the California Council on Teacher Education, San Diego.
- To, S., Nguyen, H. T., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2013, October). Regenerating the field by exploring race and white privilege in educational contexts. Presentation at the Fall 2013 Conference of the California Council on Teacher Education, San Diego.
- Ratanasiripong, P. (2013, May). Biofeedback intervention for stress and anxiety management. Keynote presentation at the Asian Conference on Occupational Health Nursing, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ratanasiripong, P. (2013, March). University student mental health issues: Consultation principles and skills. Workshop presentation at Mahidol University - Faculty of Public Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Ratanasiripong, N. (2012, August). Randomized controlled trial for stress and anxiety management: Biofeedback -vs- mindfulness meditation. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Orlando.
- Rodriguez, A., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2012, August). Attachment, acculturation, and friendship satisfaction among Latino young adult. Symposium presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Orlando.
- Rodriguez, A., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2012, August). Latinas/os in college: How attachment, income, and generation status relate to academic and social choices. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Orlando.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Ratanasiripong, N, & Ceglowski, J. (2011, August). Biofeedback intervention for stress and anxiety management among nursing students in Thailand. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
- Ceglowski, J., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2011, August). Family influences on body image: the impact of parental relationship and positive male role model. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Wang, C.D. (2010a, August). The Thai version of the Experiences in Close Relationship Scale. Symposium presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego.
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Wang, C.D. (2010b, August). Psychological well-being of nursing students in Thailand. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego.
- Ceglowski, J., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2010, August). The impact of the relationship with father on adult children's self-esteem, attachment, and emotional expressivity. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego.
- Pena, L., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2010, August). Short-term structured psychotherapy group for adoptees: Additional resource for independent practitioner. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego.
- Rodriguez, A. & Ratanasiripong, P. (2010, October). Promoting wellness for college students in Thailand. Presentation at the Comparative and International Education Society Western Regional, Long Beach.
- Ratanasiripong, P., & Burkey, H. (2009, November). Normalizing overweight and obesity: Is it deadly? Presentation at the Long Beach Research Symposium.
- Burkey, H., Ratanasiripong, N., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2009, May). Measuring the impact of an innovative campus health education intervention program for students newly diagnosed with HPV. Presentation at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
- Prince, J., Hayashino, D., Ratanasiripong, P, & Sverduk, K. (2009, April). Biofeedback-assisted psychotherapy treatment for anxiety among college students. Presentation at the California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Oakland.
- Wang, C.D., & Ratanasiripong, P. (2008, August). Adult attachment, cultural orientation, and psychosocial functioning of Chinese Americans. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston.
- Laitamaki, J., Ratanasiripong, P., & Laitamaki, S. (2005, June). An inclusive multicultural organization: Diverse national cultures as a source for value added advantages in the U.S. hotel industry. Presentation at the International Human Resource Management Conference, Cairns, Australia.
- Wright, L., Esnil, E., Goodwin, A., Riggs, S., Touster, L., Ramos-Sanchez, L., Ratanasiripong, P., & Rodolfa, E. (2001, August). Negative supervisory events: Effects on supervision satisfaction and supervisory alliance. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco.
- Rodolfa, E., Bartle, D., Boies, S., Davis, D., Grimes, D., Ratanasiripong, P., & Yu, J. (1998, August). Helping a diverse college clientele: Counseling Center utilization rates and outreach services. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco.

Angela Tuan: successfully defended EdD Dissertation (02/10/2025)
Computer Science Identity and Persistence among Women of Color at a California Community College

Emily Ramon: successfully defended SDHE Master's Thesis (02/10/2025)
Exploring Mental Health Landscape: Investigating Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Attitudes toward Seeking Mental Health Assistance among Latinx and African American Community College Students in California

Tammy Nguyen: successfully defended SDHE Master's Thesis (01/27/2025)
Understanding Asian International and Immigrant Students' Experience in California Public Colleges and Universities: Acculturation, Belong, Academic Outcomes, and Well-Being

Martha Villa: successfully defended EdD Dissertation (02/07/2025)
Equity in Mathematics Achievement: An Examination of Culturally Responsiveness in Mathematics Curricula for Students of Color with Disability in Inclusive Education

Jaclyn Caballero successfully defended EdD Dissertation (01/31/2025)
The Road to Turnover: Investigating Work-Life Demands, Resources, and Burnout among Early Childhood Education Teachers

Shelby Feliciano-Sabala: successfully defended EdD Dissertation (01/27/2025)
How Social and Emotional Learning Improvement Affects the School Experiences of Youths Experiencing Homelessness

2024 Second-Year SDHE Retreat

2024 First-Year SDHE Retreat

2024 First-Year SDHE BBQ-Potluck

2024 SDHE Graduation - Order of the Pines

2023-24 Dissertation Group:
Dr. John Vladovic, Dr. Hayarpi Nersisyan, Dr. Paolo Banaag

2024 EdD Graduation

2024 SDHE Fieldwork Supervisor Reception

2024 Third Year SDHE Retreat

Hayarpi Nersisyan: successfully defended EdD Dissertation (03/15/2024)
The Impact of Campus Climate on the Ethnic Identity Development and Sense of Belonging among MENA/SWANA College Students

John Vladovic: successfully defended EdD Dissertation (02/01/2024)
The West Beverly Conundrum: Exploring Differences in Students' Academic Outcomes by Scheduling Type

Manami Koizumi: successfully defended SDHE Master's Thesis (01/31/2024)
Intergroup Dialogue, Self-Authorship, Diversity-Seeking, and Anti-Asian Prejudice Beliefs among College Students

Florencia Galvan: successfully defended SDHE Master's Thesis (01/31/2024)
Mentoring First-Generation Transfer Students for College Success

Paolo Banaag: successfully defended EdD Dissertation (12/07/2023)
An Analysis of California Community College Counselors' Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction, Supportive Work Structure, and Mindful Self-Care Practices

2023 International Conference Presentations (Thailand)
Tammy, Emily, Florencia, Manami, Stephanie

Cynthia Johnson Fellows
Stephanie Jimenez (2023-24), Tammy Nguyen (2022-23), Florencia Galvan (2021-22)

Manami Koizumi: 2023-24 Graduate Equity Fellowship Recipient ($9,000)

2023 Second Year SDHE Retreat

2023 First Year SDHE Retreat

2022-23 Dissertation Group:
Dr. Kelly Holt, Dr. Jason West, Dr. Vicky Reyes, Dr. Betsy Medina Duran

Sabrina Nguyen: 2022-23 Graduate Fellowship Recipient ($9,000)
* First Place Winner in Education Category at CSU Long Beach Student Research Competition

2022 Second Year SDHE Retreat

2022 First Year SDHE Retreat

2019 Summer - COUN 555 Cross-Cultural Counseling Study Abroad (Thailand)
Isa, Claudia, Josh, Cyndy, Ester, Pryscilla, Mirna, Derek, Monica, Dean, Leica, Ana,
Veronica, Yadira, Stephanie, Marvin, Marie, Shannon, Brianna, Oscar, Armando

2018 Summer - COUN 555 Cross-Cultural Counseling Study Abroad (Thailand)
Mike, Martin, Josh, Kate, Carrie, Megan, Mary Lou, Nadia, Evelyn, Amir, Daezsha
Gabriela, Diana, Katie, Karla, Sandra, Dhia, Kaeleigh, Edlin, Vanessa, Chanelle, Itzel

2017 Fall - COUN 191 Teaching Assistants
Noemi, Amaris, Nathalie, Ilene, Erica, Camille, Sarah

2017 Summer - COUN 555 Cross-Cultural Counseling Study Abroad (Thailand)
Karina, Irene, Rachel, Janet, Alexis, Christie, LaTianna, Ilene, Jenn
Noemi, Krystyna, Erica, Sarah, Camille, Cristal

Charlotte Haigh:
* First Place Winner in Education Category at the 31st CSU Student Research Competition (April 2017)
* First Place Winner in Education Category at CSU Long Beach Student Research Competition (Feb 2017)

2016 Research Data Collection (Cambodia): Charlotte Haigh & Alex Pan

Alex Pan: 2016-17 CSULB Graduate Research Fellowship Recipient ($9,000)

2015 International Conference Presentation (Indonesia):
Charlotte Haigh & Edith Bell: Graduate Tuition Scholarship Recipients (~ $20,000 each)

2015 Thesis / Research Group: Edith Bell & Sun Yu

Marc Dutch:
* 2014 Dean’s List
* Counseling Psychology Ph.D. student at the University of North Dakota

2014 Thesis / Research Group
Jeanessa Harris, Sonja Bishop, Erica Kurowski

2014 CSULB Research Competition
Marc Dutch: 1st Place, Education Category

2012 Thesis / Research Group
Erin Snow, April Hernandez, Sandy To, Aaron Mason

2011 Thesis / Research Group
Mike, Roya, Ashley, Aaron, Kelli

2012 CSULB Student Research Competition
Ashley Frazier: 1st place, Education Category
Roya Dedeaux: 2nd place, Social & Behavioral Sciences Category
Mike Kornbluth: honorable mention, Health, Nutrition & Clinical Sciences Category

Ashley Frazier: 2011-12 CSULB Graduate Research Fellowship Recipient ($9,000)

Adrian Rodriguez: Counseling Psychology Ph.D. student at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

2011 Spring - COUN 191 Teaching Assistants
Aaron, Raquel, Ashley, Mike, Eunice, Hallie, Umeko

2010 Spring - COUN 609 Practicum Class
Kaleena, Paolo, Angelos, Raquel, Edwyna, Titus, Liz, Christine