Open a Credential File

CSULB Credential Candidates must open a credential file with the College of Education Student Success and Advising Center, a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing-approved program sponsor. Complete the steps listed under the appropriate drop-down to open your file.


Please go to the Student Success & Advising Center for the appropriate forms and timelines.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Valid Basic Teaching Credential-CTC printout of your valid prerequisite California teaching credential, showing authorizations and issuance/expiration dates. Prerequisite credential is defined as the following: Education Specialist, Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Teaching credentials issued under prior statutes with comparable authorizations to the above listed credentials.
  • Subject Matter Competency-Provide proof of meeting Subject Matter Competency in Physical Education by examination, program, coursework or combination of examination and coursework
  • APEAA Advisement Sheet-If you have completed all coursework, submit your APEAA Advisement Sheet signed by the program coordinator

Step 3: Upload your documents to our Adapted PE-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. If all requirements have been met, credential application information will be provided. Some notes to keep in mind regarding your evaluation:

  • APEAA Advisement Sheet-If you have not yet completed all coursework, you will be asked to provide your signed advisement sheet when available.
  • Course Equivalencies-If using equivalencies from an institution other than CSULB, you may be asked to submit an official transcript from that institution. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Valid Prerequisite Credential-CTC printout of your valid prerequisite California credential, showing issuance/expiration dates. Prerequisite credential is defined as the following: teaching credential (Education Specialist, Multiple or Single Subject), Speech-Language Pathology or Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential with a Special Class Authorization, School Nurse Services Credential with a Special Teaching Authorization in Health, Visiting Faculty Permit, Children's Center Permit (excluding emergency), or Child Development Permit (excluding Assistant and Associate Permit) that authorizes the holder to provide instruction to pupils.
  • English Learner Authorization-verified by one of the following:
    • CTC printout of valid Language Development Specialist (LDS) Certificate, CLAD Certificate, teaching credential with an English Learner Authorization or CLAD Emphasis; or
    • Eligibility for a CLAD Certificate or Teaching Credential with an English Learner Authorization based on one of the following:
      • Passing scores on Subtests 1, 2, and 3 of the CTEL Examination; or
      • Possession of an out-of-state credential showing an English Learner Authorization; or
      • Possession of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certificate in Early and Middle Childhood or Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood English as a New Language
  • CSET LOTE Subtests III, IV, and/or V - copy of official passing scores, if applicable

Step 3: Upload your documents to our BILA-Open a File form

  • Spanish BILA students - please also complete the Advisement Form for coordinator's approval 

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. If all requirements have been met, credential application information will be provided. Item to note regarding your evaluation:

  • Course Equivalencies-If using equivalencies from an institution other than CSULB, you may be asked to submit an official transcript from that institution. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Valid Clear Credential-CTC printout of your valid prerequisite credential showing issuance/expiration dates and English Learner Authorization, if applicable. Prerequisite credential is defined as the following:
    • California clear or life teaching credential requiring a bachelor's degree and a program of professional preparation; including student teaching and proof of holding an English Learner Authorization; or
    • California clear or life Designated Subject Teaching Credential, provided the holder also possesses a bachelor's degree or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university and proof of holding an English Learner Authorization; or
    • Clear or life California Pupil Personnel Services Credential, Teacher Librarian Services Credential, Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential, Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential, or a School Nurse Services Credential, requiring a bachelor's degree and a program of professional preparation, including filed practice or the equivalent. English Learner Authorization not required.
  • Verification of Experience-Before being recommended for your Certificate/Credential, you must submit verification of completing five years of full-time experience. Verification must be an original letter on employer's letterhead, clearly stating position held with dates of experience, and signed by a Human Resources representative. If the letter was emailed to you, please also provide the email. For additional information, please see Terms and Definitions on CTC Leaflet CL-574C.

Step 3: Upload your documents to our Administrative Services-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. 

Program Completion and Application information will be provided during your final semester. Upon completion of all program requirements and outstanding items listed on your credential evaluation, you will be eligible to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility. If you have an offer of employment for an administrative position, you will be eligible for a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. An original CL-777 must be on file.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Valid California Teaching Credential-CTC printout of Valid Basic California Teaching Credential with issuance/expiration dates. Teaching Credential may be one of the following:
    • A teaching credential requiring a bachelor's degree and a professional preparation program, including student teaching and proof of holding an English Learner Authorization; or
    • A clear, full-time Designated Subjects Teaching Credential, provided that the holder also possesses a bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university and proof of holding an English Learner Authorization
  • Verification of Experience-you must submit verification of three years successful, full-time teaching experience in any grade of subject, preschool through adult exclusive of student teaching, intern teaching, or teaching while holding an emergency or teaching permit. Verification must be an original letter on employer's letterhead, clearly stating dates of position held, and signed by a Human Resources representative. If the letter was emailed to you, please also provide the email.

Step 3: Upload your documents to our Reading and Literacy-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. Item to note regarding your evaluation:

  • Official Transcript(s)-you may be asked to submit an official transcript verifying bachelor's degree and/or completion of a teaching preparation program. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.

Program Completion and Application information will be provided during your final semester. Upon completion of all program requirements and outstanding items listed on your credential evaluation, you will be eligible to apply for a Reading and Literacy Added Authorization.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Fingerprint Clearance-printout of CTC document showing issuance/expiration dates (e.g. Certificate of Clearance, Emergency Permit, California Credential, etc.)

Step 3: Upload your documents to our School Counseling-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. Item to note regarding your evaluation:

  • Course Equivalencies-If using equivalencies from an institution other than CSULB, you may be asked to submit an official transcript from that institution. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.

Program Completion and Application information will be provided during your final semester. Upon completion of all program requirements, including posting of your Education Specialist Degree  and outstanding items listed on your credential evaluation, you will be eligible to apply for a Clear Pupil Personnel Services Credential-Specialization in School Counseling.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Fingerprint Clearance-printout of CTC document showing issuance/expiration dates (e.g. Certificate of Clearance, Emergency Permit, California Credential, etc.)

Step 3: Upload your documents to our School Psychology-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. Some notes to keep in mind regarding your evaluation:

  • Course Equivalencies-If using equivalencies from an institution other than CSULB, you may be asked to submit an official transcript from that institution. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.
  • Praxis-All three pages of official passing scores must be submitted by May 1st for spring graduation or December 1st for fall graduation.

Program Completion and Application information will be provided during your final semester. Upon completion of all program requirements, including posting of your Education Specialist Degree and outstanding items listed on your credential evaluation, you will be eligible to apply for a Clear Pupil Personnel Services Credential-Specialization in School Psychology.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Fingerprint Clearance-printout of CTC document showing issuance/expiration dates (e.g. Certificate of Clearance, Emergency Permit, California Credential, etc.)

Step 3: Upload your documents to our School Social Work-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. Item to note regarding your evaluation:

  • Course Equivalencies-If using equivalencies from an institution other than CSULB, you may be asked to submit an official transcript from that institution. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.

Program Completion and Application information will be provided during your final semester. Upon completion of all program requirements, including posting of your Master's Degree (if completing concurrently) and outstanding items listed on your credential evaluation, you will be eligible to apply for a Clear Pupil Personnel Services Credential-Specialization in School Social Work and Child Welfare and Attendance.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Fingerprint Clearance-printout of CTC document showing issuance/expiration dates (e.g. Certificate of Clearance, Emergency Permit, California Credential, etc.)

Step 3: Upload your documents to our Speech Language Pathology-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. Item to note regarding your evaluation:

  • Course Equivalencies-If using equivalencies from an institution other than CSULB, you may be asked to submit an official transcript from that institution. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.

Program Completion and Application information will be provided during your final semester. Upon completion of all program requirements, including posting of your Master's Degree and outstanding items listed on your credential evaluation, you will be eligible to apply for a 2-year Preliminary Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential.

Complete the following steps to open your credential file:

Step 1: Pay $25 Credential Evaluation and Services fee. If you have any questions regarding the $25 fee, please contact us prior to payment, as this fee is non-refundable.

Step 2: Gather the following documents. Please make sure to title each document clearly with your name, campus ID, and description. For example: LastName_CampusID_Payment Receipt

  • Credential Evaluation and Services fee payment receipt
  • Valid California Teaching Credential-CTC printout of Valid Basic California Teaching Credential with issuance/expiration dates. Teaching Credential may be one of the following:
    • A teaching credential requiring a bachelor's degree and a professional preparation program, including student teaching and proof of holding an English Learner Authorization; or
    • A clear, full-time Designated Subjects Teaching Credential, provided that the holder also possesses a bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university and proof of holding an English Learner Authorization
  • Candidates who already hold a Teacher Librarian Services Credential and are completing just the Special Class Authorization-Digital Literacy course, must also provide a CTC printout of their Teacher Librarian Services Credential showing issuance/expiration dates.

Step 3: Upload your documents to our Teacher Librarian Services-Open a File form

What happens next? Within approximately 30 days of receipt of documents and fee, a credential analyst will email you a credential evaluation showing completed and outstanding requirements. Item to note regarding your evaluation:

  • Course Equivalencies-If using equivalencies from an institution other than CSULB, you may be asked to submit an official transcript from that institution. A credential analyst will contact you after reviewing your items and let you know if a transcript is needed.

Program Completion and Application information will be provided during your final semester. Upon completion of all program requirements and outstanding items listed on your credential evaluation, you will be eligible to apply for a Teacher Librarian Services Credential with Special Class Authorization-Digital Literacy or apply to have the Special Class Authorization-Digital Literacy added to your existing Teacher Librarian Services Credential.