Welcome Dr. Stephen Glass - Distinguished Faculty in Residence, Educational Leadership Department
The College of Education welcomed Dr. Stephen Glass, one of three new faculty members to join the College this fall! Read below to learn more about what Dr. Glass hopes to inspire in and teach his students, his research interests, and why he chose the College of Education at CSULB.

I’m a proud alumnus of the CSULB College of Education Educational Leadership Doctorate program. I chose to apply for this position because I believe in the EDD program, the professors and lecturers, and the students seeking to further their expertise and professional practice. I believe in the PK12 and Higher Education graduates of my cohort (6) and those who came before and will come after because they have a commitment to embrace social justice, eliminate anti-blackness, and pursue equity within their individual spheres of influence. It has been my professional goal to return to the Educational Leadership department as a faculty member since I graduated. I am honored to be named Distinguished Faculty in Residence and follow in the footsteps of my mentor, Dr. James Scott.
I chose to pursue a career in education due to my experiences as a student at Morehouse College. As an undergraduate I was surrounded by faculty who required excellence from me. I graduated, in large part, due to the unwavering support from Dr. Gloria Wade-Gayles (Spelman College), Dean Lawerence E. Carter, Sr., Dr. Alton P. Hornsby, Jr., Dr. Marcellus C. Barksdale, and Dr. Akinyele Umoja. These faculty members maintained high expectations for me and my academic pursuits. These experiences inspired me to return to California and pursue a teaching career in the secondary school environment.
In my role as Distinguished Faculty in Residence, I serve as a full-time lecturer. A significant portion of my time will be spent recruiting for the EDLD EDD program. However, if time permitted, I would study the barriers for African American and other students of color to educational equity and access in PK12 settings.
I hope my students, who are practitioners, will see me as a champion against racism in all its forms (including anti-blackness), a seeker of equity, and a promoter of equality. I recognize the moment that surrounds us due to George Floyd’s killing and the recent shooting of Jacob Blake, Jr. We are forced to reflect on our core values as individuals and the ideals of our country. To usher in this change in our society, we must understand the important role educators play in this transformation. We should not only acknowledge the moment we are presently living in but prepare to support the movement which is needed to continue this change.
I hope to teach my students that we are all in process. None of us have “arrived” yet. Therefore, we must be as patient with ourselves as we are expected to be with our students. Our growth is a lifelong endeavor.
I hope to inspire in my students the confidence to promote antiracist ideas and policies in their personal and professional lives.