The Lasting Impact of Scholarships

Published November 26, 2019


The impact of scholarships have a ripple effect, positively impacting not only the recipient, but also those around them, such as a student teacher’s own students. Recent CED graduate and Dean’s Endowed Student Teaching Scholarship recipient, Yasmin Elasmar, shared how being a scholarship recipient changed her time as a student. “The Dean’s Endowed Student Teaching Scholarship allowed me to reduce my work hours outside of my student teaching program, which allowed for additional time to focus on completing all of the requirements of the program to the best of my ability. [It] allowed me to create more in-depth lessons for my students, begin/finish my TPA’s early, and take care of myself better.”

Elasmar, who received her single subject teaching credential in chemistry, now teaches at Social Justice Humanitas Academy. To her, “having the scholarship reminded me how important my work was, and kept me motivated to finish my program…When I applied, I wrote about how important I felt it was for women of color to be represented in fields like STEM education…Support systems like the Dean’s [Endowed Student Teaching] Scholarship are essential to helping underrepresented communities succeed despite barriers like financial stress.”

Established in 2015, the Dean's Endowed Student Teaching Scholarship provides annual scholarship support to a future teacher, during their student teaching semester.  The Dean's Endowed Student Teaching Scholarship is funded by the annual support raised with a year-end appeal letter, hand signed by the Dean's Endowed Student Teaching Committee. The committee was conceived by Distinguished Alumna, Marnos Lelesi, who felt that while not everyone could make a “major gift” to the College, we could ask many of our alums for smaller gifts, and together, those would have a big impact.

Visit the Dean’s Endowed Student Teaching Scholarship page to contribute.