MSCP Student Teacher Raises $2,500 for Backpack Drive

Published November 1, 2021

“During the pandemic I saw first-hand how many of my own students' families were affected. As someone pursuing a career in education, I thought to myself, ‘All students should have guaranteed access to basic school supplies,’ shared Multiple Subject Credential student Eliza Castrejon.


Castrejon, who finishes her credential at CSULB in spring 2022, was inspired to help students at an area school. Through a fundraiser she initiated over the summer, she was able to raise $2,500 to fill 130 backpacks with supplies such as notebooks, individual whiteboards, folders, markers, and pencil cases containing the essentials. In addition, surplus supplies were donated to the school for other students in need, along with books for the library, and office and art supplies for the school itself.

Eliza Castrejon in a classroom surrounded by backpacks
MSCP student teacher Eliza Castrejon