Meet Chrystal Maggiore, CED's Technology Integration Specialist

Published February 2, 2022

Meet the College of Education’s new Technology Integration Specialist, Chrystal Maggiore who joined the college in November. Chrystal has a graduate degree in Learning, Design, and Technology, has worked as an adjunct instructor at Penn State University, as a science teacher and coach in the Los Angeles Unified School District, a consultant with the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), and most recently as an Instructional Designer in Academic Technology Services here at CSULB. Here, Chrystal shares why she chose a career in higher ed, details about her current role, and her favorite aspect of her job.

Chrystal Maggiore
Chrystal Maggiore



In 2016, I had an opportunity to present my research on using iBeacons for outdoor science learning expeditions at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences in Singapore. It was an amazing opportunity to connect with international scholars and hear the enthusiasm around our research. I would welcome an opportunity to continue my work in place-based learning technologies to augment spaces at CSULB. 



I work with faculty and staff in the CED providing support, training, and professional development with technology integration and instructional design. I support a variety of technology initiatives across the college, including our faculty seminar series and a course redesign and enhancement initiative this semester. I am also in the process of overseeing a new HyFlex/Active Learning Classroom being developed in the ED2 building. In my role, I am involved with a wide range of special projects and strategic priorities relating to technology in the CED. 


Right before joining the CED, I was an instructional designer for about a year here at CSULB’s Academic Technology Services.  Prior to that position, I taught as an adjunct instructor at Penn State University for a course in teaching and learning online. I also taught an elementary science methodology course at Penn State. I started my career in education teaching middle school science before moving into leadership roles at the school, district, and county-level supporting faculty with technology integration. 

I have decided to make my career in higher education because I truly enjoy working adult learners. As a life-long learner myself, it is wonderful to be in a place where I can focus on learning and teaching. I am happy to be in a role where I can impact the students at CSULB by supporting faculty in refining their courses to optimize learning experiences with technology. 


I enjoy opportunities where I can provide support for someone in making their life and work easier with technology. I like seeing the impact when I can support someone in using a new technology tool or process that they can immediately put into use.