Dr. Jessica Pandya Presents Recent Research in Australia

Published July 12, 2019

Liberal Studies Department Chair, Dr. Jessica Pandya, recently traveled to Australia to present her research on digital literacy and technology.

Invited as a keynote speaker at the Australian Literacy Educators' Assocation (ALEA) National Conference in Melbourne, Pandya's lecture, “Empowering all Student Voices in Digital Video: Critical Digital Literacy in an Inclusive US Context," focused on a four-year project conducted with several third-fifth grade teachers and children aged 8-10 years on digital literacy. Guided by the question “What kinds of literacy practices emerge when students participate in ongoing cycles of everyday digital video composition in language arts, social studies, and science curricula?” Pandya worked with children and teachers to create over 300 videos on iPads in the course of the project. The classrooms were inclusive; English learners and children with special needs participated, with modifications as needed, in the video projects.

While in Australia, Dr. Pandya will also present a talk entitled, “Critical Digital App Use” at the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English Curriculum Forum. This presentation will focus on Pandya's most recent work with current and former CSULB student co-researchers on teachers' use of apps and technology in the classroom.

Jessica Pandya Speaking at Lectern
Jessica Pandya at ALEA National Conference. Melbourne, Australia