Kelli Sanderson



Vanderbilt University, Peabody College

Nashville, TN  

Ph.D., Special Education 

California State University, Long Beach

Long Beach, CA

M.S, Special Education 

University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH  

B.A., Psychology 

  • Families of individuals with disabilities 
  • Postsecondary transition for students with low incidence disabilities 
  • Advocacy for individuals with disabilities 
  • Parent and student participation in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings 

Representative Publications

Sanderson, K.A. & Bumble, J.L. (2023). Parent perspectives: Understanding the postschool concerns of parents of transition-age youth with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.

Sanderson, K.A. & Goldman, S. E. (2023). Factors associated with parent IEP satisfaction. Remedial and Special Education.

Sanderson, K.A., Powers, K. & Cornejo-Guevera, M. (2022). Exploring the development of an inclusive postsecondary education program for diverse students with intellectual disabilities through a virtual community conversation. Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education,

Sanderson, K. A. & Goldman, S. E. (2021). Understanding the characteristics and predictors of student involvement in IEP meetings. Journal of Special Education,

Sanderson, K. A., Burke, M. M., Urbano, R. C., Arnold, C., & Hodapp, R. M. (2019). Getting by with a little help from my friends: Siblings report on the amount of informal supports received by adults with disabilitiesJournal of Intellectual Disability Research,  



  • 2020 & 2016 Student and Early Professional Award – Gerontology Interest Group & Families Interest Group 
    • American Association Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities   
  • 2016 Chancellors Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) Travel Grant Awardee 
  • 2015 Vanderbilt University, Doctoral Training Grant Recipient 
  • 2015 California State Universities Chancellors Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) Awardee 
  • 2015 Peabody Graduate Honor Scholarship, Vanderbilt University 
  • 2015 Peabody Dean’s Fellowship, Vanderbilt University