Academic Software Matrix
The University-supported Open Computer Labs, Express Labs, Lecture Rooms, Lecture Halls, and the Student Virtual Lab provide resources to students and faculty to achieve teaching and learning outcomes, while bridging the digital divide.
Approved Software
Software available in University-supported spaces is deployed and maintained by the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) per the recommendation of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology (FACT), a subcommittee of the Academic Senate.
The following documents list the approved software for the 2024-2025 academic year:
If there is a software package you believe would be beneficial to the purpose of these teaching and learning spaces, please contact your college’s FACT representative.
FACT Software Matrix Approval Process Timeline

Process Timeline Details
Proposal for Next Academic Year
The proposed Software Matrix for the next academic year is submitted to the Faculty Advising Committee of Technology (FACT) by Academic Technology Services (ATS). The proposed Software Matrix should be based off the current Approved Software Matrix and indicate proposed modifications.
Review and Revise
Committee members review the proposed Software Matrix with the colleges they represent and present proposed modifications to FACT for discussion, review, and approval.
Vote to Approve or Decline
Voting members of FACT Approve or Decline Proposed Software Matrix. If approved the Proposed Software Matrix will become the Approved Software Matrix. If declined no changes will occur in supported areas, besides security patches, or other stability patches that do not impact teaching and learning, and the previous Approved Software Matrix will remain.
Build and Test Images
ATS will build and test software packages and images in accordance with the Approved Software Matrix. ATS will report back any technical issues which may prevent the deployment per the Approved Software Matrix.
Deploy Approved Software Matrix
ATS will deploy software packages and images to supported areas per the Approved Software Matrix over the summer break.