RTP Evaluation Information 2021

Important Evaluation Information, Fall 2021


Request to Extend Probationary Period Due to Covid-19 Impact Form

2021-2022 COVID Equity Impact on Lecturer Faculty Evaluation Task Force Members

Additional Evaluation Information for Fall, 2021

Important Evaluation Information, Summer 2021

1) Summer 2021 Professional Development and Training for Faculty as a result of COVID-19
    CFA/CSU Memorandum of Understanding

2) COVID Equity Impact on Faculty Evaluation Task Force Guidelines

3) 2021 Personnel File COVID Communication Letter

Important Evaluation Information, Spring 2021

1) Early tenure and promotion

2) SPOT use and response rates

3) Probation extension including breaking news

4) The COVID Impact Statement

5) A letter from the Provost for inclusion in personnel files


Thinking about applying for early promotion and tenure in fall 2021?

If you are considering applying for Early Tenure and/or Early Promotion in Fall 2021 you should be taking action now!

You are encouraged, per Academic Senate policy PS 09-10 to initiate the process in the spring by first consulting with your Department Chair and/or Dean.   

Faculty members who are applying for early tenure and or early promotion are encouraged, per PS 09-10, to undergo an external evaluation which should be initiated in the “… spring prior to the fall semester when the RTP file is due.”  The process for the external evaluation is in Academic Senate policy PS 10-10, the relevant parts of which are copied below.

External evaluation policy

5.1    Normally, the external evaluation process will be initiated by the candidate, the department RTP committee, and/or the department chair. 

5.2    Normally, the external evaluation process will be initiated in the spring semester prior to the fall semester when the RTP file is due.  

5.3    Normally, the deadline for the external evaluator to submit a report should be no later than the deadline for the candidate to submit the RTP file to the department RTP committee.   

5.4    The candidate shall nominate three (3) professionals in the field, identifying their relationship or connection if appropriate. The Department RTP Committee in consultation with the Department Chair shall also nominate three (3) professionals in the field. 

5.5    The lists of names will be provided to the AVP for Faculty Affairs who will contact potential external evaluators, making a reasonable effort to secure one or more external evaluators from each list. If necessary, the AVP will ask for additional names. 

5.6    There should be a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) external evaluators per candidate review.  

5.7    The AVP for Faculty Affairs will be the primary contact with external evaluators, including forwarding the candidate materials for evaluation and setting the timeline for completion of the report.

Finally, once you decide that you are definitely going to apply for early tenure and/or early promotion, email Somone Washington (somone.washington@csulb.edu) letting her know the action(s) for which you wish to be evaluated (Early Tenure, Early Promotion, or both).

SPOT use and response rates

Use: In Spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching, as you know, transitioned from face-to-face to alternative modes of instruction; faculty members had only a few days to make this transition. Given this significant and rapid change and the impact on faculty members and students, consideration was given to not administering the Student Perceptions of Teaching instrument in Spring 2020.  However, in order to comply with the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement, all CSUs needed to administer student evaluations.  At the time a decision was made that all faculty members would be held harmless in the personnel process in terms of Spring 2020 SPOTs; the data from these may not be considered in personnel decisions, unless you explicitly choose to include the SPOT summary in your file.

Response rates:  If you are teaching synchronous classes you may consider providing class time during which students may complete the SPOT survey, just as you did when teaching face-to-face and when the SPOT was administered on paper. Also, students are more likely to provide feedback if they know that the feedback will be considered and may make a difference.  We have provided scripts that you may use to encourage your students to provide feedback.  These scripts are optional but if you use one or more of them, we ask that you use it or them as written. There are three scripts:

  • This script is for use in classes which are synchronous and in which students will be given class time to complete the SPOT.  It is to be used ahead of time to alert the students to the date on which SPOT will be administered.
  • This script is for use in classes which are synchronous and in which students will be given class time to complete the SPOT.  It is to be used on the day on which the SPOT is administered.
  • This script is one that can be posted for students in asynchronous classes or in synchronous classes for which class time will not be allocated for SPOT.

Probation extension including breaking news

All current probationary (tenure-track) faculty members, including those who started in August 2020 or January 2021, and who will continue in probationary status in 2021-2022 are eligible for a one-time, one-year long extension of their probationary period due to the impact of COVID-19.  In determining whether to take advantage of this extension, each probationary faculty member should seek guidance from their department chair. A probation extension due to COVID-19 may be requested for the 2021-2022 academic year. Faculty members who elect this extension will submit a Professional Development Plan (PDP) rather than undergoing their scheduled evaluation during the 2021-2022 academic year.  A PDP will provide an opportunity for faculty members to articulate how, if at all, each of the three areas of evaluation was or is being affected by the COVID-19 disruption, and what steps were and will be taken to mitigate the impact to meeting policy requirements for receiving reappointment, tenure and/or promotion. 

The deadline for probationary faculty members to notify Faculty Affairs of electing an extension is September 3, 2021 for the 2021-2022 academic year. 

Probationary faculty members scheduled to undergo a Periodic “Mini” Evaluation, Retention, Tenure, or Tenure and Promotion review during the 2021-2022 academic year will submit a PDP during the 2021-2022 academic year in lieu of their scheduled periodic or performance evaluation.    

The periodic or performance review scheduled for the 2021-2022 academic year will be postponed to 2022-2023 with the standard review schedule to resume thereafter.    

Please note the following conditions to the extension of the probationary period apply: 

The extension of the probationary period within the parameters/scope of this memo is irrevocable. 

The probationary period will be extended by one (1) year beyond the normal probationary period of six (6) years of full-time probationary service and credited service specified in Article 13.3.  

Should an extension be received, a tenure and/or promotion review requested prior to the final probationary year will be considered early and the enhanced criteria for early tenure and/or promotion will apply.   

The extension of the probationary period does not guarantee retention during and/or up to the conclusion of the newly established probationary period nor does the extension guarantee tenure. 

To inform Faculty Affairs that you have elected an extension to your probationary period for 2021-2022, download the request form; enter your name, employee ID, department, and date; then email the form to your department chair.  The department chair enters their name and date on the form, which acknowledges they are aware of the probationary extension, and then the chair emails the form to the Dean. The Dean enters their name and date on the form, which acknowledges they are aware of the probationary extension, and then emails the completed form to Faculty Affairs at COVID19-Faculty-Info@csulb.edu by September 3, 2021. All emails must be sent from and to a CSULB email address. Requests from non-CSULB email addresses will not be accepted. 

Should you have any questions regarding this process or the impact of an extension on your evaluation schedule, please contact somone.washington@csulb.edu

Faculty Members on Leave in 2020-2021 

The option to extend the probationary period due to COVID-19 within the parameters of this memo may differ for probationary faculty members already on approved leave during the request period.  Questions regarding this policy or the process for requesting an extension of your probationary period if you are on an approved leave should be directed to facultyleaves@csulb.edu

Probation Extension, the breaking news

This option has been extended! All existing probationary faculty members will also now have the option of taking a one-time one-year extension of the probationary period with the extension year being 2022-2023; the deadline for electing this as an extension year is yet to be determined but will be no earlier than June 30th, 2022 and no later than September 2nd, 2022.

The COVID Impact Statement

Beginning with personnel files submitted via Interfolio in September 2021, candidates will have the option to include a COVID Impact Statement. A COVID-19 Impact Statement is a document of up to two pages in length in which a candidate describes the ways in which the pandemic has affected, both positively and negatively, effectiveness and/or productivity. This could be in instruction & instructionally related activities and/or research, creative & scholarly activity, and/or in service.   For more information see COVID Impact Statement.

Letter from the Provost for inclusion in personnel files

Beginning with personnel files submitted via Interfolio in September 2021, a letter from the Provost will be included in candidate files.  The Personnel File COVID Communication letter will ask evaluators to review the files within in the context of the pandemic; it asks the evaluators to be flexible within the guidelines.