The Coleridge Collection Part II: Miscellanea
An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism and Scholarship
Volumes I-III
Walter B. Crawford
With the research and editorial assistance of
Ann M. Crawford
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[S II.2 1940?] ANON. "Friendship is a sheltering tree; Coleridge." Greeting card; as seen, in 2 pieces, each 122 x 203mm. No publisher or date on pieces seen, but date must be no earlier than Christmas 1940.

- The front card has bit of green ribbon laced and tied through two holes at left edge. It has a reproduction (108 x 174mm) of an unsigned watercolor, showing at left a red-haired, peg-legged, blue-jacketed, smiling sailor with parrot on shoulder, crutch under right arm, hat in left hand, standing in front of table behind which sit two hatted gentlemen with tankards in front of them, young man and white-capped young woman behind/beside them, all under huge tree, aproned tavern host leaning against wall on right, background a waterfront scene with buildings and ships. Overlapping bottom right of picture is caption (from Youth and Age 19): "Friendship is a sheltering tree; Coleridge." See also The RAM 601-9: "O sweeter than the marriage-feast, / 'Tis sweeter far to me, / To walk together to the kirk / With a goodly company!--// . . . Old men, and babes, and loving friends / And youths and maidens gay." Inside card has printed greeting: "With the sincere wish that Christmas may bring all you would wish for, and the New Year nothing but happiness. From Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Hooper," followed by address (crossed out with family's first names--including nicknames of the two children, the youngest of whom was born in Jy 1940--substituted by hand). Phyllis Edith Eulelia Coleridge, great-great-granddaughter of STC, married Dudley Wood Hooper in 1936.
- Gift to CCC from their daughter Rosemary Elizabeth Coleridge Middleton.
- Click here to see the full sized graphic.
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[S II.2 1967] ROSS, Walter S. The Last Hero: Charles A Lindbergh. NY: Harper & Row (c1964, 1965, 1968 [1st edn]). xix, 402 pp.
- Accepting Lindbergh's "evaluation of [Hermann] Goering as a man who might be dealt with," on 18 Oc 1938, during Lindbergh's third visit to Germany, Hugh R Wilson, US Ambassador to Germany, "set up a small stag dinner at the American Embassy to which he invited Goering and several key Nazis." The Americans did not receive word before the event concerning Goering's intentions.
- On his arrival at the dinner, "Goering went over to Lindbergh and began making a speech in German, a language Lindbergh did not understand. Goering held in his hand a small red box which his aide-de-camp had given him.
- "Since it could be seen that Lindbergh did not know what was going on," Wilson and others "stepped forward to translate." One "told Lindbergh that Goering was about to decorate him with the Verdienstkreuz der Deutscher Adler (Service Cross of the German Eagle), a high civilian medal. This was being given to Lindbergh for his services to aviation and particularly for his 1927 solo flight from New York to Paris --for which he had been decorated by many governments, but never by Germany." Lindbergh had no choice but to accept the medal.
- When he got home that night "Lindbergh silently handed the box to his wife. She opened it and glanced at the medal and looked away. Then she said without the slightest trace of emotion, 'The albatross,' a prescient description [adds Ross]. . . . . Later that evening, she said several times to her husband, 'This medal will surely do Lindbergh much harm'."
- Ross concludes: "The medal was a most redolent albatross to hang around his neck, and most useful to cast doubt on his motive, his honesty, his integrity, and even his loyalty to his country. Between November, 1939, and December 7, 1941, the Nazi medal was mentioned in scores of speeches and articles, and many deductions were drawn from it about Lindbergh's politics. The damage that the albatross did to Lindbergh's reputation is incalculable" (pp 279-81).
- The allusion sees the medal as hanging from Lindbergh's neck as a token of his guilt, for in accepting it, he had, intentionally or not, given support to the Nazis and thus contributed, ultimately, to the deaths of innocents.
- The first reference to the albatross was discovered by Mary A Crawford in a quotation from Ross in Eric Pace, "Anne Morrow Lindbergh Is Dead at 94; Author Was Charles Lindbergh's Widow," NYT (8 Feb 2001), A26 YNE. Il.
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[S II.2 1989] FRENCH, Katherine. "Question Mark, by Mark, as told to Scott Edelstein." Writer's Digest, 83 (Jy 1989), 6-7. Il.
- A one-column letter beginning: "Dear Mark, / I'm getting tired of theme restaurants, particularly those with literary gimmicks. . . . Last night I had the misfortune to eat at an upscale restaurant in Beverly Hills--Norton Anthology--which, to my nausea, had a menu that looked like a history of Western literature. I ordered . . . . For my beverage I had to suffer the indignity of ordering Coca Coleridge. Even my Catcher in the Rye Bread was served with Grapes of Wrath Jelly." Columnist writes a quarter-column response in the same vein. Cartoon illustration by J Benton has no Coca Coleridge.
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[S II.2 1990] CELESTIAL SEASONINGS, INC. Celestial Seasonings Extraordinary Earl Grey Distinctive Tea, net wt. 54 g. (1.9 oz.). A folding carton. Pub 1 Jy 1990, c23 Ap 1991, VA-459-006.
- Not seen. Source: LCCO (COHM). "Application identifies quotation from STC as preexisting material."
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[S II.2 1994] KILEY, Deborah Scaling, and Meg Noonan. Albatross: The True Story of a Woman's Survival at Sea. Bost & NY: Houghton Mifflin (1994). ix, 210 pp.
- Narrator Kiley, co-author Noonan, and 3 companions on the 58-foot yacht Trashman are in a violent storm in the Atlantic. "Like a dream, a small twin-engine prop plane emerged from the low clouds. . . . It seemed so crazy, so unreal, as if some great mythical bird had swooped down out of the heavens to snatch us from our hell." She likens it to an albatross she once saw "in the Southern Ocean. It was blowing stink just like now, and this huge bird appeared out of nowhere and hung over us. They're supposed to be good luck'" (p 80).
- But the yacht sinks, and they drift for days in a rubber dinghy. "It seemed useless now to even dream about rescue. . . . No bird was going to soar down out of the clouds and snatch us up in its safe talons" (p 136). She recalls once meeting "a crusty old salt" who told her "that if a sailor wearing a hoop earring ever fell overboard, Neptune would fish him out by the hoop and haul him back on board. And if a sailor wearing a black pearl was ever lost at sea, he could trade it to Poseidon for his life. . . . A few weeks later, in a jewelry store with a friend, I noticed a single black pearl on a hoop in the case. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the store with it in my ear. // Now I reached up and touched the earring. I fingered the pearl. Trade it for your life, the old man had said. I knew it was just a story. Poseidon, the AM, they were just made up. They didn't mean anything. I reached up and pulled the earring out of my ear. I looked at it for a minute, then tossed it into the water" (p 138).
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[S II.2 1995] ANON. "Cryptic Quotes 6." Daily Telegraph (6 D 1995).
- In "Telegraph Competition" column: "PJZVX, PJZVX, VRVXTPQVXV GCX JGT SXCK ZC SXQGY. (LCEVXQSBV) . . . Clue: V = E" [The RAM 121-2].
- From clipping from Rosemary Elizabeth Coleridge Middleton.
[S II.2 1995] CALLOW, Simon. Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu. Jonathan Cape (1995). xvi, 640 pp, [24] pp of plates: il, ports; 25 cm. Vol 1 of --vols, NY: Viking (1996-·).
- Includes filmography (p 584), bibliographical references (pp 611-13), and index. Possibly has C references other than in the title. See Mankiewicz and Welles, Citizen Kane (1941--C7196).
[S II.2 1995] HALLMARK CARDS, INC. "What comes from the heart goes to the heart. COLERIDGE." Made in U.S.A. (1995). Single-fold greeting card, 195 x 134mm.
- Cover quotation is from The Friend (CC) II 524, part of last sentence of the essays on method: "What comes from the heart, that alone goes to the heart . . . ." The quotation is surrounded by a pastel floral design in a heart-shaped configuration. Verso has a single pastel flower; the message opposite: "Your thoughtfulness means so very much to me. Thank You."
- Gift to CCC from Irene Still Meyer.
[S II.2 1995] WALTON, James. "A Literary Quiz for Christmas." Daily Telegraph (23 D 1995),
- A7, A8. "What are the last two lines of C's 'The AM'?" (The RAM 624-5.)
- Clipping from Rosemary Elizabeth Coleridge Middleton.
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[S II.2 1996] ANON. In Association with The Daily Telegraph. "A Penguin Classics Literary Quiz." Daily Telegraph (2 Mr 1996), A8; (23 Mr 1996), A6. "Win 500 titles from the world's greatest literature--and a bookcase to house them."
- Question 8: "During the writing of which poem was C famously interrupted by the 'person on business from Porlock'?" (KK.) One winner, 10 runners-up.
- Clipping from Rosemary Elizabeth Coleridge Middleton.
[S II.2 1996] ANON. "Water / Water / Everywhere / And a Drop / To Drink." Daily Telegraph (30 D 1996), 4. Advertisement for The London International Boat Show 97, supported by Volvo, Earls Court 3-12 Jan.
- Clever adaptation of The RAM 121-2.
[S II.2 1996] SHORTZ, Will, ed. The New York Times Crossword Puzzle. No. 0904. As printed in San Diego Union-Tribune, from undated clipping. (1996?).
- 22 across: "'. . . ---- any drop to drink': C" [The RAM 122].
- Discovered by Sandra Lee Burns.
[S II.2 1996] WURSTER, Charles P. "An SOS for Man's Best Friend at Sea." LA Times (12 Ag 1996), B9r.
- "Fishing: The albatross is endangered by commercial longlines, but there is a remedy." Epigraph is The RAM 400-1. Article begins: "In C's poem 'The RAM,' the albatross was guardian of the sea and seamen; and when this great bird was killed, the sailors were thereby doomed. // The AM killed only one albatross. Today they are dying by the tens of thousands, hooked and drowned on tuna, swordfish and groundfish fishing lines that are up to 80 miles long. ... // The bird in the poem was probably a wandering albatross. . . ."
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[S II.2 1997] FOLKERS, Richard. "Xanadu 2.0: Bill Gates's stately pleasure dome and futuristic home." US News & World Report (1 D 1997), 87, 93-4.
- No reference to C or KK. Aerial photo and two-page site and building plan. See "'Xanadu' Mutations" in C Bibliography, III, 437b.
[S II.2 1997] HALLMARK CARDS, INC. ["The stars hung bright above . . . ."] Greeting card, Hallmark PX 640-5. Made in U.S.A. (nd, 1997; sold also in 1999). Single-fold card, 120 x 175mm folded.
- On the front are gold stars in the sky above houses, fireplace smoke, and trees silhouetted in white. Inside, top, in small type: "The stars hung bright above, / silent, / as if they watched the sleeping earth. / --STC"--a paraphrase of Dejection 130-31: "May all the stars hang bright above her dwelling, / Silent as though they watched the sleeping Earth!" Below, center, in large type: "Merry Christmas And Happy New Year".
- Gift to the CCC from Irene Still Meyer.
[S II.2 1997] HEARTLAND SAMPLERS, INC. Moments [Cover title: Someone Special] Minneapolis: Heartland Samplers (1997). ca 370 unnumbered pp. 110 x 104mm. Stiff covers, spiral-bound.
- Inspirational quotations on pages for each day of a leap year. Not a calendar; days of the week not indicated. C quoted on June 19 and October 13: The RAM 614-17 and "Why is it that so many of us persist in thinking that autumn is a sad season? Nature has merely fallen asleep, and her dreams must be beautiful if we are to judge by her countenance" (source ???). Each page is dimly illustrated with a still life (fruit, etc) beside a clock.
- Gift to CCC from Karen Harper.
[S II.2 1997] MARTINEZ, J & M, Limited, NYC. Friendship is a Sheltering Tree. STC (Youth and Age). Published and distributed by Graphique de France © 1997. Printed in France. A greeting card 17x22mm folded, no text inside. Color il.

- Title is Youth and Age (1823), line 19. Illustration shows 3 horned deer beneath a tree with a thick trunk and a very widespread, densely leaved top.
- Gift to the CCC from Cathrine Lewis Ida.
- Click here to see the graphic enlarged.
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[S II.2 1998] MORRISON, Patt. "Door-to-Door No More." LA Times Mag (12 Jy 1998), 13.
- "The last of the door-to-door Encyclopedia Britannica salesmen [illustrated] laid down his 32-volume burden in January. . . .
- "One of my favorite bits of literary gossip . . . is the story that STC never finished his epic fantasy poem 'KK' ('In Xanadu did KK' and so forth) because he was interrupted by a salesman knocking at his cottage door.
- "Now, a man whose learning I respect tells me it was C's landlady, not a salesman, who blew his opiate concentration. [WBC: Ah, but it was "a person on business from Porlock"!] I am only set back, not shattered, by that information. The time will come when only drug dealers come knocking, and call girls and perhaps landladies, too, and somehow our ingenuity for isolation will find a way around even that. I don't want to be interrupted grazing between 'Thebes' and 'thoracic surgery' [in my encyclopedia] and forget what I was looking for in the first place." [End]
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[S II.2 1999] MERRIAM-WEBSTER, Inc. Word of the Day, Oct 01. On the Merriam-Webster Word-of-the-Day website:
- "Cool New Stuff / Word Game / Word for the Wise The Word of the Day for October 1 is: Xanadu \ZAN-uh-due\ (noun): an idyllic, exotic, or luxurious place. Example sentence: To Arthur, the beach house on the edge of the jungle was a Xanadu, the perfect spot for the romantic tropical vacation he had dreamed of for years."
- "Did you know? 'In Xanadu did Kubla Khan / A stately pleasure dome decree.' Those lines are from the poem 'Kubla Khan' (1816) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His fantastic description of an exotic utopia fired the public imagination and ultimately contributed to the transition of 'Xanadu' from a name to a generalized term for an idyllic place. Although the Xanadu in the poem was fictitious, it was inspired by a real residence built by Mongolian general and statesman Kubla Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) in the city of Shang-tu in the 13th century."
- Discovered by Leslie Kay Swigart.
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[S II.2 2000] HARVEY, Steve. "Begging Her Pardon." LA Times (7 Jy 2000), B3r.
- In his daily column, author writes: "A woman I know met her husband for breakfast at a Long Beach bagel shop. They took separate cars and she arrived first. Lacking change to buy a newspaper, he walked up to her in line and mumbled (in the fashion of longtime husbands), 'Do you have a quarter?' After she gave it to him, he shuffled out in search of a newspaper rack. Meanwhile, one of the workers rushed up to her and whispered: 'Was he asking for money?' 'Yes,' the woman said. 'Oh, I'm so sorry,' the worker said. 'I'll go talk with him.' 'Well, he's my husband,' said the woman, who is my wife. That was the day I decided to have my beard trimmed. The ancient mariner look has its drawbacks." Color photo of author's gray-bearded face heads the column.
[S II.2 2000] "Utopia for the Mind." Ann Arbor, MI: (nd but 2000). 2-sided 8.5 x 11" sheet.
- Advertises "the world's most powerful online course content, . . . the most current, course-specific, and customizable online resources in higher education": XanEdu Coursepacks, XanEdu Casepacks for Business, XanEdu Litpacks Online, XanEdu Research Engine, and XanEdu MBA Research Engine. For information, visit the website or phone 1-800-218-5971. Another use of "Xanadu" to suggest the most exotic, the best.
- Discovered by Marilyn Gaull.
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[S II.2 2002] COLERIDGE, James [Wentworth Duke]. "Coleridge for Mayor: Putting White Rock First." Political campaign sign seen and photographed by Stephen H Ford in August 2002.

- "With a population of 17,500, White Rock is located in the southwest corner of the Lower Mainland, 45 kilometres from Vancouver and only 5 minutes to the Canada/US border. We are an exciting seaside community clustered around an 8 kilometre sandy beach and the warm shallow waters of Semiahmoo Bay."
- White Rock City Councillor Coleridge is a descendant of STC's brother James and the son of William Duke, Fifth Baron Coleridge. The informal photograph (labeled # 1) was obtained from the Councillor himself. The formal photograph (labeled #2) was cropped from the website's group portrait of the City Council.
- The campaign sign photograph was given to the CCC by Stephen H Ford.
- Click here to see "sign" graphic enlarged.
- Click here to see Coleridge photograph #1 enlarged.
- Click here to see Coleridge photograph #2 enlarged.