The Coleridge Collection Part I: 1966-1990
An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism and Scholarship
Volumes I-III
Walter B. Crawford
With the research and editorial assistance of
Ann M. Crawford
PART I 1966 to 1990
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[S I 1966] WHITEHEAD, Phyllis. They Came to the Lakes: A Guide to the Homes of the Famous Poets and Writers. Clapham (via Lancaster): Dalesman Pubg Co (1966). 72 pp. Photographs and other b&w ils. By E Jeffrey: on front cover a color reproduction of a watercolor, and on back cover a b&w drawing.
- C covered in "Greta Hall" (pp 60-3); photo of front of the building. Hancock portrait (1796--C9203; 62 x 53mm) and mention of C as De Quincey's friend (p 21). Other mentions passim.
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[S I 1967] GRIGSON, Geoffrey, ed. The English Year, from Diaries and Letters. Oxf UP (1967). xvi, 186 pp. Il.
- Introduction: "English writers during the last two centuries have often left . . . an immediate record--of observations, of something seen, something sensed, something or other felt and enjoyed, in the country around them, day after day, month after month, through the year. Here then is a composite journal of the English year chosen from such records, by poets . . . ; by one or two painters; and by other writers." The book can be read "for gladness or for its union with sadness (read the young C recording . . . how---on 25 July---he and the Ws had drunk tea on the island in Grasmere and then danced by the light of their bonfire of fir-cones . . .)." Of the 31 authors drawn upon, C (notebooks and letters) is quoted 39 times on 37 dates, exceeded only by Ruskin on 49, Gerard Manley Hopkins on 56, Francis Kilvert on 67, DW on 89, Gilbert White on 138. Only one WW quote.
[S I 1967] OKAMOTO, Masao. Sôzôryokusetsu no Kenkyû. A Study of the Theory of Imagination in English Literary Criticism. Tokyo: Nan'un-do (Oc 1967). 227 pp. Rpt (Ap 1979). English title on verso of Japanese title page.
- In the 1979 reprint, the preface (pp 3-5) is dated 1967. In the main text of 12 chronologically ordered chapters in 4 parts (pp 11-213), authors are cited in a Roman font; main quotations are in English with Japanese translation following; and the footnotes are in English. Selected Bibliography in English is arranged by chapter (pp 214-19). Index in English (pp 221-7).
- C is the central subject of Part Two (two chapters, pp 73-122). Here and in later chapters, C is often quoted in English, with Japanese translation following. These quotations are from The Friend, pp 88-9; from the Biographia, pp 95, 103-6, 109-11, 113, 118, 131, 172, 195, 198-200; from Table Talk, p 101, 115, 130; from On the Principles of Genial Criticism, p 107; from The Statesman's Manual, p 112; and from The RAM, p 151; from C's Shakespearean Criticism, ed Raysor, p 160; and from Anima Poetae, p 202. The index finds C on pp 180, 181, 187, 190, and 192, but C is also cited, quoted, or discussed on pages 15-16, 41, 60, 62, 65. 66, 69, 71; 123, 128-30, 150, 159-65 (section on Pater), 167-8, 170-4, 175-90 (chapter on Herbert Read), 191-204 (chapter on I A Richards), 205-10 (chapter on Stephen Spender), and 211-12.
- Review: K Yamakawa, SELit, 45 (S 1968), 133-4 (in Japanese).
- The 1979 reprint given to the CCC by Nobuo Takayama.
[S I 1967] (C3547) SAITÔ, Takeshi, ed & tr. Christabel. New Edn Reset with Enlarged Notes. (Kenkyûsha Pocket English ser) Tokyo: Kenkyûsha. (1967 [Showa 42]), xii, 71 pp, 175 x 115mm, paperback. This copy: [7th ptg] 1988 [Showa 63]. First pubd (1930 [Showa 5]), x, 64 pp.
- Introduction (pp ix-xii) and poem in English; preface, notes (pp 31-59), and chronology in English and Japanese. Bibliography (pp 65-71): 7 items in Japanese, the rest in English, some with brief annotations in Japanese. A Saitô translation of Christabel is included in his edition of Selected Poems of STC (1955--C4686).
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
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[S I 1969] (C6099) KATSURADA, Rikichi. Koururijji Kenkyu [A Coleridge Study]. Tokyo: Hôsei Daigaku [Hôsei UP] (1969). [i], 3 plates of 6 pp; xiv, 456, 11 pp. In slipcase.
- Part I, Phases of Poetic Development, discusses--with detailed analyses--C's early poetic style, rural poems, romantic ballads (including The RAM, KK, and Christabel), later poetic style, and later ideas on poetry. Part II, Criticism, traces the historical development of the idea of imagination, the origin and growth of English literary criticism, the formation and character of C's idea of imagination, the influence of his concept on contemporary and later poets and critics, and his Shakespearean criticism. Selected bibliography (last 11 pages). (NT)
- Other poems treated at length, in this order: To the Evening Star, To the River Otter, Songs of the Pixies, Lewti, To the Nightingale, Religious Musings, Reflections, To a Young Friend, To the Rev. George C, This Lime-tree Bower, Frost at Midnight, Fears in Solitude, The Nightingale, Hymn before Sun-rise, Something Childish, Love, Dejection, The Pains of Sleep, To WW, Youth and Age, Work Without Hope, The Garden of Boccaccio.
- Extensive verse quotations in English with Japanese translation, a short poem like Epitaph being translated in full. Many other quotations in Japanese only.
- Plates include the 1818 Phillips portrait and facsimiles of the title pages of BL (1817); Gillman, The Life of STC (1838); The Friend I (1818); Christabel 2d edn (1816); Poetical Works II (Pickering, 1835); Allsop, Letters [&c] I (1836); The Poems of Ossian I (1792); and Omniana I (1812).
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
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[S I 1971] KONO, Tetsu, Kenkichi Kamijima, and Masahiko Sano, trs. Gurotesuku no Keifu: Eibungakuteki Kosatsu [The Grotesque in English Literature, by Arthur Clayborough]. (Riburaria sensho [Library series]) Tokyo: Hôseidaigaku shuppankyoku [Hosei Univ Press] (c1966, 1971). viii, 390, 19 pp. 190 x 126mm. First English edn, Oxf: Clarendon P (1965-C5864).
- Only chapter endnotes are in Roman font. C treated most extensively on pages 241-303, including discussion of and quotations (in Japanese) from Religious Musings, The Eolian Harp, The Destiny of Nations, The RAM, Christabel, The Wanderings of Cain, Kubla Khan, Dejection, Biographia, and Anima Poetae.
- In second group of pages, all in Roman font: index (pp 1-8) with multiple entries in 11 lines for C; NED entries for "grotesque" and related words (pp 9-14); and bibliography (pp 15-19).
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[S I 1974] LARSON, Charles R. "Miss LePage and the Classics: Coleridge's Ancient Mariner and Freud's Missing Complex." Pucred , A Very Learned Journal, 2 (4) (1974), 3-7, in section headed "Podium."
- A clever "fictional" dialog between 20-year-old Clara LePage and her English professor, who has just finished interpreting The RAM. Clara asks, "What makes [the poem] relevant for today's reader?" Her own idea is that the poem illustrates the nasal complex, a sexual stage overlooked by Freud. Finally she admits that her idea "doesn't work too well with this poem," and then offers her next idea: "C's poem was written so he could depict life in a behavioristic society. . . . C's AM is a study of life in a Skinner Box."
- Endnote: "Charles Larson hopes to spend part of the summer finishing his series of some 36 Clara LePage dialogues for a book to be called Academia Nuts."
- In the Locklin Collection, Special Collections Department, CSULB Library.
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[S I 1976] (C6337) KATSURADA, Rikichi, et al., trs. Bungaku Hyôden [Biographia Literaria]. Tokyo: Hôsei Daigaku Shuppankyoku [Hôsei Univ Press] (S 1976). vi, 453 pp. Pl (port). In book jacket.
- The first complete Japanese translation of BL, excluding C's notes. See also his partial translation of 1949--C4183. Translators: Katsurada, chapters 1, 3, 5, 14-22; Yoshio Isaka, 2, 4; Hikaru Endô, 6,7; Yoshikazu Sakuma, 8, 9; Isamu Sawai, 10, 11; Nobuo Takayama, 12, 13; Katsuei Yamagishi, Satyrane's Letters 1, 3; Eisaku Mineta, Letter 2 and chapter 24; Hideo Kikuchi, chapter 23. (NT)
- Frontispiece is the Murray copy of the Phillips portrait (1818--C9219).
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
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[S I 1977] CHATWIN, Bruce. In Patagonia. L: Jonathan Cape (1977). Rpt NY: Summit Bks, A Division of Simon & Schuster (1979), v, 205 pp, map, paper. Rpt NY: Penguin Bks (1988), vi, 204 pp, illus, map, paper.
- Chapter 45 discusses the voyages of Captain John Davis, 1591-93, through the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific. "The Southern Voyage of John Davis appeared in Hakluyt's edition of 1600. . . . // John Davis and the Mariner have these in common: a voyage to the Black South, the murder of a bird or birds, the nemesis which follows, the drift through the tropics, the rotting ship, the curses of dying men. Lines 236-9 are particularly resonant of the Elizabethan voyage: [quotes the lines]." John Livingston Lowes, in The Road to Xanadu, traced sources and influences on C's poem, but he "did not, apparently, consider the likelihood that Davis's voyage to the Strait gave C the backbone for his poem" (p 90).
- In Tierra del Fuego (chapter 53), the author saw "gulls, giant petrels and black-browed albatrosses wheeling round the ferry as she crawled crabwise across the tide and short breaking seas. Taking off, the albatrosses spread themselves to the wind, their huge webs paddling the water, streaming spray until the cutting edge of their wings lifted them clear. // 'Instead of the Cross, the Albatross / About my neck was hung' [The RAM 141-2] // Nathaniel Hawthorne once saw in a museum a stuffed Great Wandering Albatross, with its wingspan of twelve feet, and the idea of such a bird round the Mariner's neck struck him as yet another instance of the poem's absurdity. But C's albatross was a much smaller bird." Quotes from Captain Shelvocke's voyage the passage about the shooting of the "disconsolate Black Albitross ." But "there are two contenders and I saw them both on Tierra del Fuego: the Sooty Albatross, a shy bird, smoke-grey all over and known to sailors as the Stinkpot or Prophet; or, less likely, the Black-browed Albatross or Mollymauk, fearless and attached to human company" (pp 112-13).
- Discovered by Todd W Crawford.
[S I 1977] (C6350) EDAMURA, Y[oshimitsu], ed. S. T. Coleridge: Selected Poems. Ed with an Introduction and Notes. Tokyo: Ohshisha (1977). i, xli, 236 pp. 19cm. Title page, table of contents, and poems in English; introduction in Japanese; and editorial notes in English and Japanese. Colophon title in Japanese: Koururijji Shishu . In covered jacket.
- Introduction (pp v-xxxii); chronology (pp xxxiii-xxxvi); select bibliography--25 items including 8 Japanese (pp xxxvii-xl). The 27 poems are followed by notes (pp 147-227) and appendix of extracts in English from Anima Poetae and BL XIV (pp 229-36).
- OCLC identifies author as Edamura, Yoshimitsu, 1913- . Other sources use "Kichizo" as first name.
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
[S I 1977] (C4925) OKAMOTO, Toru, ed & tr. Kôrurijji [Coleridge]. [By] Kathleen Raine. (Eibungaku Handobukku Sakka to Sakuhin Shirîzu, 30) Tokyo: Kenkyûsha Shuppan (1957 [Showa 32]). Front (port), vii, 1-54, 1-8 pp. This copy is the enlarged 8th ptg (1977 [Showa 52]), paperback in publisher's protective printed jacket. [1st English edn (WTW, 43) (1953--C4558).]
- Japanese translation. Preface by Okamoto (pp iii-v). In 1977 printing, Raine's bibliography (on last pp 1-6), mostly in English, is updated with works published in the 1960s, and it includes 11 Japanese publications, dated 1926, 1928, 1930, 1931, 1934, 1934, 1949, 1951, 1951, 1955, 1956 (all in this C Bibliography). The 14 textual and source notes (last pp 7-8) are mostly quotations from C poems in English. Portrait is the 1795 Vandyke. (JR & MAR)
- The first edition (1957) given to the CCC by Mark A Richardson; the enlarged 8th printing (1977) also in the CCC.
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[S I 1978] WOODRING, Carl. "What Coleridge Thought of Pictures." Images of Romanticism: Verbal and Visual Affinities. Ed Karl Kroeber and William Walling. New Haven: Yale UP (1978). Pp 91-106 of xv, 288 pp.
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[S I 1979] ISODA, Koichi. Igirisu Romanha Shijin. Tokyo: Kawadeshoboshinsha (1979). 267, vi pp. Ils. 215 x 150mm. In slipcase. In Japanese.
- On English Romanticism as it appeared in earliest times and on into the 20th century, but deals mostly with the 18th-century Romantics and W, C, Byron, Shelley, Keats, though lesser poets are treated briefly. Quotations from English poets are in roman type preceded by Japanese translations. Illustrations are small grey halftones, mostly portraits, including of C: the 1795 Vandyke (p 115) and the 1833 Maclise (p 147).
- C featured in a chapter (pp 115-50); his criticism of W's Preface to LBs (pp 113-14); other references passim. C verse quotations (with Japanese translations): Sonnet to the River Otter 1-3; Christabel 43-52; The Destiny of Nations 170-5; Pantisocracy 1-5; The Outcast 1-6; The RAM 1 (the 1798 spelling), 45-50, 63-6, 157-61, 185-98, 472-83; Love 9-12, 21-4; Dejection 94-9, 104-10, 76-7 (compared with lines by WW), 39-46; Youth and Age 9-10.
- Bibliography, mostly of works in English (pp i-vi), followed by colophon and copyright page.
- Book opens with 2 pages of plates, of which [i] is title page in red and black, and [iii-iv] prints in color, with Japanese captions, the covers, spines, or title pages of 26 books, none recognizably C's.
[S I 1979] OKACHI, Mine, tr. Yôroppa Bungei Hihyoshi [A Short History of Literary Criticism, by Vernon Hall, Jr]. Hachioji: Chuodaigaku Shuppanbu [Chuo Univ Press] (1979). ii, xi, 318, 19 pp. 185 x 125mm. In Japanese. First English edn, NY Univ Press (1963--C5626), xii 184 pp.
[S I 1979] RAHEB, Barbara J, designer and maker. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Van Nuys, CA: Collector Editions in Miniature (1979). 64 pp. Ils. 23.5 x 17.5mm. Lithography by Advance Litho A.S.A., Inc, Northridge, CA.
- Bound in blue pyroxylin leather, with a gold-stamped sailing ship in a circular border on the front cover; gray Moriki handmade endpapers. Colophon (p [64]): "Limited Edition. This book was typeset in Press Roman 10 pt Bold and is limited to 300 copies of which this is number 113: [also 113 written in by hand]. Barbara J Raheb."
- Prints all the verse (pp 5-61) without motto, Argument, or gloss. Illustrations on pp [1], [4], 8, 23, 39, 44, 50, 52, 56, and 58 are modified Doré engravings. This is the smallest of the miniatures in the CCC. See S I 1981 Raheb for photo of the two miniatures.
- Gift to the CCC from James Lorson, Lorson's Books and Prints, Fullerton, CA.
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[S I 1980] FRY, Paul H. The Poet's Calling in the English Ode. New Haven & L: Yale UP (1980). viii, 328 pp.
- In two-column index, 70mm of entries under C, for 13 poems, The Statesman's Manual, and the Biographia.
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[S I 1981] BENTLEY, G E, Jr. "C, Stothard, and the First Illustration of 'Christabel'." SIR, 20 (1981), 111-16. Il.

- Prints Stothard's illustration, with detailed account, including an anonymous contemporary's interpretative comparison of Geraldine and Christabel with suggestions as to how the artist might best delineate them. [See C90 for annotation of the original engraving (dated 4 Oc 1828) and its appearance in Bijou (1829), the preface to which, dated 20 Oc 1828, thanks "---- Fitzgerald, Esq. for the loan of his picture of Christabel," by Stothard (p vii). Might Fitzgerald be the anonymous contemporary quoted by Bentley?]
- Full size graphic is available.
[S I 1981] KATO, Ryotaro. Koururiji no Gengo Tetsugaku [C's Philosophy of Language]. Tokyo: Aratake Shuppan (1981). xiii, 300 pp. 2-p frontispiece plate with Hancock portrait (1796--C9203) and facsimile of MS page from Mandeville's The Fable of the Bees. In slipcase. In Japanese. Inscribed in Japanese on Japanese front flyleaf.
- Historical survey of development of C's philosophy of language. Part I, Power of language in poetry (pp 3-12). Part II, Phenomenal approach to language (pp 13-54). Part III, Embryology of language (pp 55-108), including Mental Initiative. Part IV, C's philosophy of language and esthetics (pp 109-236), including untranslatable uses of words in poetry, and desynonimization. Part V, "Logosophia--Opus Maximum" (pp 237-72). Conclusion (pp 273-90), C's lament as a thinker, his state of mind in his last years.
- English quotations with Japanese translations: pp 4, 199, 201, 228, 229 from Shakespeare; p 5, lines from Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis as quoted in BL XV (CC 7, II.25); p 7, Paradise Lost. Many other quotations in Japanese only.
- Annotated with the help of Nobuo Takayama and Emiko Samard.
[S I 1981] RAHEB, Barbara J, designer and maker. Famous Poems: Choice Selections from the Best Poets. Half-title page: Famous Poems: Selections from the Choicest Poetry. Verso of half-title page: Barbara J. Raheb | P.O. Box 7563 | Van Nuys, California 91409 | © MCMLXXXI | Typesetting By George Repro | Lithography By | Advance Litho A.S.A. iv, 83 pp. 24.5 x 19mm.

- Bound in green pyroxylin leather, with gold-stamped title in rectangular border on the front cover; green marbled Moriki handmade endpapers. Colophon: "Limited Edition | This book is a limited edition of 300 | copies, of which this is copy number: | [141 handwritten] | [handwritten signature:] Barbara J Raheb."
- Prints Kubla Khan (pp 39-42) with headpiece showing a seated figure with trees, lake, and hills in background. Preceding the poem (p 38) is a modification of the prettified adaptation of the Betham portrait of C (1808-C9211), an adaptation credited to Kramer (see C9211 and C3426, as well as C3272, C3278, C3322, C3326, C3558, C3659, and C5993).
- This and the 1979 Raheb RAM are the smallest of the miniatures in the CCC.
- Gift to the CCC from Barbara J Raheb.
- A graphic enlargement of this piece is available.
- Photographs of the covers of two miniatures of the 'Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner'
[S I 1981] YAMASHITA, Noboru. Kôrurijji Kenkyû: Sôzôryoku to Kûsôryoku no Kubetsu [A Coleridge Study: The Distinction between Imagination and Fancy]. Kyôto: Daich-sha (1981). v, 238 pp in Japanese; 1-52 pp in English; [3] pp in Japanese.
- Several new essays, and reprints of Yamashita, "A Study," Poesis (1976); "The Influence" (1977); "Distinctions ... before" (1977); and possibly "The Influence" (1971); "A Study," Annual B of Otani U (1976); "Wilhelm Schlegel," Poesis and Bof Otani U (1977); "C's The RAM" (1978); "A Study" (1980); and "Reconsideration" (1981), cf his essay in Mineta (1982--C6487).
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
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[S I 1982] HARADA, Toshitaka, Toyoko Obata, Masataka Rokuta, Tôru Sugino, Kenji Tamura, Hiroshi Tanaka, Miyako Uchida, and Yutaka Yamada, eds. Igirisu Romanha no Sekai: Okamoto Masao Hakase Kiju Kinen Ronbunshu [A World of English Romantics: Critical Essays in Honor of Dr Masao Okamoto]. Tokyo: Seibido (1982). iii, ix, 380 pp. Frontispiece plate a portrait probably of Okamoto. 22cm. In slipcase. In Japanese.
- Ten of the 24 essays are on C, as follows:
- KATO, Ryôtaro. "Kotoba no Chikara ni tsuite: C no Bungei-bigaku no Koso Kôzô" ["On the Power of Speech: The Basic Structure of C's Literary Aesthetics"]. In Harada (1982), pp 8-20.
- KATSURADA, Rikichi. "Zen no Shisô to C no Sôzôryoku-setsu" ["The Thought of Zen and C's Theory of Imagination."] In Harada (1982), pp 1-7.
- NOGAMI, Norio. "S. T. C no Ai no Keifu: Christabel no Sei no Mezamewo tôsuite" ["What Does Love Mean in S. T. C's Poems: Through the Awakening of Christabel's Sexual Consciousness"]. In Harada (1982), pp 260-73.
- OGAWA, Kazuo. "BL Chûshaku" ["An Interpretation of and Note to BL"]. In Harada (1982), pp 21-40.
- ROKUTA, Masataka. "'The Eolian Harp' ni okeru C to S. T. C" ["C and S. T. C. in The Eolian Harp."] In Harada (1982), pp 226-40.
- SUGINO, Tôru. "W to C: Kôsa suru Aku no Gainen" ["W and C: The Closed Concepts of Evil"]. In Harada (1982), pp 241-59.
- TAMURA, Kenji. "S. T. C to W. Hazlitt" ["S. T. C and W. Hazlitt"]. In Harada (1982), pp 188-202.
- UCHIDA, Miyako. "Rosuifu-kô ni kansuru Hitotsu no Gimon" ["A Question on The RAM."] In Harada (1982), pp 274-86.
- YAMADA, Yutaka. "Ishikino Usuakarino Sekai: C no Sôzôryoku ni kansuru Ichi Kôsatsu" ["The Twilight Realm of Consciousness: An Interpretation of C's Imagination."] In Harada (1982), pp 203-17.
- YAMASHITA, Noburu. "Tetens, Vives, Jean Paul Richter to C: McFarland no 'Dai Ni no Sôzôryoku no Riron' wo yomite" ["Tetens, Vives, Jean Paul Richter and C: Having Read McFarland's 'C's Theory of Secondary Imagination'"]. In Harada (1982), pp 218-25.
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
[S I 1982] (C6487) MINETA, Eisaku, Nobuo Takayama, Isamu Sawai, Hisao Mutô, Hikaru Endô, Katsuei Yamagishi, et al, eds. Coleridge to Sono Shûhen: Katsurada Rikichi Hakase Sanju Kinen Ronshu [Coleridge and His Surroundings: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Dr Rikichi Katsurada]. Tokyo: Hôsei daigaku shuppankyoku [Hôsei UP] (1982). vii, 469 pp. 1 p of plates: port. In Japanese.
- Part I (pp 3-190) includes translations by Shimada (1982) and Shiina (1982), qqv in Coleridge Bibliography III. Part I also includes these essays on C:
- YAMOTO, Yasuo, "C no Onkei" ["S. T. C's Boon"], p 3;
- KATO, Ryotaro, "C ni okeru "the initiative" no Kan-nen ni tsuite" ["On the Idea of "the initiative" in C"], 26;
- OKAMOTO, Masao, "C no Ai no Kan-nen ni tsuite" ["On the Idea of Love in C"], 38;
- EDAMURA, Kichizo, "C no Shi ni okeru "Katei": Boccaccio no Sono" ["The 'home' in C's Poetry: 'The Garden of Boccaccio'"], 53;
- YURA, Kimiyoshi, "Kodokuna Arabu-jin: C no Genfukei" ["A Lone Arab: C's Background of Thoughts"] (quotes Love's Apparition and Evanishment in English), 60;
- KAMIJIMA, Kenkichi, "C ni okeru Seikimatsu" ["Fin de siècle in C"], 72;
- YAMANOUCHI, Hisaaki, "C no Sôzôryoku to Byôri" ["C's Imagination and Pathological Problems"], 87;
- IZUMI, Keiko, "Karudea no Shintaku to C" ["Chaldean Oracles and C"], 101;
- YAMADA, Yutaka, "'This Strong Music in the Soul": C no Sôzôryoku no Gensen ni tsuite" ["'This Strong Music in the Soul": The Fountain of C's Idea of Imagination"], 116;
- TAMURA, Kenji , "S. T. C to W. Godwin: C no Seiji Shûkyo ni kansuru 1795 nen Kouen-shu wo chushin ni" ["S. T. C and W. Godwin: Mainly on the 1795 Lectures on Politics and Religion"], 132;
- YAMASHITA, Noburu, "Jean Paul Richter to C: Sôzôryoku to Kûso no Kubetsu--Saiko" ["Jean Paul Richter and C: The Distinction between Imagination and Fancy--A Reconsideration"], 145;
- NOMURA, Takashi, "C no Soundscape" ["C's Soundscape"], 154; OKAMURA, Yumiko, "C no Zenki no Shi ni okeru Shizenbyôsha no Suii ni tsuite" ["On the Change in the Description of Nature in the Earlier Poems of C"], 169;
- TAKAYAMA, Nobuo, "Daiichi Ishiki to Daini Ishiki ni tsuite" ["On the First Consciousness and the Second Consciousness"], 179-90.
- Part II (pp 193-404), essays on other authors and topics; part III (pp 407-69), memories of Professor Katsurada by his colleagues and friends, and his essay ["In Pursuit of C"] (pp 444-61).
- Frontispiece 1981 portrait is probably of Katsurada.
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
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[S I 1983] RANDALL, Harry, ed. Minor Masterpieces: An Anthology of Juvenilia by Twelve Giants of English Literature. Suggested and introduced by Harry Randall. Illustrated by Betty Beeby. Alden, MI: Talponia Press (1983). xii, 89 pp. 229 x 155mm. Ltd edn, number 302 of 1160 copies.
- Each selection accompanied by full-page drawing printed in red. Includes Coleridge's Monody on the Death of Chatterton, the version dating from his 16th year. Headnote (ca 275 words) focuses on the earliest poetry of Coleridge: "He began writing poetry when he was a young boy and continued with enough diligence to fill more than a thousand printed pages. From the beginning it varied far more widely in form, subject, and mood than his few best known poems suggest. Some of it is high spirited and quite funny, in striking contrast to the Coleridge of popular imagination."
- The illustration shows Coleridge at his desk writing the Monody. In the last stanza of the Monody, Coleridge pictures Chatterton soaring through heaven, enrapturing angels with his strain: "Grant me, like thee, the lyre to sound, / Like thee, with fire divine to glow" The images in the illustration are drawn from this stanza: above Coleridge's head float three enraptured angels and a male figure "sounding a lyre.".
- Gift to the CCC from Stephen H Ford.
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[S I 1984] (C6529. Cf C5925) OKAMOTO, Masao. Coleridge Hyoden to Kenkyû [Coleridge: A Critical Biography and Study]. [Second edition.] Kyoto: Apollonsha (1984). iv, iii-v, 282 pp. Plates: frontis plate (port) faces title page plate; also facsimiles passim. In Japanese, with some names, titles, and a few other words, in Roman type. First pubd (1965--C5925).
- Preface to first edition is dated 1964; that to second edition is dated 1984, saying the second edition has two additional translated passages from C.
- The main text begins with a critical biography of C (pp 1-115). Next (pp 117-222) comes a critical examination of C's ideas, particularly the origin of his "imaginative world," his exoticism, and his theory of imagination.
- The third part contains a partial genealogical table of and other material concerning the C family (pp 223-29); and details (pp 230-40) concerning 14 C portraits (with a fold-out plate reproducing them (each about 44 x 31mm): 1795 Vandyke, 1796 Hancock, 1798 Shuter, 1799 anonymous German, 1804 Northcote, 1806 and 1814 Allston, 1812 Dawe, 1816 Leslie, two versions of the 1818 Phillips, "Artist Unknown" [1832 Houghton], 1833 Kayser, and 1833 Maclise).
- Next are KK and The Eolian Harp in parallel columns of English and Japanese translation, with notes (pp 241-52).
- Finally come discussions of C and Ottery St Mary (pp 253-6), C and Christ's Hospital (pp 256-8), C and the Lake District (pp 258-62), and C and Highgate (p 262).
- Plates other than the portraits mentioned show the bronze bas-relief plaque of C by Gilbert C (1932--C2403), the title pages of The Fall of Robespierre (1794), Cottle's Early Recollections of C (1837), Christabel , KK: A Vision, [and] The Pains of Sleep (1816), and Literary Remains (1836--C178), and on last plate, No 3, The Grove, Highgate, and the sculpted figures of C and Lamb [by Woolner, 1875--C518] at Christ's Hospital. (JR & MAR)
- Review: K Yura, Hiyoshi J, no 2 (S 1965), 122-6 (in Japanese).
- Two copies given to the CCC: by Mark A Richardson and by Kazue Katsurada.
[S I 1984] OKAMOTO, Masao. Wâzuwasu , Kôrurijji to sono Shuhen: Shijin Sogo ni okeru, Shiteki Eikyô o Chûshin ni [Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Their Surroundings: Chiefly the Poetic Influences on Them]. Rev edn. Tokyo: Kenkyûsha (1984). i, vii, 338 pp.
- Many quotations, bibliographical footnotes, and bibliography in English; illustrated with small halftones of portraits and associated places cut into text. Indexed in Japanese with authors, titles, and place names in English.
- First edition: (C4819) Wâzuwasu to Kôrurijji [Wordsworth and Coleridge]. Tokyo: Kenkyûsha (1956). iv, 209 pp. (NT) Considered by Toru Okamoto (1957--C4925) to be the most authoritative treatment of C then available in Japanese. (JR & MAR)
- Review: R Katsurada, SELit, 34 (1957), 126-8 (in Japanese).
- The 1984 edition given to the CCC by Kazue Katsurada.
[S I 1984] TAKAYAMA, Nobuo. Koururijji Kenkyû [A Study of Coleridge]. Tokyo: Kobian Shobo (1984). xvii, 611 pp. In slipcase. In Japanese.
- A systematic treatment of C's poetics and his system of thought, in which three elements play vitally significant roles: the theory of the unconsciousness, the theory of polarity, and the theory of double touch. The principles of C's poetics and criticism are relevant combinations of these three theories.
- This book consists of seven closely related chapters. A concise introduction is followed by the first chapter, in which the concept of the unconscious is traced from ancient philosophers through continental philosophers to Hartley, showing how C was affected by them. In chapter 2 the theory of polarity is delineated, and the concept of juxtaposition is explained. In chapter 3, what we call three main visionary poems are interpreted, and their construction is minutely analyzed in terms of polarity. In addition, the relationship between poetry and music is discussed using KK as an example. In chapter 4, these three main poems are interpreted in terms of the theory of double touch. Chapter 5 deals with the process of the formation of C's thought, showing how C was affected by ancient thought and German thought, and especially by Schiller. Chapter 6 traces the origin and development of C's idea of Imagination in relation to fancy and intuition. After that, the philosophical deduction of Imagination is made, and C's philosophical system of Logosophia is also explained. In the last chapter, C's influences upon T S Eliot, E A Poe, and Herbert Read are discussed. (NT) Frontispiece plate is 1795 Vandyke portrait.
- Gift to the CCC from Nobuo Takayama.
1 9 8 5
[S I 1985] BERRY, James, ed. Classic Poems to Read Aloud. Line drawings by James Mayhew. NY: Kingfisher (1985). 256 pp. Also color plates. 242 x 170mm. Color-illustrated hard cover and jacket.
- Parts I and II of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (pp 91-7), with color plate fp 97 by Rosemary Woods, illustrating lines 59-64 (Mariner looking through telescope at albatross in flight above icebergs in sea). Line drawings: albatross in flight, and becalmed ship (lines 111-18). Kubla Khan (pp 112-13) with color plate fp 112 by Susan Field, using many images from the poem.
- Gift to the CCC from Stephen H Ford.
1 9 8 6
[S I 1986] COOTE, Stephen, ed. The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse. Rev edn. Harmondsworth, Middlesex; NY: Penguin Books (c1986). 408 pp. First pub 1983.
- Introduction (pp 29-50) to this anthology is a history of homosexual love and its poetry. No reference to C, but prints Christabel 236-77 (pp 183-4) without editorial comment.
[S I 1986] (C6557) KATSURADA, Rikichi. Nihon ni okeru C Kenkyu Bunken Soran [C Bibliography in Japan]. Tokyo: Doboku Kôgakusha (1986). tp, iv, 91 pp. In Japanese.
- The 934 items (14 for 1871-99, 196 for 1900-39, 724 for 1940-86) include biographical and critical studies (in books--including literary histories, encyclopedias, and anthologies--periodicals, and oral papers delivered at conferences), book reviews, translations (in anthologies, and in selected editions of Coleridge's works?). Some of the items--particularly those by non-Japanese authors--are in English though in Japanese publications. The items are listed chronologically, grouped according to the Japanese dating system based on the reign of succeeding emperors: the Meiji Era (1867-1911), the Taisho Era (1912-26), and the Showa Era (1926-present). Includes a Preface (pp 1-14, with tribute to Okamoto as first Japanese C bibliographer [1955-56, qv]), an index of authors and other persons (pp 77-85), a general (topical) index (pp 86-8), an index of Coleridge's works treated (50 of them, pp 89-90), and an afterword (p 91).
- From Miss Yumiko Okamura's "summarized translation" of the Preface and additional remarks by Professor Katsurada: "As a young scholar, when I heard a friend talking passionately about STC's poetry and his theory of literature, I was so inspired and impressed that I decided to study C--especially his poetry. At that time, absorbed in the doctrines of Kitaro Nishida, a Japanese philosopher, I was seeking a point of contact between literature and philosophy. Since then, for nearly 60 years, I have devoted myself to the study of C with all my heart. ... Over the years as I continued to publish the results of my research on C, I also collected writings on C published by others, as if I were succeeding to Professor Okamoto's bibliographical work. I soon became aware that these papers amounted to a very large number. [After his death in 1992, Professor Katsurada's C Collection was deposited in the Library of Jissen Women's University.] So in 1971 I began to publish supplements to Professor Okamoto's work. ... At last I decided that it was time to put them all in order, and so this Synthetic List of Academic Works on C in Japan (1986) has come into existence. ... Finally, I thank Professor Walter B. Crawford very much for giving us an opportunity to introduce Japanese studies on C to the rest of the world through his forthcoming volume III of the C Bibliography."
- The Coleridge Bibliography (volumes II-III, 1983--C6499) and this Supplement (S I 1996 and passim) contain a selection of 223 of the 450 Japanese items in the computer files, as compared to the 600-700 (NT) comparable items in Professor Katsurada's Bibliography. Considering the great scope and quantity of Japanese scholarship on C, scholars will welcome the comprehensive English language bibliography of C in Japan now in progress under the direction of Professor Nobuo Takayama of Taisho University, Tokyo.
- Gift to the CCC from Mark A Richardson.
[S I 1986] YAMADA, Yutaka. Shijin Kôrurijji [Coleridge the Poet: In Search of "the cottage'd dell"]. Kyoto: Yamaguchi-Shoten (1986). vii, 511, [1] p., [3] pp of plates: tp, port, ils. Glassine-covered book in slipcase. In Japanese.
- Many quotations in English. Much English in notes. Bibliography and index in English. Chronology (pp 498-502) in Japanese with proper names and titles in English. Plates: the Vandyke portrait (1795--C9202) and views of the River Derwent at Cockermouth, of the Nether Stowey cottage, and close and distant views of Alfoxden. Preface (pp i-iv) dated Oc 1986.
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
1 9 8 7
[S I 1987] KATSURADA, Rikichi. Keiunroku [Miscellaneous Essays on Nature and Man]. Tokyo: Dobokukogakusha (1987 [Showa 62]). xix, 636 pp. 194 x 130mm. Author and title on spine of slipcase in calligraphy by Hojo Oya. In Japanese.
- Calligraphy on stiff beige stock facing front flyleaf, followed by protective tissue sheet and 4 pages of plates of calligraphy. Katsurada is calligrapher of plates 1v and 2v. Plate 1r is a haiku (Japanese poem). Plate 2r is a title page.
- Preliminary pages follow, i-xix, including foreword by Akira Matsuzawa (pp i-ii), preface by Katsurada (pp iii-xiii), introduction (iii-xiii), table of contents (xv-xix). Body of text in 6 parts of 1 to 27 chapters, the longest part (pp 7-400) focused on Coleridge. Many author names and titles are romanized. Frequent brief quotations in English in the main body of the text, with longer quotations in English in indented blocks.
- A collection of Katsurada's autobiographical and personal essays, and of previously published writings with original publication data following each selection. Clearly, some of these were book reviews, for example, a Masao Okamoto book on W and C (pp 133-6), either S I 1984 or 1956--C4820.
- Part 1 (pp 1-6) consists of remembrances of Professor Kôchi Doi (cf Doi, 1929--C3537, and Katsurada 1956--C4810 and 1964--C5766).
- Part 2 (pp 7-400), focused on Coleridge, has 3 chapters headed "S. T. Coleridge" in English, plus Japanese subtitles (69-87). Similarly in English with Japanese: "Coleridge" (88-111).
- "Coleridge's Miscellaneous Criticism" (112-36), includes Katsurada's translation of Coleridge on Macbeth, Japanese and English on facing pages (118-32). Other translations: The Eolian Harp 26-33 (198-9); Dejection 47-8 (200); Easter Holidays 25-36 (205-6); To the Rev. W. L. Bowles 1-3 (218-19); To the Evening Star 3-4, 7-8 (223-4); Genevieve 9-14 (225-6); Happiness 7-13 (232-3); A Wish 1-4 (234-5); Ode 21-2 (235); The RAM 369-72 (236); Sonnet to the River Otter (239-40); Songs of the Pixies 13-14, 50-2, 83-8, 61-8 (250-1, 254); Lines on an Autumnal Evening 29-36, 63-70, 21-2 (255-8); Lewti 15-21, 28-36. 42-8 (262-4); Sonnet to the Autumnal Moon (266-7); Youth and Age 1-5, 18-22, 39-43 (310-11); Work without Hope 1-6 (312); The Garden of Boccaccio 1-10, 25-6, 78-87 (314-16);
- The next chapter has a section sub-titled "The Notebooks" (146-50). Other chapters: "Coleridge" (151-86); "Sir C. M. Bowra" (187-95); "Coleridge" (275-323); "Coleridge" (324-30); in next chapter a section sub-titled "Biographia Literaria" (331-6).
- On pages 376-87 is a sequence of alternated Japanese and English lines, each pair consisting of the name of a Japanese poet (and poem?) followed by Katsurada's (?) English translation of lines from the poem.
- Part 3 (401-532) consists of Katsurada's random thoughts on various occasions. Part 4 (533-84) consists of short essays on various matters, eg, mountains, my friends, and other recollections. Part 5 (pp 585-612) consists of 2 more essays in memory of the late Kôchi Doi as well as memories of other friends and colleagues. Part 6 (pp 613-28) concerns C studies today and in the future.
- On pages 629-33 are extracts in English from various poems, some quoted earlier, some not: Ode 21-2; The RAM 369-72; Songs of the Pixies 50-2; Reflections on Having Left a Place of Retirement 25-6; The Eolian Harp 1-12; This Lime-Tree Bower 32-7; Frost at Midnight 1-10; The Nightingale 1-11; The RAM 367-72, 103-6, 111-18; The RAM 177-80; Song from Zapolya 1-8; The RAM 263-6, 472-5; The RAM 476-9; Christabel 58-65; The Eolian Harp 26-33.
- Pages 635 (titled) to 636 contain an Afterword by Katsurada.
[S I 1987] KINCAID, Eric, illustrator, and Marjorie Rogers, ed. A Children's Book of Verse. Newmarket, England: Brimax Books (1987; 5th printing 1991). [v], 9-157 pp. 287 x 215mm. Illustrated hard covers.
- Contains 104 poems, each page with color illustrations. C's Answer to a Child's Question (p 130) is illustrated with a flying bird at top, and at bottom, looking upward pensively, a barefoot boy rests on a log amid "green leaves, and blossoms."
- Gift to the CCC from Stephen H Ford.
1 9 8 8 ?
[S I 1988?] ANON. "Port picks a poet to point the way." Watchet, Somerset [newspaper] (n.d. but 1988?).
- The Watchet "town council approved a scheme introducing advance roadside notices bearing the legend: 'Watchet, Historic Sea Port of the Ancient Mariner." C "immortalised the place nearly 200 years ago in his" RAM.
- From a clipping without identifications sent by Rosemary Elizabeth Coleridge Middleton.
1 9 8 8
[S I 1988] KANEDA, Masumi. Coleridge's Tragic Struggle between Xanadu and Abyssinia. Tokyo: Waseda University Press (1988). [vii], viii, 228 pp. 22cm. In English. In covered jacket.
- Nobuo Takayama's annotation (condensed): C s poems of the annus mirabilis, especially The RAM, KK, and Christabel, are sometimes regarded as rare gems made possible by the suppression of his speculative genius for a short miraculous season. In the author's view, however, that his miraculous poems were made possible by C's philosophic struggle, or his struggle as a whole man, to find a solution to the problem of how to overcome the tragic condition in which man finds himself as a result of what Christianity has called "original sin." These poems seem to be densely packed with C's earnest reflection on the problem of original sin, and it seems to be his admission of failure to solve this problem that turned him from poetry to criticism.
- As a critic C retained what he had possessed as a poet and never lost sight of the problem he had tackled in his poems. All the germs of his later thought were latent in his poems of the annus mirabilis: what he later accomplished as a critic and philosopher was the natural outcome of what he had conceived as a poet in his youth. The author deals with the three great poems from that viewpoint, and in the last chapter, which treats C's verse letter to Sara Hutchinson, the original version of Dejection, he considers how C came to accept his failure.
- In the conclusion, the author points out that the problem C grappled with was one which has confronted mankind in all ages and places. Perhaps C could never outgrow his sense of loss because he was "Too soon transplanted. ere [his] soul had fix'd / Its first domestic loves" and spent the following nine years in Christ's Hospital as a bluecoat boy. It is made clear in recent psycho-biological researches that premature or inappropriate sudden disruption of bonds of attachment may lead to psychological disturbances, physiological disorganization, and ill health. Regression, the sense of helplessness. sleep disturbances and nightmares, all that characterized C's life, are also attendant upon separation. Even C's opium addiction cannot be seen as unrelated to his early experience, for close similarities are detected between the distress symptoms that result from narcotic withdrawal and those that arise following severance of social bonds. This weakness of C, however, proved to be his strength at the same time. It enabled him to preserve an acute consciousness of a vital problem for mankind to which ordinary people grow too dull to pay attention with the passage of years. It seems that C what he struggled not only with a universal problem among mankind but one for which it is impossible for man to find a final solution. And this may be the reason he is now steadily rising in public estimation in all his roles, as poet, critic, theologian, psychologist, etc. He was, as it were, bearing a heavy burden in behalf of mankind.
- Includes revised versions of some of his previously published articles: eg,
- ["C's A Letter to ----."] J of Liberal Arts, combined nos 58-60 (Mr 1979), 141-74.
- ["The World of The RAM: What Death and Life-in-Death Represent."] J of Liberal Arts, combined nos 61-63 (Mr 1980), 299-327; continued in combined nos 64-65 (D 1980), 93-115.
- "KK." J of Liberal Arts, combined nos 67-69 (Mr 1982), 107-31; combined nos 71-73 (Mr 1983), 55-82.
- ["Christabel."] J of Liberal Arts, combined nos 74-75 (D 1983), 117-45; 77 (Ja 1985), 23-51.
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
1 9 8 9
[S I 1989] RUOFF, Gene W. W and C: The Making of the Major Lyrics 1802-1804. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP (1989). xviii, 318 pp.
- Contents: W's Ode of 1802; C's Verse Letter to Sara Hutchinson; W's "The Leech-Gatherer"; W's "Resolution and Independence"; C's "Dejection," Morning Post, 4 Oc 1802; Time Passes; W's Ode of 1804.
[S I 1989] TAKASE, Akinori. Kôrurijji no Bungaku to Shisô [Literature and Thoughts of Coleridge]. Below Japanese title: "(Appendix: Mill on Coleridge)." Tokyo: Senjô Corporation (Mr 1989). [i], 293 pp. Pl (port).
- Text in Japanese, with minor quotations, some notes and references, and Appendix in English. Portrait is the Christ's Hospital copy of the Houghton (1832--C9225).
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
[S I 1989] TAKEMORI, Osamu. S. T. Coleridge no Shi "Kubiraikan" no Kaishaku [An Interpretation of S. T. Coleridge's Poem "Kubla Khan"]. Kyoto: Aporon-sha (D 1989). iii, 310 pp. Il. In book jacket. In Japanese.

- Title page (and jacket front) have oval vignette: an oval outline with horizontal line through center, 8 cross-hatched lines in lower half, captioned "A sunny pleasure-dome" (above), "with" (right of center), "caves of ice" (below).
- Gift to the CCC from Kazue Katsurada.
- A graphic enlargement of this piece is available.
- Front cover of Japanese version of the Interpretation of S.T. Coleridge's Poem 'Kubla Khan'
[S I 1989] TALBOT, Rob, photographs, and Robin Whiteman, text. The English Lakes. George Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1989). Paperback edn (1996). 160 pp. Map. 190 x 250mm.
- Introduction (pp 9-16) gives history (C visited the Lakes in 1799 with Wordsworth, p 10) and topographical and geological description of the Lake District as a whole, each of the six regions similarly though more briefly introduced.. Each photograph is accompanied by text of 150-175 words. C lived in the Central Lakes area near Wordsworth (p 19). C as resident of Greta Hall is mentioned with a view of Keswick from Latrigg (p 48) [not unlike that described by C from his rooftop; see Collected Letters I 612-13]. C's climbing Helvellyn many times, including in moonlight, mentioned with a view of Striding Edge, Helvellyn (p 66).
- C was among those carving their names on the "Rock of Names" near Thirlmere (p 68). With photo of Fishercrag Plantation, Thirlmere, C is quoted: "'O Thirlmere!' wrote Coleridge in 1803, 'let me somehow or other celebrate the world in thy mirror - Conceive all possible varieties of Form, Fields, & Trees, and naked or ferny Crags - ravines, behaired with Birches - Cottage, smoking chimneys, dazzling wet places of small rock-precipices - all these, with a divine outline in a mirror of three miles distinct vision!' Almost ninety years later the valley was flooded by Manchester Corporation to form a reservoir, and the Thirlmere of the Lake Poets vanished forever" (p 70).
- Ennerdale Water "was visited by Wordsworth and C on their 'Pikteresk Toor' of the lakes in 1799, but since then it has changed dramatically" (p 128).
- With a photo of Wastwater Screes, C is quoted: "'A sheet of water between 3 and 4 miles in length,' wrote Coleridge of Wastwater in his 1802 Tour of the Lake Country [no such C title; the quotation is actually drawn from C's 1-5 August letter to Sara Hutchinson, in Collected Letters II 839 (not listed in this book's Bibliography), not from the Notebooks (which is listed)], 'the whole or very nearly the whole of its right Bank formed by Screes . . . or Shiver, consisting of fine red Streaks running in broad Stripes thro' a stone colour - slanting off from the Perpendicular, as steep as the meal newly ground from the Miller's spout . . . like a pointed Decanter in shape, or an outspread Fan, or a long-waisted old maid with a fine prim Apron" (p 134).
1 9 9 0
[S I 1990] ANON. "How It Seemed: Wind of Oppression." Times Saturday R (6 Oc 1990), 29.
- "C conceived the idea of The RAM after reading this account by Captain George Shelvocke of the shooting of an albatross on October 1, 1719, by a superstitious second Captain," but "C made one crucial change: his Albatross became a bird of good omen." Quotes Shelvocke's account, from "At 7 in the evening" to "a fair wind after it."
[S I 1990] GIFFORD, Don. The Farther Shore: A Natural History of Perception, 1798-1984. NY: Atlantic Monthly P (1990). xiv, 257 pp. No index.
- Scanned only Chapters 1-3 & 5 & Notes; found C on pp 1, 11, 18, 20, 29, 57, 69 implied, 106, 174-5, 177, 178, 211, 213; in Notes (pp 246-57), Introduction, n1; Ch 1, n1; Ch 5, n6.
[S I 1990] HELLER, Janet Ruth. Coleridge, Lamb, Hazlitt, and the Reader of Drama. Columbia & L: Univ of Missouri P, 1990. xiv, 224 pp. 235 x 150mm.
[S I 1990] HUTCHINGS, Richard J. Landfalls of the Romantic Poets. A Book for G.C.E. Students. Bath, Somerset: James Brodie (nb, 199?). viii, 104 pp. Il (pls). 188 x 120mm.
- "Part I--Prophets of Nature: C and W in Somerset" includes "The Stuff of Dreams: STC" (pp 3-38), "A Detective Calls: WW" (pp 39-50), and extracts from "Alfoxden Journal of DW" (pp 51-9). C poems (with prefatory notes) embedded in text: Frost at Midnight, KK, The RAM, This Lime-tree Bower. C-related illustrations: recent photographs of C Cottage, Nether Stowey; Alfoxden; Holford Village.
[S I 1990] LaBERGE, Stephen, and Howard Rheingold. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. NY: Ballantine Bks (1990). Rpt 1991, xiv, 335 pp.
- In Notebook entry 4287, 1815-16 (first published in Anima Poetae, 1895--C734, p 282), C wrote the sentence on the left below. In the chapter on "Preparation for Learning Lucid Dreaming," the section headed "Communiqué from the dream world" begins with the "dumbed-down" paraphrase on the right (p 23).
"If a man could pass thro'
Paradise in a Dream, &
have a flower presented to
him as a pledge that his
Soul had really been there,
& found that flower in his
hand when he awoke--
Aye! and what then?"
"What if you slept, and what if
in your sleep you dreamed, and
what if in your dream you went
to heaven and there you plucked
a strange and beautiful flower,
and what if when you awoke you
had the flower in your hand?
Ah, what then?"
- For a more detailed treatment of this dream-token motif, see Wells (1895--C7082); for other C-related adaptations of this motif, see Index 7, "If a man . . ." under 3400 and the 6000s, 6400s-6900s, 8400s, and 8700s. (Also: "Well-known examples of dream-inspired figures from literature include . . . STC and his opium-dream poem, 'KK'" [p 202]).
[S I 1990] NOGAMI, Norio, ed & tr. Coleridge shishu [Coleridge Poetry]. Okayama: Maruzen (1990). [vi], x, 311 pp. 217 x 134mm. In slipcase. "Sibylline Leaves | Coleridge" and Japanese title on spine of both slipcase and book. Presentation copy, autographed on [our] front flyleaf: "From N. Nogami to Mr. K. Taheda [or Takeda]."
- Japanese translation of Sibylline Leaves. Cf EHC's XIV in his bibliography in CPW 1150-53.
- Facsimile of the English title page of Sibylline Leaves (1817) (p [i]). Japanese title page (p [iii]). A short line of Japanese (p [iv]). Table of contents (pp [v-vi]).
- C's Preface (pp i-iii). Probably Time, Real and Imaginary, The Raven with footnote, and Mutual Passion (pp v-x).
- The RAM half-title page (p [1]); headnote (p 2); the poem with gloss (pp 3-39). Then 58 more poems (pp 41-305). Errata in English (pp 306-7). Afterword(?) (pp 309-11). Colophon.
[S I 1990] (Cf C3685) SAITÔ, Takeshi, ed. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: The 1817 and 1798 Texts Printed in Parallel. Zotei shinpan [Second edn] (Kenkyûsha Pocket English ser) New Edition Reset with Enlarged Notes. Tokyo: Kenkyûsha (20 S 1990, c10 D 1966). 84 pp. Il (map). 175 x 115mm. Paperback. Colophon title: Ro suifuko [Ancient Mariner]. First pub Tokyo: Kenkyûsha (My 1934--C3597), 78 pp. Il.

- Preface (pp 7-8) in Japanese; drawing of ship on old map (p 9); the two texts, in English (pp 10-63); notes in English and Japanese (pp 67-82); selective bibliography (3 Japanese, 12 English).
- The 1990 edition given to the CCC by Kazue Katsurada.
- This graphic can be enlarged.
- Front cover of Kenkyusha Pocket English edition of 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner'
[S I 1990] STEELE, Timothy. Missing Measures: Modern Poetry and the Revolt Against Meter. Fayetteville & L: U of Arkansas P (1990). x, 340 pp.
- C in index: alteration of Aristotle's poetry-history contrast, 156-7 (full page); definition of poetry, as exponent of organic form, 195-6 (2 full pp), and Kantian aesthetics, 181-5 (and many other references to C & Kant passim!) influence of, on subsequent poetics, 185-6; on meter, 189-90 (full page); sense of exhaustion of resources of poetry, 237 (7 lines + 8-line quote); on W and diction of poetry, 107 (a 4-line sentence); 324n20 (8 lines). Also: 315n73 (1-line quote); 239 (1 sentence); and mentions: 12, 172, 289.
[S I 1990] TAYLOR, Anya, ed. [Coleridge's Writings] On Humanity. (C's Writings, 2) Basingstoke: Macmillan; NY: St Martin's P (My 1994). xv, 281 pp.
- Topical selections.
[S I 1990] WATSON, Jeanie. Risking Enchantment: C's Symbolic World of Faery. Lincoln & L: U of Nebr P (1990). xiv, 235 pp. 235 x 150mm.
- Seldom reproduced drawing 3 (for The RAM 139-42) by Harry Clarke (1913--C1617, 1914--C1661, and 1983--C6494) appears (165 x 256mm), with lilac for the white of the bands on the barrel and of the hat of the glowering figure on the right, on the lilac jacket designed by Kaelin Chappell.
[S I 1990] WESCOTT, Glenway. Continual Lessons: The Journals of Glenway Wescott 1937-1955. Ed Robert Phelps with Jerry Rosco. NY: Farrar Strauss Giroux (1990). xix, 410 pp.
- Having difficulty with his books: "I suppose I am a type like C, only without opium; and, I must admit, without an Ancient Mariner, so far" (19 Ag 1946). "I'm . . . more like C than anyone else÷÷ allowing for the fact that I have neither the poetical talent nor the philosophical brain--with neurosis, in my entangled family relations, and obstinate though weak sexuality instead of opium" (28 Ja 1955).
- Discovered by Arnold T Schwab.