A CSULB Event That Changed My Future

In my first year, I struggled with classes and BeachBoard, a way in which professors provide assignments, grades and other files. As a result, I would avoid completing assignments which negatively impacted my overall GPA. I had to make a change, not only for my GPA, but my overall approach to studying.
I went to an academic advisor who reviewed my classes and asked if I still wanted to pursue my chosen major. Being nervous didn’t stop me from getting the help I needed. When I was going over the various majors, I explained that I wanted a career that helps other people improve their lives. The advisor recommended consumer affairs.
As a result of that conversation, I began to take classes that I found interesting and engaging, which resulted in improved overall grades. If I had never changed majors, I would not have done as well in my courses and academic career. I greatly appreciate the advisor for assisting me.
From my experience, I would recommend using campus resources to your advantage. It helped me clarify my career path and reach my professional goals.