Campus Wheel Paths

The Campus Wheel Paths project was designed to provide students with a safe, comfortable and easy-to-use wayfinding system throughout campus and encourage sustainable methods of transportation.

With these designated Wheel Paths for bikes, scooters, and skateboards through the main quad and northern sections of campus, our planners have created a complete loop that connects points on campus with the City of Long Beach bike lanes located on Bellflower Boulevard, Atherton Street, Palo Verde Avenue, and State University Drive.

This project also reinforces the City of Long Beach's goal of transitioning 10% of all trips made in the city to bicycle in 10 years, rising to 20% in 20 years and 30% in 30 years. Creating more bikeways, improving safety, and expanding bike share programs are integral to transitioning more commuters from drive-alone commutes to cycling and other forms of non-motorized transportation.

Wheel Paths - Video

Campus Wheel Paths & Bike Racks - Map

CSULB Discount for Long Beach Bike Share

Skateboard Policy | California State University Long Beach

Glossary of map terms:

  • All-Wheel Paths: Routes established that allow all non-motorized skateboards, scooters, and bikes to be safely ridden on campus. This new system allows the efficiency, safety and coexistence of riders and pedestrians.
  • Bike Racks: Locations around campus for students to lock their bikes during class or periods of non-use.
  • Bike Fixit Stations: ​Stations around campus that include air pumps and tools to make adjustments to your bike when needed.
  • Bike Share Hubs: Designated stations around campus for users to rent/return bikes from the Long Beach Bike Share program.
  • City of Long Beach Bike Routes: A network of protected bike lanes established by the City of Long Beach that are separate from driving lanes on these streets with striping and/or bollards.
  • Dismount Zone: Strict no wheels zones that will be enforced to ensure pedestrian safety. Anyone riding on wheels must dismount immediately once passing the dismount striping.
  • Pedestrian Only Zone: Dedicated areas on campus where no wheels are allowed outside of designated All Wheel Paths. Only Pedestrians are allowed in these areas.
  • Shared Bikeways: Campus routes where both cars and bikes are required to share the road.
  • Sharrow Lane: A double-chevron road marking indicating a shared cycle/vehicle lane. It warns motorists that this is an important cycle route, and it encourages cyclists to use more of the lane where there is potential danger (e.g. from parked cars), but there is not enough room for a dedicated cycle lane. Cars yield to bikes as they have the right of way in these areas.