2024 METRIC Graduation
In 2024, 13 students from METRIC and 4 students from METRIC 2 have graduated or will be graduating by the end of Fall. In total, METRIC helped developed 2 chemists, 7 earth scientists, 5 mathematicians/statisticians, and 3 physicists.
This year, the CNSM graduation ceremony took place in Angel's Stadium on Thursday, May 23, with Natalia Gutierrez (METRIC Earth Science scholar) giving a speech as the president of CNSM student council. Of the 13 scholars who graduated in Spring, 8 have enrolled in a post-baccalaureate program (5 MS, 2 Ph.D., and 1 post-bac), continuing their education in STEM.
Quotes from Graduates
Graduation always brings a bittersweet feeling to many of us. Below are some of the things our graduating scholars said about METRIC and their mentor, highlighting the impact of this program and the mentors had on the students.
"I am so excited about what is to come and am so unbelievably grateful to the METRIC program for helping me reach these previously unattainable goals." - Candice, Earth Science
"As a veteran student whose GI Bill had ended, the METRIC scholarship was a resource that helped me finish the geology program at California State University Long Beach. It allowed me to explore other subjects that intrigued me and to consider further research in my academic future." - Polito, Earth Science
"I wouldn't be able to make these connections without the help of METRIC being able to fund me going to AGU back in December. With the help of both Dr. Abbey’s and Dr. Balbas's glowing letters of recommendation, I was able to make my dreams come true. I appreciate everything METRIC was able to offer me over the past 2ish years. The support was amazing and absolutely had a positive impact on my academic wellbeing." - Sabrina, Earth Science
"Thanks to METRIC, I have been able to succeed academically despite great personal challenges, such as the loss of my mom last semester. I did struggle a lot, but I was able to earn a 4.0 for both semesters and develop greatly as a mathematician and physicist. I have much more to learn, but I have developed a strong foundation to continue my studies. I would not have been able to all this without the help of METRIC. Thank you." - Christian, Physics
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