Student Obligations

METRIC is a federally-funded scholarship program by the National Science Foundation (NSF). METRIC team has the responsibility to report the impacts of this program on the students receiving the scholarship to NSF in a timely fashion. Failure to do so will prevent deserving students from receiving uninterrupted funding and mentorship.

We ask that you carefully review and complete the following tasks when you are ready to commit to becoming a part of this program.


To be completed: Once.

For an entering student who is receiving a METRIC scholarship for the first time, you are required to carefully read through the official program website and complete a pledge to succeed with METRIC by the time the scholarship is dispersed. This is your commitment to maximizing your scholastic potentials and a certification that you are willing to work with the program team to make sure you are the most successful college student you can be.


To be completed: Every Semester.

For students who are currently and continuously receiving a METRIC scholarship, you are required to provide updated activity data at the end of every semester. The information you provide in this survey goes directly into the program data on S-STEM Scholarship Reporting Site. Failure to complete the survey will result in a discontinuation of your scholarship.


To be completed: Every Semester.

For students who are currently and continuously receiving a METRIC scholarship, you are required to submit an essay that reflects on the activities you participated in at the end of each semester you are receiving the scholarship to the Program Director, Dr. Jen-Mei Chang via email: In your essay, discuss the following:

  • The nature of the activities you participated in
  • The most surprising aspect of the activities you participated in
  • How did these activities affect you as a scientist or mathematician?
  • What activities do you plan on participating in next semester and why?

Mandatory Meetings/Activities

To be completed: Every Semester.

  • Schedule a 30-minute meeting with Danielle Munoz ( at the Basic Needs Office before the start of each semester to plan for your aid package for the semester/year.
  • Schedule regular bi-weekly meetings with your discipline mentor (See the Meet the Team for their contact information) in the beginning of each semester.
  • Attend METRIC events/activities (e.g., REU workshop, CV/Personal Statement Workshop, Campus Tour with Coffee, Monthly Socials, Spring and Fall Mixers, etc.). For the events that you can't attend, you are required to email your discipline mentor and program director with an university-approved excuse for your absence.