Local High School Students Get an Exciting Glimpse of CHHS

Students from JFK High School recently visited the CSULB campus and received a tour of the CHHS labs. They got to explore some of the innovations being implemented on campus to drive our future workforce. The high school students rotated between the Athletic Training, Movement Science Lab, Biophysiology and Metabolic testing labs, and Anatomy/Acute care lab spaces, while being able to socialize with current students.
“CHHS is home to more than 9,000 students studying in more than 70 plus academic programs that will prepare the future workforce in service to people and helping them to live happier, healthier and safer lives. This is both an incredible opportunity and responsibility that transforms lives,” said CHHS Dean Monica Lounsbery.
The JFK high school students learned about some of the various academic programs offered in CHHS, and even options for post-graduate studies.

From the Department of Kinesiology, Dr. Portia Resnick, professor in the Athletic Training program, gave a talk to students about the numerous studies housed within Kinesiology. Students were allowed to observe and participate in activities facilitated in the Athletic Training lab, which included a crash course on applying certain types of medical dressing.

Students also got to learn about the equipment in the Movement Science Lab used for data collection. Drs. Sam Zeff and Kevin Valenzuela introduced students to the exciting world of biomechanics, and were given demonstrations in how movement is tracked and analyzed.
“It seemed to go off quite well and from what I heard from the students I spoke with, they really seemed to enjoy it,” said Dr. Valenzuela.

Meanwhile, Drs. George Beneck and Jeff Rodrigues from the Department of Physical Therapy, took students on a tour of the physical therapy labs. Dr. Beneck showed students how cadavers are used in physical therapy anatomy studies, while Dr. Rodrigues demonstrated the simulation equipment in the acute care lab.

The recent renovations and technological advancements being implemented in the CHHS labs are part of the College of Health and Human Services’ Strategic Plan, aligned with the university’s Beach 2030 goals, and is part of the college’s priorities to enhance student success, develop innovative course program delivery methods and facilitate and support interdisciplinary work.

The high school tour of the lab spaces was made possible through the collective efforts of professors, current students and college staff members in the College of Health and Human Services.
“I greatly appreciate everyone volunteering to help out, set up tables and chairs, coordinate movement between groups, and give the students a great experience,” added Dr. Valenzuela.