College of Education Expands ‘Think Beach’

A robust career and life preparation program, Think Beach strives to fortify our students into career-ready and future-thinking individuals by allowing young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enjoy a college-going experience at CSULB.
This work expands access to career and life preparation programs for students with disabilities, using grant funds to prepare students for “competitive integrated employment,” according to the California Inclusive College Alliance, a coalition of six CSU campuses, led by CSULB, that is implementing the program.
Think Beach prepares our students with disabilities such as autism for a successful future by helping them define their personal, academic, and professional goals, take courses alongside students without disabilities, learn employable skills, and build a community of peers.
After the College of Education launched a pilot version of Think Beach in the 2022-2023 school year, the new state funding will formalize the program at CSULB and its five partner CSUs, providing opportunities for about four students with intellectual disabilities to admit at each university in year one.
Through Think Beach, CSULB is showcasing our ability to generate access to education, social mobility, and substantive opportunities for diverse learners – ensuring the holistic success of all students at The Beach and beyond.