2020 Publications
- Ahrar, S., Li, D., Towles, J.D., and Venook, J.R., “Trace Matrix: A Framing Tool to Improve Communication and Debugging in Remote Instrumentation Lab Courses,” J. of Biomedical Eng. Ed., pp. 195-200, 2020.
- Li, F., Medvedeva, X., Medvedev, J., Ahmed, A., and Klinkova, A., “On the Performance and Structural Stability of Cathodic Electrocatalysts with Complex Nanoscale Morphology,” vol. 1 (48), Nanoporous Materials 2, p. 2709, ECS Meeting Abstracts 2020.
- Roshell L. and Ahmed, A., “Cuboid Arrays as Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” vol. 65 (1), APS March Meeting 2020.
- Subbaramaiah, R., Al-Jufout, S.A., Ahmed, A., and Mozumdar, M., “Design of Vibration-Sourced Piezoelectric Harvester for Battery-Powered Smart Road Sensor Systems,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 20 (23), pp. 13940-49, 2020.
- Balali, V., Fathi, S., and Aliasgari, M., “Vector Maps Mobile Application for Sustainable Eco-Driving Transportation Route Selection,” J. of Sustainability, 12(14), p. 5584, 2020. •Fu, B., Chao, J., Bittner, M., Zhang, W., and Aliasgari, M., “Improving Fitness Levels of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Preliminary Evaluation of Real-Time Interactive Heart Rate Visualization to Motivate Engagement in Physical Activity,” Int’l. Conf. on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2020.
- Sami, M., Ibarra, M., Esparza, A., Al-Jufout, S., Aliasgari, M., and Mozumdar, M., “Intrusion Detection in Controller Area Network Bus of Vehicles using Deep Neural Networks,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020.
- Sayadi, H., Wang, H., Miari, T., Mohammadi Makrani, H., Aliasgari, M., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., "Recent Advancements in Microarchitectural Security: Review of Machine Learning Countermeasures," IEEE 63rd Int'l. Midwest Symp. Circuits and Syst. (MWSCAS), pp. 949-52, 2020.
Asgari, S., Penzenstadler, B., Monge, A., Richardson, D., "Computing to Change the World for the Better: A Research-Focused Workshop for Women," Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), vol. 1, pp. 1-4, 2020.
Robba, C., Asgari, S., Gupta, A., Badenes, R., Sekhon, M., Bequiri, E., Hutchinson, P.J., Pelosi, P., and Gupta, A., "Lung Injury Is a Predictor of Cerebral Hypoxia and Mortality in Traumatic Brain Injury," Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 11, p. 771, August 2020.
- Fang, H., Olson, B.H., Asvapathanagul, P., Wang, T., Tsai, R., and Rosso, D., “Molecular Biomarkers and Influential Factors of Denitrification in a Full-scale Biological Nitrogen Removal Plant,” Microorganisms, 8(11), pp. 1-20, 2020.
Balali, V., Fathi, S., and Aliasgari, M., “Vector Maps Mobile Application for Sustainable Eco-Driving Transportation Route Selection,” J. Sustainability, 12(14), p. 5584, 2020.
Balali, V., Zalavadia, A., and Heydarian, A., “Real-Time Interaction and Cost Estimating within Immersive Virtual Environments,” ASCE J. Construction Eng. and Management, 146(2), 04019098, 2020.
Mahanpoor, M., Monajjem, S., and Balali, V., “An Optimization Model for Synchronous Road Geometric and Pavement Enhancements,” Elsevier J. Traffic and Transportation Eng., In-Press.
Moghaddam, K., Balali, V., Khalilikhah, M., and Ashouri Rad, A., “Identifying the Contributing Factors to the Severity of Animal-Vehicle Collisions,” Construction Research Cong. (CRC), pp. 819-826, Phoenix, AZ, 2020.
Noghabaei, M., Heydarian, A., Balali, V., and Han, K., “A Survey Study to Understand Industry Vision for Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Design and Construction,” preprint, 2020.
Noghabaei, M., Heydarian, A., Balali, V., and Han, K., “Trend Analysis on Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Architecture, Eng., and Construction Industry,” J. Data, 5(1), 26, 2020.
Tavakoli, A., Heydarian, A., and Balali, V., “How Do Environmental Factors Affect Driver’s Gaze Direction and Head Movements? A Long-term Naturalistic Driving Study,” Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting (TRB), 20-05274, Washington, D.C., 2020.
- Moghtadernejad, S., Barjasteh, E., Johnson, Z., Stolpe, T., and Banuelos, J., “Effect of Thermo‐oxidative Aging on Surface Characteristics of Benzoxazine and Epoxy Copolymer,” J. App. Polymer Science, 2020.
Rahai, H.R., Bonifacio, J., Begum, A., and Gada, K., “On Shedding Frequency and Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Rotating Wire-wrapped Cylinder,” SAE Technical Paper 2020-0028.
Rahai, H.R., Bonifacio, J., and Taherian, S., “System and Method for Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE),” Provisional patent application number 62/75,984, February 2020.
Rahai, H. and Bonifacio, J., “ Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) with Humid Air Systems,” MTI Project 1859 Final Report, February 2020.
Calabrese, A., Gandelli, E., Quaglini, V., Strano, S., Terzo, M., and Tordela, C., “Monitoring of Hysteretic Friction Degradation of Curved Surface Sliders through a Nonlinear Constrained Estimator,” Eng. Structures, 226, p. 111371, 2020.
Calabrese, A., Losanno, D., Barjani, A., Spizzuoco, M. and Strano, S., “Effects of the Long-term Aging of Glass-fiber Reinforced Bearings (FRBs) on the Seismic Response of a Base-isolated Residential Building,” Eng. Structures, 221, p.110735, 2020.
Calabrese, A., Quaglini, V., Strano, S., Terzo, M., and Tordela, C., “Friction Coefficient Estimation in Sliding Isolators Through a Nonlinear Parametric Estimation Approach,” Int’l. Conf. IFToMM, Italy, pp. 871-878, Springer, September 2020.
Calabrese, A., Quaglini, V., Strano, S., and Terzo, M., “Online Estimation of the Friction Coefficient in Sliding Isolators,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 27(3), p.e2459, 2020.
Calabrese, A., Spizzuoco, M., Losanno, D. and Barjani, A., “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wire Rope Devices in Base Isolation Systems,” Earthquakes and Structures, 18(3), pp.275-284, 2020.
Losanno, D., Calabrese, A., Madera-Sierra, I.E., Spizzuoco, M., Marulanda, J., Thomson, P., and Serino, G., “Recycled Versus Natural-Rubber Fiber-Reinforced Bearings for Base Isolation: Review of the Experimental Findings, J. Earthquake Eng., pp.1-20, 2020.
Losanno, D., Ravichandran, N., Parisi, F., Calabrese, A. and Serino, G., “Seismic Performance of a Low-cost Base Isolation System for Unreinforced Brick Masonry Buildings in Developing Countries,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng., p.106501, 2020.
Tran, C., Calabrese, A., Vassiliou, M.F., and Galano, S., “A Simple Strategy to Tune the Lateral Response of Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (FREIs),” Eng. Structures, 222, p.111128, 2020.
Johnson, N., and Chae, E.J., "2D Aerodynamic Analysis of a Badminton Shuttle for Re-entry Vehicle Applications," Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XIV, vol. 11376, pp. 15, April 2020.
Su, P., Mendoza, J., Nguyen, D., and Chae, E.J., "Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Continuous Twisting Trailing Edge," Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XIV, vol. 11376, pp. 17, April 2020.
Chandra, S. and Kumar, V., “Crowdsourcing as a Social Interaction Tool to Stimulate Sustainable Transportation Mode Use,” The Open Transportation J., 14(1), 2020.
Chandra, S. and Kumar, V., “A Percolation Theory-Based Street Network Connectivity Model for Feeder Transit Services,” World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Inderscience, 9(2), pp. 120-136, 2020.
Chandra, S., Kumari, M., and Naik, R.T., “Feeder Transit Service Efficiencies with Vehicle-to-Passenger (V2P) Communication,” Paper# 136, 2nd Int’l. Conf. on Computing Analytics and Networking (ICCAN 2019), 14-15 Dec., 2019, Bhubaneswar, India.
Chandra, S. and Mazin, R., “Quantifying Rail Transit Investments with Appropriate Measures and Metrics,” World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 9(4), pp.313-333, 2020.
Chandra, S., Naik, R.T. and Jimenez, J., “Crowdsourcing for Mode Shift: An Empirical Evidence of its Success among College Students,” Transportation Research Procedia, 48, pp. 1430-1434, 2020.
Chandra, S., Naik, R.T., and Jimenez, J., “A Framework for Smart Freight Mobility with Crowdsourcing,” Transportation Research Procedia, 48, pp.494-502, 2020.
Chandra, S., Naik, R.T., and Nguyen, A., “A New Freight Truck Resiliency Indicator with Connected Vehicle Technology,” Transportation Research Procedia, 48, pp.486-493, 2020.
Chandra, S., Naik, R.T., Venkatesh, M. and Mudgal, A., “Accessibility Evaluations of the Proposed Road User Charge (RUC) Program in California,” Transport Policy, 2020.
Chandra, S., and Nguyen, A., “Freight Truck Emissions Reductions with Connected Vehicle Technology: A Case Study with I-710 in California,” Case Studies on Transport Policy, 8(3), pp. 920-927, 2020.
Mazin, R. and Chandra, S., “Quantification of Rail Transit Investments with Appropriate Measures and Metrics,” Paper# 20-03835, 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 12-16 Jan. 2020, Washington, D.C.
Uribe, A., Chandra, S., Mazin, R., and Nguyen, H., “Assessment of Hazardous Pipeline Crossings for Freight Truck Routes in Los Angeles County,” Paper# 20-06134, 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 12-16 Jan. 2020, Washington, D.C.
Uribe, A., Chandra, S., and Rahmani, M., “Investigating Critical Factors for Locations of Future Intercity Passenger Rail Maintenance,” Paper# 20-06136, 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 12-16 Jan. 2020, Washington, D.C
- Demircan, E., “A Pilot Study on Locomotion Training Via Biomechanical Models and a Wearable Haptic Feedback System,” Robomech, vol. 7, pp. 1-13, 2020.
- Demircan, E., Recinos, E., Khoo, I., Teng, S., and Wu, W., “Understanding Human Perception of Vibrotactile Feedback in Walking and Running Tasks,” Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst., 5(2): pp. 537-44, 2020.
- Demircan, E., Yung, S., Matt, C., Jon, B., Brian, N., and Javier, R., “Operational Space Analysis of Human Muscular Effort in Robot Assisted Reaching Tasks,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, p. 125, February 2020.
- Recinos, E., Abella, J., Riyaz, S., and Demircan, E., “Real-Time Vertical Ground Reaction Force Estimation in a Unified Simulation Framework Using Inertial Measurement Unit Sensors,” Robotics 9(4), pp. 88, 2020.
- Yoshikawa, T., Losing, V., and Demircan E., “Machine Learning for Human Movement Understanding,” Advanced Robotics, 34(13), 2020.
- Fu, B., Chao, J., Bittner, M., Zhang, W., Aliasgari, M., “Improving Fitness Levels of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Preliminary Evaluation of Real-Time Interactive Heart Rate Visualization to Motivate Engagement in Physical Activity,” Int’l. Conf. on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2020.
- Fu, B., Steichen, B., and McBride, A., “Tumbling to Succeed: A Predictive Analysis of User Success in Interactive Ontology Visualization,” Proc. 10th Int’l. Conf. on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2020), pp. 78-87.
- Khakurel, J., Porras, J., Melkas, H., and Fu, B., “A Comprehensive Framework of Usability Issues Related to the Wearable Devices,” Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Applications, Springer, pp. 21-66, 2020.
- Pan, J.Z., Tamma, V., d’Amato, C., Janowicz, K., Fu, B., Polleres, A., Seneviratne, O., and Kagal, L. (eds.), Proc. 19th Int’l. Semantic Web Conf., Athens, Greece, Nov. 2-6, 2020.
- Steichen, B., Fu, B., and Nguyen, T., “Inferring Cognitive Style from Eye Gaze Behavior During Information Visualization Usage,” Proc. 28th ACM Conf. on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, (ACM UMAP 2020), pp. 348-352.
- Steichen, B. and Fu, B., “Cognitive Style and Information Visualization - Modeling Users Through Eye Gaze Data,” Frontiers in Computer Science, 2020.
- Farajiparvar, P., Hoseinzadeh, N., Han, L. D., and Hedayatipour, A., “Deep Learning Techniques for Traffic Speed Forecasting with Side Information,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020.
- Hedayatipour, A., and Mcfarlane, N., “Wearables for the Next Pandemic,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 184457-74, 2020.
- Park, T.-W., Hong, .G., Park, D.-S., "Intra‐seasonal Characteristics of Wintertime Extreme Cold Events over South Korea," Int'l. J. Climatology, vol. 40, issue 5, pp. 2639-58, April 2020.
- Huning, L.S., and AghaKouchak, A., “Global Snow Drought Hot Spots and Characteristics,” Proc. Nat’l. Academy of Sciences, 117(33), pp. 19753-59, 2020.
- Huning, L.S., and AghaKouchak, A., “Approaching 80 Years of Snow Water Equivalent Information by Merging Different Data Streams,” Scientific Data, 7, 333, 2020.
- Ward, P. J., … Huning, L.S., et al., “The Need to Integrate Flood and Drought Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies,” Water Security, 11, 100070, 2020.
- Chang, Y.-I., Wu, L.-C., Wu, C.-C., and Jang, L.K., "Computer Simulation of an Ammonia-Water Absorption Cycle for Refrigeration: Using a Distillation Tower to Replace the Generator," Energy and Power Eng., vol. 12, issue 6, p. 237, June 2020.
- Horiuchi, K., Palacios, E., and Kalman, J., “Combustion of Boron Carbide-Metal Oxide Mixtures,” JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Newport News, VA, Dec. 7-11, 2020 (virtual).
- Huynh, A., and Kalman, J., “Computational Study of Ethane-Heated Air Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Newport News, VA, Dec. 7-11, 2020 (virtual).
- Ramirez, D. and Kalman, J. “Influence of HTPB Variants on the Wettability of Ammonium Perchlorate,” presented at AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 0425, Orlando, FL, Jan. 6, 2020.
- Shancita, I., Miller, K.K., Silverstein, P.D., Kalman, J., and Pantoya, M. L., “Synthesis of Metal Iodates from an Energetic Salt,” RSC Advances, 10 (24), 14403-09, 2020.
- Demircan, E., Recinos, E., Khoo, I.-H., Teng, S., and Wu, W., “Understanding Human Perception of Vibrotactile Feedback in Walking and Running Tasks,” Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst., 5(2): pp. 537-44, 2020.
- Napasindayao, D.G., Marayong, P., Khoo, I.-H., and Krishnan, V., “Development of Hand Torque Assessment Device with Adjustable Angle of Attack, Know Size and Resistance,” Nat’l. Conf. on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), 2020.
- Kim, J.J., “Change Order Impacts on Cost and Schedule Growth by Building Project Types,” Proc. 2020 US-Korea Conf. on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, Dec. 14-17, 2020, p. 184.
- Kim, J.J., Dominguez, S., and Diaz, L., “Freight Demand Model for Southern California Freeways with Owner-Operator Truck Drivers.” 2020 SACNAS – The National Diversity in STEM Conf., Oct. 19-24, 2020.
- Kim, J.J., Miller, J.A., and Kim, S., “Cost Impacts of Change Orders by Unforeseen Existing Conditions for Building Renovation Projects,” J. Construction Eng. and Management, vol. 146, no. 8, 04020094, 2020.
- Lim, J., and Kim, J.J., “Dynamic Optimization Model for Estimating In-situ Production Quantity of PC Member to Minimize Environmental Loads,” Sustainability, 12(19), 8202, 2020.
- Lim, J., Kim, S., and Kim, J.J. “Dynamic Simulation Model for Estimating In-situ Production Quantity of PC Members,” Int'l. J. Civil Eng., 18, pp. 935-50, 2020.
- Palikhe, S., Kim, S., and Kim, J.J., “Evaluating Pre-cast Concrete Column Tilt-up Methods to Examine the Erection Stability,” Structures and Buildings 173(1): pp. 63, 2020.
- Davydov, A., Sergeev, V., Kwon, S., Zhang, Y., and Sengupta, A., “Control Signaling for Demodulation Reference Signal Antenna Port Indication,” patent, EP3602814A1, Feb. 5, 2020.
- Doan, S., Kwon, S., and Yeh, H.-G., “Achievable Capacity of Multipolarization MIMO with the Practical Polarization-Agile Antennas,” IEEE Systems J., June 2020.
- Gutierrez, L., An, S., Kwon, S., and Yeh, H.-G., “Novel Approach of Spatial Modulation: Polarization-Aware OFDM Subcarrier Allocation,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020. (Best Paper Award).
- Krishnamoorthi, S., Macwan, A., Oh, P., and Kwon, S., “Interference-aware Multi-user, Multi-polarization Superposition Beamforming (MPS-Beamforming),” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020.
- Oh, P., and Kwon, S., Multi-polarization Superposition Beamforming with XPD-aware Transmit Power Allocation,” Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC), October 2020.
- Rivera, I., and Kwon, S., “5G Satellite-Cellular Coexistence: SER Analysis toward Coordinated Adaptive Modulation,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020.
- Tehrani, A., Yeh, H.-G. and Kwon, S., “BER Performance of Space-Time Parallel ICI Cancellation of OFDM in MIMO Power Line Communications,” IEEE Systems J., February 2020.
- Wang, G., Zhang, Y., Li, Q., Davydov, A., and Kwon, S., “Method and Apparatus for Interference Measurement Using Beam Management Reference Signal,” patent, US20200021337A1, Jan. 6, 2020.
- Wang, G., Zhang, Y., Li, Q., Davydov, A., and Kwon, S., “Method for Interference Measurement in New Radio (NR) Communication Systems,” patent, US20200067614A1, Feb. 27, 2020.
- George, D., Garcia, A., Pham, Q., Ramos Perez, M., Deng, J., Trang Nguyen, M., Zhou, T., Martinez-Chapa, S.O., Won, Y., Liu, C., Lo, R.C., Ragan, R., and Madou, M., "Fabrication of Patterned Graphitized Carbon Wires Using Low Voltage Near-field Electrospinning, Pyrolysis, Electrodeposition, and Chemical Vapor Deposition," Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 6:7, 2020.
- Morales-Hernández, M., Sharif, M.B., Gangrade, S., Dullo, T. T., Kao, S.-C., Kalyanapu, A., Ghafoor, S. K. , Evans, K. J., Madadi-Kandjani, E., Hodges, B.R., “High-performance Computing in Water Resources Hydrodynamics,” J. Hydroinformatics, 22 (5), pp. 1217-1235, 2020.
- Marayong, P., Shankar, P., Wei, J., Nguyen, H., Strybel, T., and Battiste, V. “Urban Air Mobility System Testbed Using CAVE Virtual Reality Environment,” IEEE Aerospace Conf., 2020.
- Martinez, M., Shankar, P., Marayong, P., and Krishnan, V., “A Virtual Physical Therapy Lab to Simulate a Balance Perturbation Assessment Setup,” Int’l. Mechanical Eng. Cong. and Exposition (IMECE), 2020.
- Napasindayao, D. G., Marayong, P., Khoo, I.-H., and Krishnan, V., “Development of Hand Torque Assessment Device with Adjustable Angle of Attack, Know Size and Resistance,” Nat’l. Conf. on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), 2020.
- Escotet, S., Scicolone, J., Moghtadernejad, S., et al, Improving Feedability of Highly Adhesive Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients by Silication,” J. Pharmaceutical Innovation, 2020.
- Jadidi, M., Moghtadernejad, S., and Hanson, J., “Numerical Study of the Effects of Twin-fluid Atomization on the Suspension Plasma Spraying Process,” Fluids, vol. 5, issue 4, 2020.
- Moghtadernejad, S., Barjasteh, E., Johnson, Z., Stolpe, T., and Banuelos, J., “Effect of Thermo‐oxidative Aging on Surface Characteristics of Benzoxazine and Epoxy Copolymer,” J. App. Polymer Science, 2020.
- Moghtadernejad, S., Lee, C., and Jadidi, M., “An Introduction of Droplet Impact Dynamics to Eng. Students,” Fluids, vol. 5, issue 3, 2020.
- Moon, J., Le, N., Minaya, N., and Choi, S., “Multimodal Few-Shot Learning for Gait Recognition,” Applied Sciences, 10(21), pp. 7619, 2020.
- Moon, J., Minaya, N., Le, N., Park, H., and Choi, S., “Can Ensemble Deep Learning Identify People by Their Gait using Data Collected from Multi-modal Sensors in Their Insole?” Sensors, 20(14), p. 4001, 2020.
- Suh, G.Y. and Moon, J., “Aortic Endograft Modeling Using Computed Tomography and Machine Learning,” Abstract/Poster, Bio Medical Eng. 2020.
- Castorena, M., Doan, N., Gillmore, B., Lahn, J., Lorenzen, J., and Morales Ponce, O., “Overweight Object Transportation with a Set of Collaborative Robots,” DCOSS 2020, pp. 320-27, 2020.
- Coleman, J., Kranakis, E., Morales Ponce, O., Opatrny, J., Urrutia, J., and Vogtenhuber, B., “Minimizing the Maximum Distance Traveled to Form Patterns with Systems of Mobile Robots,” Canadian Computational Geometry Conf., 2020.
- Czyzowicz, J., Killick, J., Kranakis, E., Krizanc, D., Morales Ponce, O., “Gathering in the Plane of Location-aware Robots in the Presence of Spies,” Theoretical Computer Science, 836: pp. 94-109, 2020.
- Hema Balaji, N., Kilaru, J., Morales Ponce, O., “Synchronous Robotic Framework,” pp. 333-37, 2020.
- Morales Ponce, O., “Optimal Patrolling of High Priority Segments while Visiting the Unit Interval with a Set of Mobile Robots,” pp. 10:1-10:10, 2020
- Ameri, A., Mozumdar, M., Chwa, J., Madhika, P., and Wan, F., “Automatic Optimal Synthesis of Aircraft Electric Power Distribution System,” Int’l. J. Computing and Digital Syst., 9 (03), 2020.
- Hasan, H., Mozumdar, M., Al-Jufout, S., “Using 0.6 kV/1 kV Low Voltage in Distribution Systems for the Reduction of the Technical and Non-Technical Energy Losses,” 11th Int’l. Renewable Energy Cong., IREC 2020.
- Sami, M., Ibarra, M., Esparza, A., Al-Jufout, S., Aliasgari, M., and Mozumdar, M., “Intrusion Detection in Controller Area Network Bus of Vehicles using Deep Neural Networks,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020.
- Subbaramaiah, R., Al-Jufout, S., Ahmed, A., Mozumdar, M., “Design of Vibration-Sourced Piezoelectric Harvester for Battery-Powered Smart Road Sensor Systems,” IEEE Sensors J., 2020.
- Uddin, S., Imam, T., Mozumdar, M., “Research Interdisciplinarity: STEM versus Non-STEM,” Springer Scientometrics, pp. 1-16, 2020.
- Rahai, H.R., Bonifacio, J., Begum, A., and Gada, K., “On Shedding Frequency and Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Rotating Wire-wrapped Cylinder,” SAE Technical Paper 2020-0028.
- Rahai, H.R., Bonifacio, J., and Taherian, S., “System and Method for Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE),” Provisional patent application number 62/75,984, February 2020.
- Rahai, H.R., Sahni, R.S., and Gada, K., “Improved Airfoil,” Provisional patent application number 63093048, October 2020.
- Sahni, R.S., and Rahai, H.R., “Modified Airfoil for Horizontal-axis Wind Turbine and Aircraft,” Patent application USSN 16/811,984, March 2020.
- Rahai, H. and Bonifacio, J., “ Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) with Humid Air Systems,” MTI Project 1859 Final Report, February 2020
- Rezaei, A., Shen, Y., and Zhou, H., “Rescuing Logic Encryption in Post-SAT Era by Locking and Obfuscation,” Proc. 23rd Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conf. & Exhibition (DATE), pp. 13-18, France, 2020.
- Kong, S., Li, Y., Wang, J., Rezaei, A., and Zhou, H., “KNN-enhanced Deep Learning Against Noisy Labels,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.04224, 2020.
- Rajib, A., Saadeh, S., Katawal, P., Mobasher, B., Fini, E.H., "Enhancing Biomass Value Chain by Utilizing Biochar as A Free Radical Scavenger to Delay Ultraviolet Aging of Bituminous Composites Used in Outdoor Construction," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, November 2020.
- Saadeh, S., Al-Zubi, Y., Mahmoud, E., Renteria, D., and Mohammad, L., "Sensitivity Analysis of Semi-Circular Bending Test using Plackett–Burman Matrix," Transportation Research Record, vol. 2674, issue 2, pp. 302-312, 2020.
- Saadeh, S., Al-Zubi, Y., and Zaatarah, B., "Performance Testing of Hot Mix Asphalt Containing Biochar" Mineta Transportation Institute Publications, 2020.
- Makrani, H., Hassan, R., Sayadi, H., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Adversarial Machine Learning in Cloud,” 45th Gov’t. Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conf. (GOMACTech’20), March 2020.
- Manoj, S., Guo, X., Sayadi, H., Nowzari, C., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., Zhao, L., and Homayoun, H., “Cognitive and Scalable Technique for Securing IoT Networks Against Malware Epidemics,” IEEE Access J., 2020.
- Sayadi, H., Gao, Y., Makrani, H., Mohsenin, T., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., Lin, J., and Homayoun, H., “StealthMiner: Specialized Time Series Machine Learning for Run-Time Stealthy Malware Detection based on Microarchitectural Features,” Proc. Great Lakes Symp. on VLSI (GLSVLSI’20), 2020.
- Sayadi, H., Gao, Y., Makrani, H., Sasan, A., Lin, J., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Towards Run-Time Hardware-Assisted Stealthy Malware Detection,” 45th Gov’t. Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conf. (GOMACTech’20), March 2020.
- Sayadi, H., Wang, H., Miari, T., Makrani, H., Aliasgari, M., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Recent Advancements in Microarchitectural Security: Review of Machine Learning Countermeasures,” Proc. 63rd IEEE Int’l. Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS’20), 2020.
- Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Mohsenin, T., Zhao, L., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Mitigating Cache-Based Side Channel Attacks through Randomization: A Comprehensive System and Architecture Level Analysis,” Proc. IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conf. & Exhibition (DATE’20), Grenoble, France, 2020.
- Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Comprehensive Evaluation of Machine Learning Countermeasures for Detecting Microarchitectural Side-Channel Attacks,” Proc. Great Lakes Symp. on VLSI (GLSVLSI’20), 2020.
- Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “DREAL: Detecting Side-Channel Attacks at Real-time using Low-level Hardware Features,” 45th Gov’t. Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conf. (GOMACTech’20), March 2020.
- Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “HybriDG: Hybrid Dynamic Time Warping and Gaussian Distribution Model for Detecting Emerging Zero-day Microarchitectural Side-Channel Attacks,” Proc. 19th IEEE Int’l. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA’20), 2020.
- Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Hybrid-Shield: Accurate and Efficient Cross-Layer Countermeasure for Run-Time Detection and Mitigation of Cache-Based Side-Channel Attacks,” Proc. 39th IEEE/ACM Int’l. Conf. Computer Aided Design (ICCAD’20), 2020.
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Dr. Xiaolong Wu
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- Yang, Y., Yeh, H.-G., Zhang, W., Lee, C.J., Meese, E., and Lowe, C.G., “Feature Extraction, Selection and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Shark Behavior Classification Based on Imbalanced Dataset,” IEEE Sensors J., pp. 1-10, November 2020.
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- Liu, Y., Trajkovic, J., Yeh, H.-G., and Zhang, W., “Machine Learning for Predicting Stock Market Movement using News Headlines,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020.
- Ali, I.M., Lee C.J., Yeh, H.-G., Karan, S., Yang, Y., Zhang, W., Meese, E., and Lowe, C.G., “Improvement of Classification of Shark Behaviors using K-Nearest Neighbors,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy & Smart Syst. Conf. (IGESSC), November 2020.
- Yang, Y., Yeh, H.-G., Zhang, W., Lee, C.J., Meese, E., and Lowe, C.G., “Feature Extraction, Selection and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Shark Behavior Classification Based on Imbalanced Dataset,” IEEE Sensors J., 2020.