11/29/2024 | The schedule of Fall Faculty Release Time to be invoiced to the Foundations is due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |
11/29/2024 | CPaCE Fall reimbursement schedule of items to be invoiced to the Foundations is due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |
4/3/2025 | Requisitions needed for current year processing that require a formal bid are due to Purchasing. | PO | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
4/29/2025 | Departments must request closure of specific Purchase Orders. Purchasing will begin reviewing all open encumbrances with departments. | PO | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
5/16/2025 | The schedule of Spring Faculty Release Time to be invoiced to the Foundations is due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |
5/16/2025 | CPaCE Spring reimbursement schedule of amounts to be invoiced to the Foundations is due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |
5/30/2025 | Last day to submit approved requisitions for current year processing. | PO | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
5/30/2025 | Purchasing will accept on-line requisitions for next fiscal year. Purchase Orders will not be dispatched, however, until July 1. | PO | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
5/30/2025 | No additional encumbrances will be added to existing blanket PO's. | PO | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
6/10/2025 | Requests for IFTs (Interagency Financial Transactions) for reimbursements from the CO and/or other CSU campuses are due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |
6/13/2025 | All requests for miscellaneous invoicing to be processed for the current fiscal year are due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |
6/13/2025 | All claims for travel completed before this date are due to Accounts Payable. For any travel between June 13-30, claims are due in Accounts Payable upon completion of travel. | AP | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
6/13/2025 | Deadline to submit all current year journal entries with approvals and supporting documents to campus General Accounting. This includes all inter-unit journal entries between LBCMP, LBFDN, and LB49R. | GA | LBCMP |
6/20/2025 | Wire transfer requests for current year processing are due to Accounts Payable by 12:00 noon. | AP | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
6/20/2025 | Invoices for goods or services provided prior to this date are due to Accounts Payable. | AP | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
6/23/2025 | Last day to submit invoices to Accounts Payable to ensure processing in current fiscal year. | AP | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
6/27/2025 | Last Student refund file due to Accounts Payable by 12:00 Noon | AP | LBCMP, LBSTU |
6/27/2025 | Deadline to notify Receiving (by 4:30 PM) of the receipt of goods received directly by the department. | REC | LBCMP, LBFDN |
6/27/2025 | Postage Meter readings and account balances as of June 30 are due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP, LBFDN |
6/27/2025 | Final day to dispatch any open PO for current fiscal year | PO | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
6/30/2025 | Last day Accounts Payable will issue student refund checks before year end. | AP | LBCMP, LBSTU |
6/30/2025 | Accounts Payable department is closed for year-end processing. | AP | LBCMP, LBFDN, LB49R |
7/1/2025 | Inventory as of June 30 for Facilities Management, Copier Program, Computer Center, Print Shop, and Health Center are due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |
7/8/2025 | Deadline to submit all journal entries to clear deficit fund balances. | GA | LBFDN, LB49R |
7/8/2025 | All requests for invoicing to be processed for the current fiscal year from Research Foundation are due to General Accounting. | GA | LBFDN |
7/8/2025 | Final reserve entries are due to Budget from departments. | B | LBCMP |
7/10/2025 | Deadline to submit all current year journal entries for the Foundations to General Accounting. | GA | LBFDN, LB49R |
7/31/2025 | Balance Sheet reconciliations as of June 30 are due to General Accounting. | GA | LBCMP |