Faculty Dashboards
The Faculty Data section contains faculty Head Count, Full-Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) and Tenure Density Statistics of CSULB faculty at the College and Department, Sub-department level. The dashboards present faculty data and parameters by several dimensions such as Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Education Level.

FTEF, Head Count and Tenure Density for Tenured/Tenured Track and Lecturers at the University level.
Faculty Head Count and FTEF by demographic characteristics (race/ethnicity, gender and educational level) as well as employment characteristics (rank, status, class, funding and tenure).
FTEF, Head Count and Tenure Density for Tenured/Tenured Track and Lecturers at the college level.
FTEF, Head Count and Tenure Density for Tenured/Tenured Track and Lecturers at the department level.
College level FTEF and Head Count by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Education Level. Additionally, the data can be segmented by Employment Characteristics.
College level multi-year trends of FTEF and Head Count by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Education Level.
For help with the Beach Data reports, please contact the Institutional Research and Analytics office at IRA-Workgroup@csulb.edu or call 562.985.7800.
To see a list of data definitions, please see our Dashaboard Glossary.