Space Management
Campus Planning tracks, analyzes and manages physical spaces in support of the academic and administrative needs of the university. Our primary services are:
- Maintain Space and Facilities database which serves as the foundation of campus capital planning and space management; report changes to the Chancellor’s Office annually.
- Provide statistical reports of space and facilities in support of space planning and space management
- Consult with campus clients in the programming and preliminary planning for space layouts and remodels
Neither Campus Planning staff nor any staff within BBS are responsible for assignment of space, BBS does not determine:
- When or where instruction occurs
- What facilities are assigned to which college or department
- What individuals are assigned to which offices
Space Efficiency Mapping
To best support our educational mission, we engage in ongoing planning work to ensure that our facilities are being used efficiently and effectively. This planning work relies, in part, on gathering and assessing relevant data about how we use space on campus. These data sources include energy and lighting use, course schedules, building surveys, and the number of users connecting to Wi-Fi in different environments.