Rose’s* life was moving along as planned.
When Pedro Castro got hired in 2014 as a graduate student assistant working as former Dean Cyrus
Emergency room nurse Tassia Trink was standing outside Long Beach Memorial screening patients for
The 2020 Sunstone Innovation Challenge Sparks Entrepreneurial Spirit
Biologist Bette Korber, a Cal State Long Beach graduate, is among a team of scientists who have d
Nurse Practitioner Jamie Balderas geared up in her yellow protective gown, goggles and a face mas
Carrie P.*, an undergraduate student at Cal State Long Beach, received an emergency grant from th
Dean Shireen Pavri and the College of Education will lead the CSU’s new Center to Close the…
Rebecca Lemme needed to get off her couch.
When the spring semester resumed, Cal State Long Beach professors found themselves jumping into a
Adapting is what the professors and students in Cal State Long Beach's Adapted Physical Educ