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Foster, Hara ‘82 join CSULB 49er Foundation Board
The CSULB 49er Foundation Board has two new members, former Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster, who also…
Award-winning Beach TV News serves as diverse pipeline from CSULB to the industry
Beach TV News has won some of this year’s top collegiate journalism awards in the country, and…
2024 in Review: CSULB’s top stories of the year
These top stories bring to light the power of a Beach degree and highlight The Beach’s commitment…
CSULB expands mental health services for students, including groundbreaking training simulator
Mental health support at CSULB goes beyond traditional counseling with newer, innovative ways to…
First-time donors help CSULB raise nearly $174,000 on Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday inspired 81 people to donate to CSULB for the first time.
Q&A: President Conoley reflects on her journey, what she will miss most about The Beach
Over the past decade, Conoley has guided The Beach through historic challenges, groundbreaking…
What's it take to teach the art of wine? Ask CSULB's resident sommelier
We caught up with Ortiz to learn how she brings her passion for wine to the classroom and to gather…
Campus Update
The CSULB 49er Foundation Board has two new members, former Long Beach
Celebrated Reputation
Beach TV News has won some of this year’s top collegiate journalism awards in the country, and serves as a diverse pipeline for broadcast TV news nationally.
Campus Update
These top stories bring to light the power of a Beach degree and highlight The Beach’s commitment to continuing its 75-year legacy of excellence.
Campus Update
Mental health support at CSULB goes beyond traditional counseling with newer, innovative ways to reach students before they ever seek services, including a first-of-its-kind training simulator.
Campus Update
Giving Tuesday inspired 81 people to donate to CSULB for the first time.
Campus Update
Over the past decade, Conoley has guided The Beach through historic challenges, groundbreaking achievements and an era of extraordinary transformation.
Campus Update
President Jane Close Conoley, a passionate advocate for diversity, inclusion and access to education, has announced her retirement effective June 3
Boundless Opportunity
We caught up with Ortiz to learn how she brings her passion for wine to the classroom and to gather her wine recommendations for the holidays.
Celebrated Reputation
Here’s a look at 12 public artworks at CSULB, plus some fun facts that perhaps you didn’t know.
Boundless Opportunity
The Beach Pluralism Project, launched at the beginning of fall 2024 semester and based at the College of Liberal Arts, aims to promote respectful and constructive engagement with those who are different or hold varying viewpoints.
Celebrated Reputation
CSULB lecturer Barbara Kingsley-Wilson’s new book captures the university’s 75-year legacy and growth.
Trusted Outcomes
'I can’t think of Long Beach State without remembering the People. Some are still here and some have moved on, but all of them shaped who I am today.'